
  1. 梁启超(1873&1929年)字卓如,号任公,是中国近代新史学的奠基人。

    Liang Qichao ( 1873-1929 ) is a. founder of new history , in modern China .

  2. 他变成了梁任公的带煽动性的文章的爱读者。

    He became a devoted reader of the agitational articles by Liang Chi-chao , who demanded constitutional reforms .

  3. 任公先生注重趣味,学问甚是渊博,而并不存有任何外在的东西,只是“无所为而为”,故能有他那样的成就。

    Liang Qichao , who was learned , paid more attention to the interest , without any external motivations , or in other words , did it just out of interest , which brought his great achievement .

  4. 关絅之任公共公廨会审官前后十余年,与驻沪领事团和公共租界工部局斡旋,为挽回国家主权而不懈努力。

    As the senior magistrate more than ten years , Guan Jiongzhi strove with Shanghai consular body and the Municipal Council , and carried on untiring efforts in order to retrieve sovereignty of China .