
tāo shēng
  • The sound of the waves;surf;rote
涛声 [tāo shēng]
  • (1) [rote]∶浪涛拍岸的声响

  • (2) [surf]∶听起来像拍岸浪声的某物,或被认为像拍岸浪声的某物

涛声[tāo shēng]
  1. 这就形成一种无奈局面,我们高举、大喊着自主学习的的口号,也在进行着自主学习的研讨,但在课堂上仍然是涛声依旧,这种现象不能不引起我们的思考。

    This form one helpless situation , we hold to shout independent study slogan high , in the discussion which is carrying on independent study too , but remain " the rote remains unchanged " in the classroom , this kind of phenomenon have to cause our thinking .

  2. 我们只能听到汹涌澎湃的涛声。

    All we could hear was the sound of roaring water .

  3. 中国现代文学主潮中的涛声&田涛20世纪三四十年代的小说创作

    A lingering sound in the main trend of modern Chinese Literature

  4. 夜夜气势宏博的涛声,让我知道

    The billow sound every night , Enlightens me how to be great ,

  5. 不远处,太平洋的涛声轰鸣。

    Not far off the Pacific boomed .

  6. 《保护与发展&长江宣言》让母亲河涛声依旧

    Protection and Development Declaration for Yangtze River

  7. 最可信的解释是:这种涛声似的的声音其实是听者周遭环境中的声响。

    The most likely explanation for the wave-like noise is ambient noise from around you .

  8. 在海边那儿的石墓穴里,在涛声回响的海边墓室里。

    In the sepulchre there by the sea ? In her tomb by the sounding sea .

  9. 但除了涛声以外,这里几乎没有任何声响,也没用任何人迹。

    But there was no sound other than the river , and no one in sight .

  10. 我们现在就是在坐落在伦敦格林尼治的国家海事博物馆。一进博物馆的大门,就能听到大海的涛声。

    Lily : No , no , we are here in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich .

  11. 我能听到水手们的叫声、风声和涛声。

    I could hear the sailors ' shouts and the sound of the wind and the waves .

  12. 众心结成一心,形成一致的冲动,众声融成一声,发出巨大的浪涛声。

    Blended into one great voice by the universal impulse which makes likewise one vast heart out of the many .

  13. 我坐在船头,倾听着悠扬的涛声,观看那喷薄而出的旭日。

    I sat there in the boat listening to the gentle lapping of the water and watched the sun rise .

  14. 浪花朵朵描绘出大自然精美的画卷,涛声阵阵颂唱着劳动人民的质朴。

    The breaking waves form a unique picture of nature 's beauty , singing the praises of the hardworking local people .

  15. 驻足停坐海滨岩石,聆听海浪拍岸涛声,各种自然体验令人回味无穷。

    Take a break to sit down on the rock to listen to the waves and enjoy the amazing gift of nature .

  16. 在沙滩上散散步,聆听涛声和鸟语,或者在森林里、公园里长时间地散步。

    Walk on the beach and listen to the waves and birds , or take a long walk through a forest or park .

  17. 没有友谊,生命之树就会在时间的涛声中枯萎,心灵之壤就会在季节的变奏里荒芜。

    Without friendship , the tree of life will die as time goes by , and the soil of heart will become a wilderness .

  18. 怦然心动的涛声曾无数次叩击人们的心房,点燃人生憧憬的理想,伴不甘寂寞的人远航。

    The relentless waves roar in the hearts of those adventurers who , in the pursuit of their dreams , rejecting loneliness , sailed faraway .

  19. 耳边涛声絮语,像是一个友善的巨怪小心地从高脚酒杯里汲水时发出的声音。

    I could hear small lapping sounds beside me , as if a kindly monster was taking discreet sips of water from a large goblet .

  20. 古代的诗人索弗克斯,在爱琴海上也曾聆听过这涛声的咏叹。由这混杂的潮汐,想到人世的苦难。

    Sophocles long ago , heard it on the Aegean , and it brought into his mind the turbid ebb and flow Of human misery ;

  21. 所以,生死在这里突破了生物本体局域的界限,名誉声望,财富地位对生死的吸引力虽风声渐弱,却涛声依旧。

    So , where life and death broke the boundaries of local bio-ontology , reputation prestige , wealth , life and death status of the appeal has been retired .

  22. 就请大家随我的图片和文字一起,去感受鏊园的别致,去聆听鼓浪屿的涛声,去走进我的厦门记忆。

    Now please follow my pictures and words , to feel the unique of Ao Park , to listen the sound of tidy in gulang island , to come into my memory of xiamen .

  23. 大海就在附近,但是没有不谐调的感觉:大海传来阵阵涛声,他听了以为是松林发出的涛声;松林发出的涛声和海涛完全一样,他以为听见的是海涛。

    The sea was near at hand , but not intrusive ; it murmured , and he thought it was the pines ; the pines murmured in precisely the same tones , and he thought they were the sea .

  24. 饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却深思不语,这也是沉默。

    Worries and sufferings , tastes of changes and vicissitudes of the world , footprints left in mountains and valleys and noises of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart are all but hidden unrevealed -- that is still silence .

  25. 现在天黑得多了,也十分寂静,只听见海滩上的涛声;沙斯塔可毫不注意涛声,因为就他能记事的岁月以来,他日日夜夜听到的就是涛声。

    It was a good deal darker now and very silent except for the sound of the waves on the beach , which Shasta hardly noticed because he had been hearing it day and night as long as he could remember .
