
  • 网络Ren Zhiqiang;Jyh-Chyang Renn
  1. 任志强:投资是拉动不了消费的!

    Ren Zhiqiang : Investment can 't stimulate consumption !

  2. 任志强等人的“开发商联盟”为行业破局还是为垄断?

    Ren zhiqiang , and others " developers alliance ," bureau or for breaking the monopoly of industry ?

  3. 政府的本能是重申控制权——让直言不讳的大亨任志强噤声就是其进行压制的最新迹象。

    Its instinct is to reassert control - with its muffling of the outspoken tycoon Ren Zhiqiang the latest sign of clampdown .

  4. 张欣和任志强都承认,土地拍卖透明化是一个受欢迎的措施,但他们同时认为,这一举措可能导致价格上涨。

    While Ms Zhang and Mr Ren agree that transparent land auctions represent a welcome development , they have also had inflationary consequences .

  5. 其他几位在场的房地产大腕对任志强的观点也很支持,认为“富人区”不可避免。

    Other a few attendant estate big wrist also support Ren Zhijiang 's viewpoint very much , think " wealthy person area " inevitable .

  6. 北京华苑建筑集团董事任志强说,拿收入而不是消费能力与房价进行比较是毫无意义的。

    Ren Zhiqiang , President of Beijing Huayuan Construction Group , said it is meaningless to compare income to housing price instead of consumption ability .

  7. 2010年的时候,有人给任志强提供了美国前总统小布什“享受”过的待遇&当他在大连出席一个房地产论坛时,被扔出的两只鞋打中。

    Someone gave him the George W.Bush treatment in2010 , throwing a pair of shoes at him as he took the stage at a real estate forum in Dalian .

  8. 姜军说:“此前,据网民举报,任志强微博账号持续公开发布违法信息,影响恶劣。”

    Ren 's microblog accounts have been closed after netizens reported that he had regularly posted illegal information , " resulting in a vile influence , " according to Jiang .

  9. 任志强曾在网上的一次民意调查中被公认为中国历史上最讨厌的人之一。

    It has also completely changed things for outspoken Chinese real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang , once voted one of the most hated men in Chinese history in an online poll .

  10. 中国国家网信办上周日责令新浪、腾讯微博平台关闭知名博主、地产商任志强的账号,原因是其传播违法信息。

    China 's top Internet regulator on last Sunday ordered the microblogging platforms of Sina and Tencent to shut down the accounts of Ren Zhiqiang , a celebrity blogger and property developer , for spreading illegal information .