
chōng fēng
  • charge;assault
冲锋 [chōng fēng]
  • [charge] 突入敌阵,以短兵冲杀

冲锋[chōng fēng]
  1. 上周日,25岁的SumetLomrob和穿着白纱站在他旁边的妻子(姓名不详)在婚礼上挥舞着两只自动冲锋枪摆POSE拍照。

    Sumet Lomrob , 25 , posed in wedding pictures last Sunday brandishing two automatic assault rifles while his wife , who has not been named , stood next to him her white dress .

  2. 没有什么比一个准备冲锋的街垒更令人惊奇的了。

    Nothing is more curious than a barricade preparing for an assault .

  3. 我们向敌人发起冲锋。

    We charged at the enemy .

  4. 他们持有轻机枪或者冲锋枪,还是什么玩意儿的。

    They 're armed with sub-machine-guns or machine-pistols or whatever you call those things

  5. 卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。

    Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery .

  6. 他命令我们冲锋。

    He ordered us to charge .

  7. 在改革中,他们冲锋在前。

    They are in the vanguard of the reform movement .

  8. 敌人反复向山上冲锋,企图消灭我们。

    The enemy repeatedly charged up the mountain , attempting to knock us out .

  9. 这位居民在新浪微博上分享了这张照片并写道:“暴雨中,是您们扛着这面旗帜冲锋。致敬逆行者!”

    He shared it on the microblogging service Sina Weibo and wrote : " In the rainstorm , it is you who carry this flag to charge to the front . Pay tribute to the heroes in harm 's way . "

  10. 刚刚获得了我最喜欢的钢琴白我的终极耳朵x冲锋枪定制耳显示器新鞋。

    Just received my new pair of Ultimate Ears x SMG customized ear monitors in my favourite piano white .

  11. 如果能在全球推出这样一个税项当然不多,但如果欧盟真心想削减碳排放,那么它就应该冲锋在前,并推动世界贸易组织(wto)跟上它的脚步。

    It would be nice to have such a tax at the global level , but if the EU is serious about cutting carbon , it should lead the way and push the World Trade Organisation to follow .

  12. 苹果对新产品领域发起的最大冲锋,则留给了iPad和AppleTV——尽管两者的财务表现没有iPhone那么突出。过去两年,iPad的销量出现了下滑。

    While less significant than the iPhone to its financial performance , Apple 's biggest moves into new product territory were reserved for the iPad - which has seen sales decline in the past two years - and the Apple TV .

  13. 打光一个弹匣后,沃伊中尉跳进一条壕沟。给M-1安上另个弹匣,一次对射,撂倒两名手持斯米瑟冲锋枪德兵。

    When he had used up his clip , Wray jumped into a ditch , put another clip into his M-1 , and dropped the German soldiers with the Schmeissers with one shot each .

  14. 袭击的消息激怒了附近城市埃贾比耶和班加西的民兵。他们带着AK-47冲锋枪、火箭筒和陈旧的反坦克武器冲到前线。

    News of the attack galvanized citizen militias in the nearby cities of Ajdabiya and Benghazi , who raced to the front lines armed with AK-47s , rocket-propelled grenades and aging anti-tank weapons .

  15. 俄罗斯对全球科技最广为人知的贡献可能要属卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪(Kalashnikov)了,如今,俄罗斯一家新成立的手机公司正希望对全球下一代智能手机的市场产生同样深远的影响。这家公司曾附属于俄罗斯一家国有的防务公司。

    In a country whose best known contribution to global technology may well be the Kalashnikov rifle , a new mobile-phone company once tied to Russia 's state-run defense corporation hopes it will have as deep an impact on the world 's next generation of smartphones .

  16. 风在掌号。冲锋号!

    The wind is trumpeting , a bugle calling to charge !

  17. 我们-冲锋,敌人的防线就后退了。

    We charged and the enemy 's front line fell back .

  18. 那个军官命令他的士兵们向敌人冲锋。

    The officer directed his soldiers to charge at the enemy .

  19. 其余的人都在战壕里用轻机枪和冲锋枪射击。

    The rest were in trenches with light MG and SMGs .

  20. 它是举世闻名的冲锋枪。

    It 's the world 's most popular assauit rife .

  21. 从皮克特冲锋(南北战争)到马斯拉图尔之战。

    from Pickett 's Charge to the Battle of Mars La Tours ...

  22. 叫你的纳粹冲锋队离我远点!

    Tell your storm trooper to stay away from me !

  23. 使用饰品解除定身状态后可以立即冲锋?

    Warriors can immediately charge after using trinkets to remove immobilizing effects .

  24. 战斗姿态冲锋紧接着防御姿态。

    In battle stance : charge , then immediately switch to defensive .

  25. 罗杰是吗?我是约翰道吉特,冲锋连的。

    Roger ? Hey , it 's John doggett , Bravo company .

  26. 他命令我带着冲锋枪去掩护小王。

    He ordered me to take my tommy-gun and cover Xiao wang .

  27. 照明弹亮起的时候也正是日本人发起冲锋的时候。

    The flare burst at the moment the Japanese started their charge .

  28. 王子在冲锋

    There 's the dashing prince . He 's charging .

  29. 我今天仍然是一名冲锋队员!

    So I am still an Sa Man today !

  30. 野性冲锋可以在猫形态使用。

    Feral Charge ( Feral ): Can now be used in Cat form .