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  1. 本文在假定地球介质为粘弹性的基础上,测定和分析了东经103°以东的甘肃地区和宁夏西海固地区的介质品质因子Q值,由(?)和(?)

    This paper determines and analyses crust medium quality factor , Q value , in the eastern Gansu area and Xiji-Haiyuan-Guyuan area of Ningxia , assuming that crust medium is visco-elastie .

  2. 西海固地区农业科技进步的难点分析

    An Analysis of Difficulties in Agricultural Sci-Tech Advances in Ningxia Xi-Hai-Gu Areas

  3. 西海固地区走草地农业道路的可能性

    On the Possibility of Taking the Road of Grassland Farming in Xiji-Haiyuan-Guyuan Region

  4. 西海固地区人口问题与可持续发展

    The Population Problems and Sustainable Development in Xiji-Haiyuan-Guyuan Area

  5. 最后一击最后的西海固掷标枪最后用力技术教学方法研究

    Research on the Teaching Methods of Techniques of Throwing Javelins at the Last Exertion

  6. 生态环境保护中的博弈行为分析与优化措施&以宁夏西海固地区为例

    Analysis of Game Behaviors and Countermeasures in Process of Eco-Environment Protection & A Case Study of Xiji-Haiyuan-Guyuan Region in Ningxia

  7. 研究发现,地理区位和农户特征决定了农户贫困规模和程度的差异性,这种差异性是确定西海固农村扶贫开发对象和重点的参考依据。

    It describes the poverty distribution characteristics which are useful for identifying targets and focus of anti-poverty in rural areas .

  8. 西海固地区初中校长生活艰苦,且有吃苦精神,敬业精神和奉献精神。

    The headmasters in Xi Hai Gu district live a hard life , they have high spirits , they bear hardship , love their occupation and dedicate themselves to their work .

  9. 介绍了甘肃省东部及其相邻的西海固地区1984~1996年间6口深井的水位观测结果及其调和分析结果。

    The observational Results of well water level in eastern Gansu province and its Adjacent zone during 1984 ~ 1996 are recommended , and the harmonic analysis results of 6 well level are given .

  10. 本章节介绍了西海固生态移民的背景,生态移民环境保护政策及生态移民环境保护的相关法律。第三,西海固生态移民环境保护政策及相关法律调查。

    This chapter introduces the background of ecological immigration laws , ecological migration policy on environmental protection and ecological resettlement environmental protection . Third , the ecological migration policy on environmental protection and related legal investigation .

  11. 这标志着西海固九个月县级地区的贫困状况全部结束,西海固是多山地区,上世纪70年代,由于土地开垦、干旱和脆弱的环境,该地区被联合国列为最不适合人类定居的地方。

    This marks the end of poverty in all nine county-level regions in Xihaigu , a mountainous region which labeled by the U.N. in the 1970s as the most unfit place for human settlement land reclamation , drought and a fragile environment .

  12. 分析了贫困的基本概念和贫困形成的有关理论,从可持续发展理论出发,提出了贫困形成的新理论,并分析了我国及宁夏西海固地区的反贫困问题。

    To analyse the basic concept and the theory of formation of poverty and proceed from the theory of sustainable development , a new theory of poverty formation are put forward , as well as the antipoverty problems in the whole country , especially in Xi-Hai-Gu area of Ningxia .