
chèng gōu
  • steelyard hook
秤钩 [chèng gōu]
  • [steelyard hook] 秤杆上用来悬挂重物的金属钩子

秤钩[chèng gōu]
  1. 如Namyit(鸿庥岛)、SinCowe(景宏岛)、Subi(渚碧礁)来源于海南方言发音“南乙”、“秤钩”、“丑未”。

    For instance , Namyit ( Hongxiu Dao ) , Sin Cowe ( Jinghong Dao ) and Subi ( Zhubi Jiao ) originate from " Nanyi , " " Chenggou " and " Chouwei " as pronounced in Hainan dialects .

  2. 秤杆的一端悬挂着秤钩,用来吊起要称重的物品。

    The hook , hanging from one end of the arm , was used to lift up the object to be weighed .

  3. 在靠近秤钩的一端固定了一到三个提绳。

    On the arm was fixed one , two or three lifting cords , placed much closer to the hook than to the other end .

  4. 与自私者为友,像把自己的灵魂挂在秤钩上,价值镏铢,形容猥琐。

    Selfish and to make friends with those who , like his soul hang in the balance hook , the value of the baht lutetium , described as insignificant .

  5. 称重时必须用秤钩勾起物品,称重人提着提绳举起整杆秤,并将秤砣左右滑动直到完全平衡,然后根据秤砣上的绳子所在的星点位置读出重量即可。

    Anything to be weighed should be picked up by the hook , while the weigher lifted up the whole steelyard , holding one of the cords.He then slided the weight left or right until he found a perfect balance of the beam . He then read the weight from the graduation mark on which the weight-string rested .