
  • 网络Western Province;OUEST;Western Region
  1. 在实证分析部分,鉴于单一评价方法的不可靠性,本文采用了单一评价方法的改进方法&组合评价法对西部省域的综合发展竞争力进行评价。

    In the empirical analysis section , this paper use a combined evaluation which is improved from the single method of evaluation to evaluate the overall competitiveness of the western province because of the single method of evaluation is not credible enough .

  2. 最后对西部地区的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战展开详细分析,结合其地区专业化情况,将西部省区分为四大类型,有针对性地提出发展建议。

    Finally , after a detailed analysis of the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of the western region and integration with the situation of its regional specialization , the western provinces were divided into four types and development proposals were put forward .

  3. 该病例是西部省萨尔瓦多坦塔区的一名21岁女子。

    The case is a21 year old female from the El Tanta District of Gharbia Governorate .

  4. 当然我们有兴趣想知道,这大部分的羊群是否散布在中国西部省分;

    It would be interesting to know whether most of these sheep reside in the Western provinces .

  5. 所有三例均属于距首都开罗西北80公里的西部省一个大家庭。

    All three cases belong to one extended family in Gharbiyah province , 80 kilometres northwest of the capital city , Cairo .

  6. 其父亲在尼罗河三角洲西部省经营一个家禽养殖场的17岁男童于3月18日出现症状并于同一天住院。

    A17-year-old boy , whose father runs a poultry farm in the Gharbiya governorate in the Nile Delta , developed symptoms on18 March and was hospitalized the following day .

  7. 在扶贫开发中,中国采取东部较发达省市对口支持西部省、自治区发展的方式,加快西部贫困地区脱贫步伐。

    In order to speed up the pace of eliminating poverty in the western region , China has adopted the idea of getting the more-developed provinces and municipalities in the east to support the development of their Western counterparts .

  8. 第7例发生于西部Tarter省的1名21岁妇女。

    The seventh case occurred in a21-year-old woman from the western rayon of Tarter .

  9. Ros是生活在柬埔寨西部拜林省前红色高棉据点的偏远村庄SuoSdei的一名农民,是没有受过多少教育的穷人。

    Living in the remote village of Suo Sdei in the former Khmer Rouge stronghold of Pailin province in western Cambodia , Ros – a farmer himself – is a poor man with little education .

  10. 奥地利最西部Vorarlberg省许多阿尔卑斯山脉的小村庄和山谷,鲜少能吸引即便是国人的眼球。

    THE alpine hamlets and valleys of Vorarlberg , Austria 's westernmost province , rarely attract much attention , even at home .

  11. 阿富汗喀布尔——作为一个小姑娘,扎赫拉(Zahra)向往着一个不断学习的人生,生活在阿富汗西部古尔省的这个偏远小镇上,她会抓住每一个机会去学习。

    KABUL , Afghanistan - As a young girl , Zahra became consumed with the idea of a life of learning , seizing on every new opportunity that trickled to her isolated town in the western Afghan province of Ghor .

  12. 四川省在西部九省一市中处于举足轻重的地位,四川经济的发展状况和速度将直接影响整个西部地区的经济发展。

    Its economic development has direct impact on the whole west .

  13. 中国西部12省(区市)的生态足迹

    The Ecological Footprints of the 12 Provinces of West China in 1999

  14. 西部12省谋划道路运输一体化

    12 western provinces planned the road transport integration

  15. 蒙古西部科布多省的一名男子死于鼠疫。

    A man has died of bubonic plague in Khovd province in western Mongolia .

  16. 在全美,在南部和西部州省增长的最多。

    Across the country , the largest increases were in southern and western states .

  17. 这是一个来自中国西部陕西省的外来工说的。

    It was made by a migrant worker from west China 's Shanxi province .

  18. 西部十二省市区2002年距离2020年全面小康的差距&社会发展主要指标的比较

    The gap between 2020 all - round well - off society standard and 2002 situation

  19. 云南省作为西部大省,拥有众多在建或者拟建的工程项目。

    As the western province of Yunnan , with many under construction or proposed projects .

  20. 西部十二省矿业投资环境指标体系的构建

    The construction of mineral industry 's investment environment index system of 12 provinces in western China

  21. 工厂所在的中国西部四川省隆昌县。

    It lies in Longchang County , Sichuan Province , where the VIP was born in .

  22. 中国西部青海省农村妇女生殖健康需求的研究

    A survey on reproductive health needs among rural women in Qinghai province of the western China

  23. 中国西部五省3岁以下儿童贫血患病状况调查

    Analysis on the prevalence of anemia among children under 3-year-old in 5 provinces in Western China

  24. 中国西部5省40个贫困县村卫生室综合评价

    A synthetic evaluation on the village clinics of 40 poverty counties of 5 provinces in western China

  25. 公司的主要生产设备位于中国西部四川省省会成都市附近。

    The company 's main production facilities are located near Chengdu in the western province of Sichuan .

  26. 在西部勃固省的外交官和记者将只有能观察到卑谬投票。

    In western Pegu Division the diplomats and correspondents will be able to observe voting only in Prome .

  27. 早在1997年10月,位于中国西部四川省的峨眉山旅游股份有限公司就已经成功上市。

    Mount E'mei Tourism Development Co. , based in western China 's Sichuan province , went public in October 1997 .

  28. 西部赫拉特省的安全官员对路透社表示,首府赫拉特城外发生了激烈的战斗。

    In western Herat province , security officials told Reuters that heavy fighting had taken place outside the capital city , Herat .

  29. 城镇居民基本医疗保险的比较制度分析&基于东、中、西部3省9市试点方案的比较

    Comparative Institutional Analysis of Urban Residents Medical Insurance & Based on 9 Experimental Schemes of 3 Provinces in the East , Middle and West of China

  30. 当前国有企业新型化的评价研究&西部12省市区国有工业企业实证分析

    Evaluation of the " New-Type Orientation " of the State-owned Enterprise & An Empirical Research of the State-owned Industry Enterprises in the 12 Provinces of Western China