
wú xìn hào
  • no signal;null;zero signal
无信号[wú xìn hào]
  1. 在MRI上22个无信号骨化节段均为成熟型骨化节段;

    22 no signal ossifications on MRI were confirmed as mature type ;

  2. 在推导的猫IL-18氨基酸序列中,无信号肽序列和潜在的N-联糖基化位点,但存在4个Cys残基。

    There were no signal peptide and N-glycosylation sites , while had 4 conservative Cys amino acid in the deduced amino acid sequence .

  3. 无信号扰动误差的MIMO盲信道估计算法

    A Signal Perturbation Free Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO Systems

  4. 编码鸡CD8α链无信号肽基因片段的克隆与表达

    Cloning and expression of the gene fragment encoding chicken CD8 α chain without signal peptide

  5. 结果表明,0.1μg男性DNA可显示清晰的信号,而5μg女性DNA则无信号出现;

    The hybridization signal for 0.1 μ g of male DNA could be detected clearly , while the signal for even 5 μ g of female DNA could not .

  6. 无信号交叉口当量车(PCE)的延误计算法

    Delay Calculating Methods of Passenger Car Equivalents at Unsignalized Intersections

  7. 同步对象可以有两种状态:有信号(signaled)状态和无信号(non-signaled)状态。

    The synchronization objects take either a signaled and non-signaled state .

  8. 在Windows中,ResetEvent()用来将事件对象的状态重新设置为无信号状态。

    In Windows , ResetEvent () is used to reset the state of the event object to a non-signaled state .

  9. 根据蛋白N端有无信号肽和跨膜结构域,植物中的Formins蛋白被典型地分为I、II二类。

    Because of signal peptide and a trans-membrane domain of N-terminal , Plant Formins can be divided into two subfamilies : type I and type II .

  10. 在无信号T型交叉口主路车流车头时距服从改进后的M3分布的条件下,建立了支路3种车型混合车流的通行能力模型。

    When the flow of the major lane of unsignalized T-intersection follows improved M3 distribution , the traffic capacity model of mixed flow at minor lane was developed .

  11. 你也可以加入地点资讯,但这要求手机开通了GPS或网路连接,因此你在地铁里或无信号区时无法获得这种资讯。

    You can add the location as well , although it requires the phone to have a working GPS or network connection , so you can 't get the information while on a subway or in a dead zone .

  12. 本文通过对不同地区无信号交叉口大量的交通观测,应用Ashworth方法计算得出我国各地区的临界间隙与随车时距值。

    This paper applied the Ashworth method determined the critical gap and follow up time for different regions by a great deal traffic investigation .

  13. 基于二维OV模型对无信号交叉口机非混合交通流的稳定性进行了分析。

    Based on the two dimensional OV model , the stability of mixed flow composed of motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles on the unsignalized intersection is investigated .

  14. 提出了无信号交叉口在主路具有2股车流且其车头时距均服从M3分布时次要车流的平均延误模型。

    It is presented the development of a model for predicting average minor stream delay at an unsignalized intersection which major road has two lanes , each of which has stream whose headway distributions are Cowan 's M3 distributions .

  15. FJ-367型通用闪烁检测器无信号输出故障修理

    Repair No Output Signal on Universal Scintillation Detector FJ-367

  16. QDTMWD在使用中由于脉冲发生器充油不好掌握,常出现井下无信号现象。

    Because the oil filling operation of the QDT MWD pulser is difficult to grasp , the logging signals often disappear when QDT MWD is used .

  17. bManualReset是一个标记,如果该值为TRUE,就会创建一个手工重置的事件,应该显式地调用ResetEvent(),将事件对象的状态设置为无信号状态。

    BManualReset is a flag and if it is TRUE , a manual-reset event is created and ResetEvent () should be called explicitly to set the state to non-signaled .

  18. 方法:采用分子克隆方法构建带有TAT蛋白转导区序列及无信号肽序列人BDNF基因的原核表达载体pTAT-HA-BDNF。

    Methods : With molecular cloning technique , The recombinant vector termed pTAT-HA-BDNF was constructed , which could encode both TAT protein transduction domain and human brain-derived neurotrophic factor without signal peptide .

  19. 低位梗阻MRC显示的近端形态具有特征性,良性者呈腔内圆形、柱状无信号区或移行性狭窄;恶性者表现为双管截断征和不规则狭窄;

    In low level biliary obstruction , the morphology proximal to the obstruction was characteristic with intraluminal round or pillar type signal void or gradual stenosis in benign obstruction , and amputation sign of double ducts and irregular stenosis in malignant obstruction .

  20. 文中用广义Lambda分布描述帧检测器在无信号时的统计特性,并根据Neyman-Pearson准则给出一定虚警概率下的判决阈值,最后通过计算机仿真得到帧检测性能。

    Parametric generalized lambda distribution is utilized to fit the statistical characteristic of detector when only noise exists , which is then used by Neyman-Pearson rule to determine decision threshold at given false alarm probability . Finally , computer simulations achieve detection performance of the obtained frame detector .

  21. 克隆的开放阅读框长度分别为1665bp和1020bp,分别编码554和339个氨基酸残基,均含有一个N-末端染色质域和一个MRG结构域,无信号肽序列。

    The cDNA length of them are 2356 bp and 1113 bp , respectively , with an ORF of 1665 bp and 1020 bp coding 554 and 339 residues , which contain a N-ter CD and an MRG domain , no signal peptide .

  22. 公交停靠站对无信号交叉口通行能力影响分析

    Study on the bus-stops ' impact on capacity of unsignal-controlled intersections

  23. 城市干道无信号控制人行横道行人过街特性分析

    Characteristic analysis of pedestrian crossing unsignalized crosswalks at urban arteries

  24. 无信号源的自激式激磁电源的设计

    The Design of the Self - oscillation Excitatory Power without Signal Source

  25. 无信号控制道路出入口限速值设置研究

    Research on Speed Limit Setting at No-Signal Controlled Road Access

  26. 中国典型地区无信号交叉口临界间隙调查

    Critical Gap Investigation at Unsignalized Intersections in China Typical Region

  27. 无信号控制路段行人过街管理策略研究

    Study of manage strategy for pedestrian crossing at unsignalized zebra

  28. 基于骑车者行为的无信号交叉口自行车线路规划模型

    Behavioral-analysis-based cyclists ' path-planning model in mixed traffic unsignalized intersections

  29. 本文介绍了自行编制的无信号交叉口的计算机仿真模型。

    This paper describes simulation models for unsignalized intersections .

  30. 无信号交叉口临界间隙的理论计算模型

    A mathematical model for critical gap of unsignalized intersections