
  • 网络qualification;REQUIREMENT;Job Requirements
  1. 论破产管理人的性质和任职条件

    On Bankruptcy Assignee : Its Nature and Qualifications

  2. 独立董事的任职条件、选举更换程序、职责等,应符合有关规定。

    Relevant laws and regulations shall be complied with for matters such as the qualifications , procedure of election and replacement , and duties of independent directors .

  3. 审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。

    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures . None of them may be removed or replaced at random for the post .

  4. 其次,要提高法官素质,改革现行法官等级制。包括严格法官任职条件,确立遴选制度;

    Secondly , we should improve the judges ' qualifications and change the hierarchy system .

  5. 高等学校教师职务的具体任职条件由国务院规定。

    Specific conditions for taking up positions for the positions of teachers of institutions of higher learning shall be prescribed by the State Council .

  6. 从管理学的角度阐述了图书馆部门领导的任职条件、管理能力和管理办法。

    This paper expounds the post-holding conditions , managerial capacities and management methods of the librarys branch leaders from the angle of the management science .

  7. 更换董事长(行长)、总经理时,应当报经中国人民银行审查其任职条件。

    The change of chairman ( president ) and general manager should be reported to the People 's Bank of China for an examination of their credentials .

  8. 声望极高的国际货币基金组织副总裁朱民,也被视为符合亚行行长任职条件的人选,但他可能倾向于继续担任原职。

    Zhu Min , now a deputy to Christine Lagarde at the IMF and extremely well regarded , is also seen as qualified though he is likely to prefer to remain in Washington .

  9. 不可否认,这些人都不完美:比如费舍尔,按现行的任职条件,他的年龄太大,而且在基金组织担任副手期间工作也不是一向良好。

    Admittedly , none of these men is perfect : Mr Fischer , for instance , is too old under existing rules and had a patchy record as deputy head of the fund .

  10. 任职教育条件下军队专业实验室的开放

    Opening of the Military Specialized Laboratory in Professional Education

  11. 具有符合中国保监会规定任职资格条件的分支机构高级管理人员。

    It has senior managerial personnel of the branch with the relevant qualifications specified by CIRC .

  12. 摘要文章就学科馆员设置的必要性、任职资格条件和岗位职责进行了论述。

    The paper discusses the necessity of establishing subject librarian , qualification and responsibility of subject librarian .

  13. 外国保险公司分公司的高级管理人员,应当具备保险公司总公司高级管理人员的任职资格条件。

    The senior managerial personnel of the branch of a foreign insurance company shall have the qualifications equal to those required for the counterparts in the headquarters of an insurance company .

  14. 我军对这个问题的研究也非常重视,在岗位任职教育条件下教学人才队伍建设的某些方面或领域取得了一些理论成果,但却没有系统完整的研究成果。

    Military colleges of our country have achieved some theoretical outcome in some aspects or area in the research of contingent construction of teaching talents under the condition of post-oriented vocational education but our achievement of research in this area is not systematic and integrated .

  15. 1787年制定的宪法中唯一提到宗教的条款是:合众国政府之任何职位或公职,皆不得以任何宗教标准作为任职的必要条件。

    The only mention of religion in the 1787 Constitution was the clause no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States .

  16. 那么,在非政府组织中任职需要具备哪些条件呢?

    So , what is needed to land a job with an NGO ?

  17. 任务层面的培训需求分析从任职要求和胜任条件综合分析,提炼培训需求要素。

    Task level TNA should focus on analysis of both job responsibility and job requirements , as well as refining of training needs factors .

  18. 因此,要大力推行辅导员任职资格证书制,提高任职资格条件及待遇标准,加大辅导员专业学习和培训的工作力度,科学设置管理机构,进行规范化管理。

    Therefore , it is imperative to carry out the system of instructor qualification certificate , improve their qualification requirement and treatment standard , step up their professional study and training , scientifically set up administration organizations , and promote standardized management .

  19. 本文主要从目前岗位任职教育的背景入手,就任职教育在教学条件建设及考核方式多样化两个方面谈了几点自己对任职教育浅显的认识。

    Starting form current background of the post education , this paper discussed the author 's reflections of professional education on the construction of teaching condition and assessment methods .