- 网络Ner'zhul;Lich King;Warcraft-the roleplaying game manual of monsters

The Orcish Fortress of Shadowmoon and Ner'Zhul 's Mystic Sanctum are destroyed .
Ner'zhul 's spirit was magically shackled to a suit of ancient armor and bound to the mighty runeblade Frostmourne .
The demon lord Kil'jaeden punished Ner'zhul for his defiance , destroying his aging body and torturing his spirit .
When Ner'zhul the Lich King took control of Northrend , he used his powerful magics to raise the ancient Dragon skeletons from the dead .
They consider him no better than their forefathers who nearly damned their entire race by accepting great power in exchange for a terrible sacrifice .
Ner'zhul , his former identity all but shattered upon being transformed into the Lich King , has no special interest in the orc race anymore either .
Though the nerubians were immune to his plague , Ner'zhul 's growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors'corpses and bend them to his will .
With little other choice , Ner'zhul pledged to obey Kil'jaeden and was reborn as a terrifying and vastly powerful agent of the Legion – the Lich King .
To ensure Ner'zhul 's obedience , Kil'jaeden sealed the armor and blade within a specially crafted block of ice collected from the far reaches of the Twisting Nether .