  • scale;balance;steelyard
  • 衡量轻重的器具:市~。磅~。~砣。


(测定物体重量的器具; 杆秤) balance; steelyard:

  • 杆秤

    steelyard; lever scales;

  • 台秤

    platform balance [scale]

  1. 利用磁秤试验研究了Fe-Mn-C合金奥化体变形过程的磁性变化与加工硬化的关系。

    Use the magnetic balance test and research the relation of magnetic change and work hardening of Fe-Mn-C alloy during deformation process .

  2. MCS-51单片机双秤计量系统

    Double balance measurement system controled by MCS - 51 single board computer

  3. 那家铺子卖货经常短秤。

    They often give short weights in that store .

  4. 所以我每次从面包师那里拿面包回家,就把面包放在秤上,给他同样重量的黄油。"

    So now every time when I bring home the bread from the baker , I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same weight . "

  5. 他们把剩下的庄稼过了秤并贮藏在阁楼顶层。

    They measured and lofted the remainder of the crop .

  6. 米尔格鲁姆在机场等待登机的时候,注意到了一个电脑秤,它既能称体重又能算命。

    While Milgrom waited at the airport to board his plane , he noticed a computer scale that would give your weight and a fortune .

  7. 又有一个人过来了,他也把硬币丢进电脑秤里,屏幕上显示:“你的体重是184磅,你已经离婚了,你将要去往芝加哥。”

    Another man put in a quarter and the computer read : " You weigh 184 pounds , you 're divorced and you 're on your way to Chicago . "

  8. 他把一个两毛五的硬币丢进电脑秤的一个小孔里,电脑屏幕上显示出这样一行字:“你的体重是195磅,你已经结婚,你将要去往圣迭戈。”米尔格鲁姆顿时站在那里发起了愣。

    He dropped a quarter in the slot , and the computer screen displayed : " You weigh 195 pounds , you " re married and you 're on your way to San Diego . " Milgrom stood there dumbfounded .

  9. WINDOWS下的微机核子秤配料系统软件

    Software in Windows for Staple Compounding System of Microcomputer Nuclear Mass Scale

  10. 在POWERBUILDER环境下实现选矿厂微机核子秤系统的设计开发

    The Microcomputer Nuclear Weigh System of Concentration Plant Designing and Developing in the Power Builder Condition

  11. PLC及触摸屏在烟草制丝车间烘丝秤系统中的应用

    Using of PLC and touch-screen in the scale system of tobacco thread drying workshop

  12. 用PLC实现的高精度控制型电子秤

    Electronic Scale with PLC Programmed Controllers

  13. 方法以连续3d24h回顾法为基础,3d秤重法和食物频率法为补充采集膳食数据。

    Method The dietary data was collected by the 3-day 24-hour retrospective method , 3 d weigh method and food frequency survey .

  14. 介绍了基于PLC与触摸屏的烟草制丝线烘丝秤自动控制系统。

    This article introduced an automatic control system based on the PLC and touch-screen on the tobacco drying thread scale .

  15. 本文介绍由PC总线工控机控制的变频调速皮带秤的原理及其应用方法。

    This article deals with the principle and application of variable frequency and varialbe speed scales based on PC bus computer .

  16. ICS型电子皮带秤在烟草制丝线中的应用技术研究

    The Application Research of ICS Weighing Belt on Tobacoo Product Line

  17. 介绍了基于工控机、工业控制板卡、智能仪表、传感器等硬件及VISUALBASIC60、Access等设计软件研制失重秤配料自动控制系统。

    The system has been accomplished upon hardware such as industrial controller , industrial control card , intelligent instrument , sensor and software such as Visual Basic 6.0 and Access .

  18. 利用ANSYS有限元分析软件,对SCS系列汽车衡秤台的静态特性进行分析。

    The static characteristics of the modular platform of SCS series vehicle scale were analyzed with ANSYS software .

  19. 介绍在国内中小炼铁高炉中应用PLC技术改造老式的机械秤及机械电子秤组成的配料上料系统,从而实现高炉上料过程自动化的一些经验。

    Some experience is introduced in this thesis of how to make use of PLC in weighing / controlling process for automatic feeding system in Blast Furnace .

  20. OCS行车电子秤的设计

    The Design of OCS Electronic Scale for Overhead Crane

  21. 通过对两个通道采集回来的重量信号进行比较分析,采用相关函数与卷积的方法,利用DSP技术计算出皮带秤的运转速度。

    Through analysis and comparison of the weighing signal sampled by the sensor , the DSP technology to calculate the speed of the conveyor belt scale was used .

  22. 妈湾发电总厂利用料斗秤模拟桥式抓斗卸船机给煤皮带输煤流量的方法,是基于PLC程序来实现的。

    The method of simulating coal handling flow of coal conveying belt of bridge type grab ship unloader is realized based on programmable logic controller ( PLC ) system .

  23. 基于Jaguar工业终端的尿素定量包装秤

    Jaguar Industrial Terminal-Based Quantitative Packing Sealer

  24. 该公司的首席执行官哈里·谢赫(HarrySheikh)说,除了手机操控的追踪系统外,这款行李箱还有数码锁、内置秤和蓝牙扬声器等功能。

    Besides cellular-enabled tracking , features will include a digital lock , built-in scale and Bluetooth speaker , said its chief executive , Harry Sheikh .

  25. 某烧结厂CENTUM-CS与申克皮带秤间的通讯

    Communication between CENTUM-CS and weigh belt in a sintering plant

  26. 在演示场景中,Charley有两个健康监控设备,一个是Roche血糖计,另一个是A&D体重秤。

    In the demonstration scenario , the patient , Charley , has two personal health monitoring devices , a Roche glucometer and an A & D weight scale .

  27. GGD-25型数字电子秤的设计与安装

    Designing and mounting of GGD-25 digital electronic weighing machine

  28. QH-200A核辐射式皮带秤

    Type qh-200a nuclear conveyor - belt weigh scale

  29. CTC-1型压磁式抓斗数字电子秤

    Ctc-1 piezomagnetic digital electronic scale for clamshell

  30. 中频感应加热浮秤自动控径LiTaO3单晶生长装置

    The Equipment of Automatic LiTaO_3 Crystal Growth Using Medium Frequency Induction Heating and Weighing Method