
  • 网络A Hero And A Boy
  1. 鉴于哪怕他在拿下MVP年所引起的各种争议(场均三双,经常在电视直播上上演单骑救主的场面),很难想象他再次拿到了MVP。

    Given how divisive Westbrook was even in the year he won ( averaging a triple-double , and regularly breathing fire live on NBA TV and beating teams by himself ) , it 's hard to imagine he wins again .

  2. 第三章讨论动画短片《赵子龙单骑救主》的创作。本章共分两节,包括动画短片的构思缘由和具体创作。赵子龙单骑救主是人们耳熟能详的《三国演义》经典故事。

    Divided into two sections , including the animated short film idea of reason and the creation of specific . " Zhao Zilong Safeguarding his Little Master " is that people familiar with the classic romance of the three kingdoms story .