
  • 网络Wear liner;wearing plate
  1. 实践证明,液态模锻工艺生产的耐磨衬板尺寸精度高,零件表面粗糙度值低,使用效果优良。

    The application shows that the wearing plate manufactured by liquid forging process features high dimensional precision and low surface roughness , and performs well .

  2. 指出用后三种材料制成的耐磨衬板中,在耐磨性能、抗冲击性能和经济效益等方面,NMC型耐磨陶瓷衬板均优于其他的耐磨衬板,其应用前景十分广阔。

    It is pointed out that among wearable liners made of back three material , the NMC type wearable ceramics liner is better than the other wearable liners in respect of wearable performance , impacting resistance and economical profit , whose application prospect is very extensive .

  3. 超高分子量聚乙烯耐磨衬板使用及安装

    Use and installation of super-high molecular weight polythene abrasion resistant lining board

  4. 铁磁物料用耐磨衬板的研究

    Using . melanogaster , C. Study on Magnetic Liner

  5. 耐磨衬板的分析比较与选用

    Analysis , Comparison and Selection of Wearable Liner

  6. 大型球磨机用耐磨衬板的研制

    Development of wear-resisting liner used in giant ball-mill

  7. 带式输送机落煤斗耐磨衬板的改进

    Improvements for the wear-resisting lining board of feed coal funnel in belt mode conveyer

  8. 水泥磨机耐磨衬板的选用

    Selection of wear-resistant liners of cement mill

  9. 指出主要可行性措施为,破碎作业集中显示和管理,减小球磨机给料粒度,优化磨矿介质制度,采用磁性耐磨衬板,提高分级效率,磨矿分级作业推行自动控制,尾矿综合利用。

    Using magnetic liners ; raising classification efficiency ; practicing automatic control for grinding circuits and comprehensive utilization of tailings .

  10. 耐磨衬板广泛应用于矿山、机械、煤炭、电力等行业,是重要的耐磨件。

    Wear-resisting lining boards are widely used in mines , machinery , coal , electricity , etc. It is an important wear-resistant parts .

  11. 溜槽耐磨衬板的种类及溜槽角速度对料流质心落点半径具有一定的影响;

    Several conclusions are drawn as follows : the chute angle is the most important factor affecting the radius of drop point of flow ;

  12. 采用新材料新技术制作耐磨衬板的风机,使用寿命比原来提高1~2倍。

    As the wearable welts are made of new materials and new technology is adopted , the fan has prolonged its service life by one or two times .

  13. 对矿用新型立轴冲击破碎机在极限条件下处于高速冲刷磨损时耐磨衬板的耐磨损问题进行了探讨。

    The paper deals with the subject of wear-resistant of sheathing board using on new-type mining vertical-shaft crusher which is used at the critical conditions of high speed scouring abrasion .

  14. 通过合理设计成分及热处理工艺,得到显微组织为下贝氏体及马氏体,强韧性配合较优良的低合金耐磨衬板,以期取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Through components and heat treatment process reasonable design , obtain microstructure of lower bainite and martensite , intensity and tenacity cooperate well . It is a low-alloy wear-resisting lining board .

  15. 介绍超高分子量聚乙烯耐磨衬板的尺寸,砌缝的形式,成型工艺,紧固件的选用及其使用与安装。

    This paper introduces the size , seam form , moulding technology , the clamp part 's selection , use and installation of super_high molecular weight polythene abrasion resistant lining board .

  16. 通过改进叶片耐磨衬板的设计制作方案,并从焊条的工艺性能、堆焊金属的化学成分、堆焊金属的硬度及金相方面进行了试验研究,优化了堆焊材料。

    Materials for repair welding have been optimized by improving the design and manufacture plan for the lamina 's wearable welts and by studying performance of welding rods , chemical composition , hardness and fine texture of metals for repair welding .

  17. 耐磨橡胶衬板物理性能测试分析

    Testing and Analysis of Physical Properties of Wear-Resisting Rubber Lining

  18. 耐磨陶瓷衬板的钎焊工艺及机理研究夹板衬圈,涨圈簧

    Technical and Mechanism Study on Brazing of Wear-Resistant Ceramic Lining plate-enlargement ring

  19. 高耐磨陶瓷衬板在高炉料车上的应用

    The application of wear-proof ceramic liner in the skip car of blast furnace

  20. 耐磨陶瓷衬板在圆筒混合机中的应用

    Application of wear-resisting ceramic liner in drum mixer

  21. 平&立可换轧机的研制钢管热连轧机架耐磨复合衬板的研制

    Research and Production of Clad Steel Liner for Tube Hot Continuous Rolling Mill Stand

  22. 磨机用耐磨橡胶衬板

    Wear & resisting Rubber Lining Used in Grinder

  23. 耐磨橡胶衬板的研制

    Development of Wear Resistant Rubber Lining

  24. 以天然橡胶及顺丁橡胶为主要原料生产的耐磨橡胶衬板,广泛应用于陶瓷磨浆机和褐铁矿磨机等方面。

    Wear-resisting rubber lining made from natural rubber and maleic rubber are widely used for ceramic-grinder and ironstonegrinder .

  25. 综述了耐磨橡胶衬板的开发与应用。

    An report about the development and application of wear & resisting rubber lining is presentde in this paper .

  26. 高耐磨陶瓷衬板的应用,成功地解决了料车磨损问题。旋转式磨料磨损试验机

    The application of wear-proof ceramic liner in the system , solves this difficult problem successfully . rotary abrasive tester

  27. 本文着重队对耐磨橡胶衬板这一新型材料的物理性能测试结果分析入手,对该材料作出评定。

    Wear-resisting rubber lining . a new kind of material , has been evaluated from analysing its testing results of physical properties .

  28. 耐磨复合衬板工作层材料的最优热处理工艺为900~920℃淬火+350~370℃回火。

    The optimum heat treatment technology of working layer material is quenching at 900 ~ 920 ℃ and tempering at 350 ~ 370 ℃ .

  29. 研究了热处理工艺对钢管连轧机架耐磨复合衬板工作层材料力学性能的影响。

    The effects of heat treatment technology on the properties of working layer material of hot continuous steel pipe rolling mill wear resistant compound liner are researched .

  30. 为了满足火电厂磨机的安全运行,开发了一种高强度、高韧性低合金耐磨铸钢衬板。

    In order to satisfy the service of heat-engine plant mill , a kind of abrasion resistant cast steel liner that has high strength and toughness was developed .