
  • 网络Mission specialist
  1. 他在1994年被太空总署选上后,一年之内就成为合格的任务专家。

    After being selected by NASA in1994 , he qualified as a mission specialist within one year .

  2. 同时,由于这些重复建设完成类似任务专家一天,他们的力量变得突出。

    Also , as a result of these construction specialists repetitively perform a similar tasks a day , their potency becomes outstanding .

  3. 液压给人的感觉,航天飞机的发射和飞行情况软件提供指挥官,宇航员和两名执行任务专家予以惊人准确性的发射练习。

    The hydraulics give the sensation of a launching shuttle and flight scenario software provides the commander , pilot and two mission specialists with an astonishingly accurate liftoff practice session .

  4. 基于CLIPS的卫星任务规划专家系统设计

    Design of a CLIPS-Based Expert System for Satellite Scheduling

  5. 因此,调整土地利用结构已是刻不容缓的任务,专家、政府及民众都应积极采取措施来保护生态环境。

    Experts , the government and the people should actively take measures to protect the ecological environment .

  6. 虽然机长和飞行员还是驾驶飞机,但是每次任务的专家承担了大部分任务。

    The commander and pilot still fly the ship , but the mission specialists perform most other duties .

  7. 我们就这一问题向麻省理工大学神经科学教授、多任务处理专家厄尔·米勒先生求教。

    We asked Earl Miller , professor of neuroscience at MIT , and an expert on the subject of multitasking .

  8. 但问题是:对于很多任务,人类专家都常常难以说出他们是如何执行的。

    But there was a problem : human experts often struggled to articulate how they performed many tasks .

  9. 开发了一类适用于服装企业手工制衣流水线的任务智能调度专家系统,给出了其程序结构及主要模块的实现过程,并对其应用结果进行分析与讨论。

    Develope a kind of jobs intelligent dispatching expert system for the sewing assembly lines in apparel manufacturing . The program structure and the implementation of main modules are presented .

  10. 执行那次飞行任务的女专家劳雷尔克拉克,在哥伦比亚号着陆前的几天,曾从飞船上发回讲话,她说能有幸看见太空中那些意想不到的自然奇观令她非常开心。

    Mission specialist Laurel Clark , talking from the shuttle a few days before it was to land , said she was delighted by the simple unexpected wonders of space .

  11. 本研究将风险投资决策作为不确定决策任务,采用专家-新手比较研究范型,通过出声思维法和访谈法,探讨了专家和新手不确定决策认知过程的差异。

    In this research the authors used venture investment decision making as the tasks of decision making under uncertainty to compare the difference of the cognitive processes of expert and novice decision makers .

  12. 多星成像任务规划的专家决策支持系统,把决策函数引入专家系统,并在解决任务冲突时引入冲突集合决策。

    The expert decision support system of multi-satellite imaging mission planning system introduced the decision function into expert system . And the system also introduced conflicting group into expert system in order to solve conflicting missions .

  13. 任务空间概念模型专家确认方法研究

    Expert Accreditation Method for CMMS Preliminary Study on Execution of CMMS

  14. 本实验致力于回答两个问题:(1)在何种任务限制下,专家表现出对新手的解题优势;

    The experiment aims at answering two questions : ( 1 ) which characteristics of domain-specific task influence the advantages of expert over novice ;

  15. 执行统筹小组的主要任务是领导各专家组的工作,落实具体的执行计划。

    The main task of the implementation coordination team is to oversee the work of various expert teams and to formalise action plans for practical implementation .

  16. 本文对法医生物力学专家举证的任务,法医生物力学专家鉴定的程序,法医生物力学的研究方法和研究内容四个方面进行了综述。

    In this paper , the task of forensic biomechanics expert witness , the procedure of expert witness , and the forensic biomechanics research methods and cases are reviewed .

  17. 大学生们的任务是模拟咨询专家的角色,针对两个案例区县未来的投资重点向世行提出建议。

    In a simulated consulting capacity , students were tasked to deliver a set of recommendations to the World Bank for future funding priorities in the two case cities .

  18. 需求定义模型测试的任务分析方法,把需求情形实例当作需求模型的测试用例,用任务活动序列描述情形,并提供给任务分析专家和用户进行对照分析。

    The task analysis method for testing software requirements definitions , uses task scenarios as test cases .