
  1. 学校发言人告诉《达拉斯晨报》,英语老师sharp任然在等待她的刑事量刑结果。

    A Dallas Independent School District spokesman told the Dallas Morning News that Sharp was placed on leave pending the outcome of the criminal case .

  2. 对人类智力的定义看起来任然是IQ分数,尽管IQ测试不像以前所进行得那么频繁。

    The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score , even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be .

  3. 许多新建和改扩建的水处理工程,虽然投资组建了fcs、dcs、plc监控系统,但任然不能实现网络化监控的目的,造成了资源的浪费。

    Many new and expanded water treatment works , although the investment in the formation of fcs , the dcs , plc , monitoring system , but any contingent can not achieve the purpose of network monitoring , resulting in a waste of resources .

  4. “当我们控制吸烟,或者仅仅研究那些不吸烟者,我们任然发现坚持末日圣徒教信仰的人具有较低的冠心病患病率,”Horne说。

    " When we adjusted for smoking , or looked just at the nonsmokers , we still found a lower rate of CAD in people having an LDS religious preference ," Horne said .

  5. 这款香水任然位居世界最畅销香水的之列。

    It is still one of the world 's bestselling perfumes .

  6. 幸存者对于那天的事故任然历历在目。

    The events of that day remain vivid to its survivors .

  7. 事实是我们任然落在别人的后面。

    But the fact remains that we are behind the other classes .

  8. 时代可能是艰难的,但是英国人任然青睐于蛋糕。

    Times may be tough , but Britons are still eating cake .

  9. 那意味着更多工作削减和任然需要要的税收增加。

    That means more job cuts and tax increases could still be needed .

  10. 他是我最好的朋友,但我任然急切的想念他。

    He was my best friend , and I still miss him desperately .

  11. 它的起源现在任然是个谜。

    Its origin is still a mystery now .

  12. 不管怎么说,该剧在美国的收视率任然保持强劲。

    Despite everything , the show 's ratings in the United States remained strong .

  13. 当被钉在十字架上时,他任然在为我们罪人祈祷!

    When Jesus was nailed to the Cross , He still pray for us sinner !

  14. 即使应用运行快速和响应及时,这任然可能惹恼用户。

    Even if your application is fast and responsive , it can still annoy users .

  15. 尽管经济低迷,但是任然没有影响顾客对产品的需求甚至可能有所增强。

    The economic doldrums have not hit demand ; they may even have enhanced it .

  16. 我现在任然还在生气。

    I 'm still pissed off .

  17. 在设备到设备基础上,我们任然太过频繁地企图染指每个价格区间。

    We are still too often trying to approach each price range on a device-to-device basis .

  18. 但我任然是冠军,对我来说那是最重要的事。

    But I 'm still the champion and that is the most important thing to me .

  19. 不过他们任然在睡觉!

    But they are still sleeping !

  20. 尽管一些重建工作一再进行,但是大部分地区任然是废墟。

    Though some reconstruction efforts are underway , much of the region still lies in shambles .

  21. 尽管五年之内日本经历了六位首相,但是任然期待新首相的上任。

    ALREADY enduring its sixth prime minister in five years , Japan is overdue a seventh .

  22. 想要重新拾起单纯的心,任然庆信还有你听我的信仰。

    Want to pick pure heart , still believe and you hear my anniversary of faith .

  23. 尽管如此,任然有做简短回应的机会,而且肯定有提问的机会。

    But still , there is the chance for brief reactions and definitely a chance for questions .

  24. 给人以虽然有问题,但任然专注于你的工作的印象。

    Give the impression that although there were difficulties , you still focused on getting your job done .

  25. 这是我们老祖先的实践经验,但它在在今天很多时候任然适用。

    It is the experience of our forefathers , however it is correct in many case even today .

  26. 但是奥巴马任然冒了风险,那是他强有力的言辞在他身上失去了它的力量和(自食其果)。

    But Obama still runs a risk : that his overworked rhetoric loses its power and boomerangs on him .

  27. 在阿根廷和蒸个拉丁美洲许多人任然反对同性恋结婚,尤其是罗马的天主教。

    Many in Argentina and throughout Latin America remain opposed to gay marriage , particularly the Roman Catholic Church .

  28. 而从硬煤和褐煤采矿厂中发展而产生的捕捉和储存炭的技术任然没有被商业化证实。

    The technology for capturing and storing carbon emitted by hard-coal and lignite plants is still not commercially proven .

  29. 官方透露,尽管男孩没有被指控为犯罪,他任然要接受青少年犯罪的惩罚。

    Although the child dodged criminal charges , he still faces penalties under the juvenile system , officials said .

  30. 温格相信引进射手的大门任然是打开的,但是他现在不会追求查马克。

    Wenger believes that the striker 's options are still open but he is not pursuing Chamakh at the moment .