
rèn mìng
  • commission;designate;appoint;nominate;name
任命 [rèn mìng]
  • [appoint] 委任,下文任用

  • 总统任命邮政官员

任命[rèn mìng]
  1. 他接受任命成为一名海军军官。

    He accepted a commission as a naval officer .

  2. 他五十岁时被任命为将军。

    He is commission a general at the age of50 .

  3. 他目前操心的是新经理的任命。

    His current preoccupation is the appointment of the new manager .

  4. 已任命一位新经理来管理这项工程。

    A new manager has been appointed to direct the project .

  5. 他们反对任命她为副主任。

    They opposed her nomination to the post of Deputy Director .

  6. 对她获任命为主管一事,人们的反应褒贬不一。

    There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director .

  7. 为任命新司库而召开了一次会议。

    A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer .

  8. 他们任命他为英格兰队队长。

    They appointed him captain of the English team .

  9. 这次任命旨在加强她在政策讨论中的作用。

    This appointment was an attempt to strengthen her hand in policy discussions .

  10. 我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。

    I had no hesitation in naming him captain .

  11. 我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。

    They have appointed a new head teacher at my son 's school .

  12. 他去年接受任命为神父。

    He was ordained a priest last year .

  13. 任命女性担任这个职位是对男权统治的严重打击。

    The appointment of a woman was one in the eye for male domination .

  14. 他刚被任命为空军少尉。

    He has just been commissioned pilot officer .

  15. 我希望他任命以后事情会好办一些。

    I hope his appointment will simplify matters .

  16. 审理过后,他被重新任命为财务主管。

    After the trial he was reappointed treasurer .

  17. 我被任命为委员会委员。

    I have been nominated to the committee .

  18. 她于1992年被任命为军官。

    She was commissioned in 1992 .

  19. 俱乐部也对D.布朗被任命为主席表示祝贺。

    The club also offers its congratulations to D. Brown on his appointment as president .

  20. 你任命为主管的那个家伙是个十足的蠢材。

    The guy you put in charge is a complete pillock .

  21. 他自行任命了牧师,还扬言要任命主教。

    He ordained his own priests , and threatened to ordain bishops

  22. 德雷克那一帮人对我的任命很不满。

    Drake and his cohorts were not pleased with my appointment .

  23. 她被任命为美国驻联合国代表。

    She was appointed a US delegate to the United Nations .

  24. 他被任命担任南安普敦大学的社会学教授一职。

    He has been appointed to the chair of sociology at Southampton University

  25. 她刚刚被任命为昆士兰剧团的艺术总监。

    She has just been appointed artistic director of Queensland Theatre Company .

  26. 苏格兰长老会多年前就已开始任命女性担任圣职。

    Women have been ordained for many years in the Church of Scotland

  27. 总统任命前通常要进行背景审查的准备工作。

    A background check is normally a preliminary to a presidential appointment .

  28. 他早在1941年就被任命为非洲军团的指挥官。

    Early in 1941 he was named commander of the Afrika Korps .

  29. 他被任命为空军少尉。

    He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Air Force

  30. 他被任命为内阁成员会让右翼党派很高兴。

    His appointment to the Cabinet would please the right-wing .