
  1. 他在孩子们的儿童房墙壁上画上了画。

    He has painted murals in his children 's nursery .

  2. 摄像机拍下的镜头显示保存完好的墓穴的墙壁上画着惟妙惟肖的人像。

    The remote-controlled camera revealed brightly painted murals of human figures in a largely intact chamber .

  3. 有一年梁武帝要当时著名的画家张僧繇为金陵(现在在江苏省南京市)的安东寺作画,在寺庙的墙壁上画四条龙。

    One year the emperor Liang Wudi wanted the famous painter Zhang Sengyao to do a wall painting of four dragons for a Temple .

  4. 他屋子里的墙壁上画满了龙,屋梁上、柱子上、门上和窗户上也都雕刻着龙。

    The walls of his house had dragons painted on them , while the beams , pillars , doors , and windows were all carved with the creatures .

  5. 胶画法用胶画颜料涂的过程,将颜料和水以及胶粘颜料或酪蛋白粒结剂混合,用以装饰墙壁或画风景画或招帖画。

    A process of painting in which pigments are mixed with water and a glue-size or casein binder , used for flat wall decoration or scenic and poster painting .

  6. 有一次,著名艺术家张僧繇在金陵安乐寺墙壁上画了四条龙,故意没有把眼睛画上。

    Once a famous artist Zhang Seng You drew four dragons on the walls of An Le Temple , Jin Ling , but he left the pupils of the dragons unfinished .

  7. 我相信游戏娱乐软件是最具有激动人心的发展潜力的,具有创造力的艺术。这种艺术自从人类第一次在山洞的墙壁上画野牛就开始的,并且开始向人们讲述着故事。

    I believe that games entertainment software are potentially the most exciting development in the creative arts since man first drew a bison on the wall of a cave and started to tell a story .

  8. 这座车库内部的停车位比一般停车位宽80厘米左右,车库墙壁上画着中国12生肖,这样女司机就能借助生肖图案记住停车位,而不必去记停车位的编号。

    Spaces inside were designed to be about 80 centimeters bigger than regular parking spaces , with its walls painted with 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac so that female drivers could remember a pattern instead of a parking space number .

  9. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。

    crooked smile The picture on the wall is crooked .

  10. 有一天,他看到一座古庙里的墙壁上,画着天地神灵和古代圣贤的故事。

    One day , he saw in an old temple some murals depicting Heaven and Earth and the gods and sages of ancient times .

  11. 绘画始于史前时期洞穴墙壁上的蹙画。

    Painting originated in prehistoric times with murals drawn on cave walls .

  12. 墙壁上美轮美奂的画让您仿佛置身于丛林,心旷神怡。

    Imagine you 're surrounded by the beautiful forest in the painting on the wall .

  13. 是谁擦去面颊上的花生酱,墙壁上的蜡笔画,系上松开的鞋带,以防孩子摔个大马趴?

    Who wipes peanut butter off a cheek and crayon off the wall and knots an untied shoelace to avoid a likely fall ?

  14. 当你搬进一间新房子的时候,你会立即在墙壁上挂上画、在花瓶中插好花。

    Most likely if you move into a new house or apartment , pictures will be on the walls and flowers in vases on the tables very soon .