
qiáng qún
  • dado;wainscot;breast
墙裙 [qiáng qún]
  • (1) [wainscot]∶装饰成与墙的其余部分不同的内墙下部(如装饰有木护墙板、瓷砖或大理石板)

  • (2) [dado]∶内墙下部用线脚装饰或用其他特殊装饰或面层的部分;亦指这部分的面层或其他装饰

墙裙[qiáng qún]
  1. 路由既快速又简单,即使对那些墙裙直有点小沟槽。

    Routing is fast and easy , even for small dado grooves with a straight bit .

  2. 人民大会堂在墙面更新中,6000m2的磨光花岗岩墙裙和汉白玉墙面采用环氧树脂胶粘结工艺。

    In the renovation of wall finish of the Great Hall of People 's Congress , epoxy adhesive technique was adopted in totally 6 000 m2 works of polished granite dado and white marble wall finish .

  3. 房子的门厅装有镶板墙裙,楼梯是用高级栎木建造的。

    The house had a panelled hall and a fine oak stair .

  4. 记者在一楼的房间内看到,墙裙被剥开,白蚁蛀空部分墙体。

    In the press room on the first floor that was when you look Qiangqun , termites gnawing part of wall .

  5. 在实验室内,通过对碳晶电热板地面铺设和墙裙铺设采暖方式进行的实验测试,得出了其达到稳定状态所需时间和稳定状态时的温度场。

    In the experiment , by the test which carbon crystal panels are lain on the floor and on the wall , the temperature field of steady state and the time of reaching steady state are obtained .