
lǎo mǎ
  • old horse
  1. 老马慢吞吞地向前走着。

    The old horse jogged along .

  2. 那匹老马一刻不停地缓步前进。

    The old horse jogged along without a moment 's stopping .

  3. 瑞贝卡颇得意于自己的容貌,生活感觉也不错。她爱她的丈夫一名农场主。但事实上,她更全心全意地爱着Penguin一匹她一年前从屠马场挽救出来的混血老马。

    Rebecca who was lucky in looks and in life , she loved her farmer husband but in truth not as wholeheartedly as she loved Penguin her cross bred nag rescued from the knackers yard a year previously .

  4. 我已经把一匹老马换成一匹小马。

    I have exchanged my old horse for a young one .

  5. 无疑这老马破车,负载又重是怎么也上不去的。

    The horse would never make it with the heavy load .

  6. 他告诉我不要使那老马快跑。

    He told me not to gallop that old horse .

  7. 老柴好烧,老马好骑。

    Old wood is best to burn , old horse to ride .

  8. 那只马蝇是唯一能让这匹老马活动的东西。

    That horsefly is the only thing keeping this old horse moving .

  9. 老马赶紧打哈哈:大家千金都是这样的。

    Chin rushed feeling : you old horse like this .

  10. 实际上,马自达睿翼走的还是老马六的路线。

    In fact , the Mazda Rui wing walking or nag6 line .

  11. 在一座小山旁边,住着一匹老马和一匹小马。

    Beside a hill lived a horse and a pony .

  12. 旧木易烧,老马易骑。

    Old wood is best to burn ; old horse to ride .

  13. 老马是一个严谨、认真的人。

    Eg : Laoma is a precise and careful man .

  14. 他又问老马是怎样找到翠平的。

    He then asked Old Ma How he found Cuiping .

  15. 三个男人和一匹老马是如何战斗的?

    How had Three man and a old horse fight ?

  16. 老马识途。(老马认识路。比喻有经验的人对事情比较熟悉。)

    The devil knows many things because he is old .

  17. 书瘠破损了的书;脊骨断了的老马。

    A broken-backed book ; a broken-backed old horse .

  18. 当俊俏女兵和老马向爷爷求助时,爷爷沉默无语,悄悄离去。趁没人注意,小船悄悄离岸而去。

    The little boat edged away quietly , while no one was looking .

  19. 购买老马并屠杀的人。

    Someone who buys up old horses for slaughter .

  20. 把陆青,王部长,老马灌的酩酊大醉。

    Put Lu qing , Wang minister , filling the old horse drunk .

  21. 让老马来给我们带路吧!”

    Let them lead the way for us ! "

  22. 幸运的是正巧有个农夫牵着他高大的老马从旁经过。

    Luckily a farmer happened by with his big old horse named Benny .

  23. 农夫骑着他的老马。

    The farmer is riding his old horse .

  24. 小驹犹可练,老马最难驯。

    A colt you may break , but an old horse you never can .

  25. 老马在路上徐行而行。

    The old horse plodded up the road .

  26. 他见到老马,就把自己的想法告诉了他。

    As soon as he saw Lao ma , he told him his opionions .

  27. 普莱斯队长:我知道你可以在这个频道听到我的话,老马。

    Captain Price : I know you can hear me on this channel Makarov .

  28. 即使是老马,他戴上领带,一样那样的正派,正正派派。

    Maradona even wore on a tie , and was very , very positive .

  29. 为他们一家挣面包的老马没有了,他们怎么办呢?

    The breadwinner had been taken away from them ; what would they do ?

  30. 老马最后累得倒在柔软的草地上。

    The old horse was so tired that he dropped down in the soft grass .