
  1. 一个月前刚从背后这座城市回来,那是一片废墟。一座死城。王家岩近半座山垮塌,将老城五条街道埋掉,数百幢房屋被推出两三百米挤压成碎片;

    Wang Yan nearly half of the mountain collapsed and buried the old town five streets , hundreds of buildings were put on the squeeze two or three meters to pieces ;

  2. 卡钦斯基的遗体周日下午晚些时候运抵华沙,灵车从机场经由华沙市中心和华沙老城的狭窄街道来到总统府,这里不仅是卡钦斯基的官邸,也是他的私人寓所。

    Mr. Kaczynski 's body arrived in Warsaw later in the afternoon and was driven in a cortege from the airport through the capital 's city center and the narrow streets of its Old Town before arriving at the presidential palace , which served not only as Mr. Kaczynski 's official residence , but also as his private home .