
  • 网络scouring depth;scour depth;depth of scour
  1. 枢纽下游河床冲刷深度估算方法

    Estimation method of scouring depth of lower reach of hydro-junction

  2. 对《堤防工程设计规范》推荐冲刷深度公式的探析

    Discussion the scouring depth recommended by " Levee Engineering Design Standard "

  3. BP神经网络预测河湾最大冲刷深度

    BP Neural Network Model-Based Prediction of Maximal Scour-Depth at River Bends

  4. 基于BP神经网络的丁坝坝头冲刷深度预测模型

    The groin abutment degradation depth prediction model based on BP neural network

  5. 测试结果表明,用拓扑结构为3301的BP网络,经学习40000次后,随机测试样本局部冲刷深度其计算结果和测试结果的相对误差不超过2%;

    By adopting the BP network with the structure 3-30-1 and after 40 000 times study , the test results of the network illustrates the error of the random samples does not exceed 2 % .

  6. 提出护坦宽度(BH)和顶面埋置深度是影响护坦防护效果的主要因素,并根据试验资料提出护坦防护墩台局部冲刷深度的计算方法。

    It was pointed out that the main effect parameters are apron width ( B_H ) and depth to protection . The formula for scour depth of apron protection was present on the basis of the experiments data .

  7. 能量法是计算基岩冲刷深度的较新方法,根据参证坝址(原型已建工程)和待建坝址的平均水股剩余能量与冲刷深度的关系用冲刷能量指标ESI来估算大坝下游岩基冲深。

    Energy Approach is a new method to estimate scour by using ESI ( Estimating Scour Index ), which represents the relationship of scour depth and mean remain energy between the dams built and to be built .

  8. 面流和戽流平衡冲刷深度估算

    Estimation of the equilibrium scour depth downstream of bucket energy dissipators

  9. 河流弯道水流特点与冲刷深度探讨

    Investigation on characteristics and scour depth of flow in river bend

  10. 近岸沙波分布区桥墩局部冲刷深度的估算

    Local Scour Depth Estimation to the Nearshore Covered Sand Waves Areas

  11. 桥台最大清水冲刷深度的探讨

    Research on the largest clear - water scour depth at bridge abutments

  12. 沿河公路路基冲刷深度的计算

    Calculation of Scour Depth for Highway Subgrade Along River s

  13. 某跨海大桥复合桥墩潮流作用下局部冲刷深度的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of local scour around complex piers for a sea-crossing bridge

  14. 漫水丁坝周围水流结构及其冲刷深度计算

    The Flow Structure and the Computation of Erosion Depth around Submerged Spur

  15. 长江江都嘶马弯道冲刷深度研究

    Study on Scour Depth on Jiangdu Sima Bend of the Yangtze River

  16. 桥梁墩台的护坦防护局部冲刷深度计算

    Mechanism of apron protection against local scour on bridge pier and abutment

  17. 影响河湾凹岸最大冲刷深度的因素众多,而且这些因素的关系是非线性的。

    Many factors of non-linear relationships affect the maximal scour-depth at river bends .

  18. 高坝挑流冲刷深度计算

    The Computation for Scouring Depth by Free Jet From Bucket of High Dams

  19. 丁坝局部冲刷深度计算问题探讨

    Preliminary Study on the Calculation of Partial Pier Scour

  20. 路基局部冲刷深度研究进展

    Development of Research on Local Scour Depth of Subgrade

  21. 以不漫水丁坝为基础,提出了漫水丁坝冲刷深度的计算方法;

    One calculation method on scour depth of submerged spur dikes is raised .

  22. 群桩冲刷深度计算方法探讨

    The Calculation Method of Wash Depth on Cluster Stake

  23. 山区航道丁坝冲刷深度研究

    On Scour Depth Around Spur-dikes in Mountainous Rivers

  24. 非淹没丁坝坝头冲刷深度的计算

    Study on scouring depth around non-submerged spur dike

  25. 丁坝挑角等参数对坝头冲刷深度的影响

    Influence on scour depth of spure dike parameter

  26. 河床冲刷深度变化对大型桩基桥梁地震反应的影响

    Effects of riverbed scouring depth on the seismic response of bridges on pile foundations

  27. 河渠缓流弯道冲刷深度计算的探讨

    Study on Calculation of Depth in Scour Pit for Subcritical Flow in Curved Channel

  28. 床沙非均匀性对河床冲刷深度有一定影响,泥沙非均匀程度越大,则较粗颗粒的暴露度大,同样水流作用下的冲刷水深也越大。

    The more nonuniform the sediment is , the greater the scour depth becomes .

  29. 桥墩局部冲刷深度模糊神经网络解的初步探讨

    Fuzzy neural network solution for bridge local scouring depth in the alluvial river bed

  30. 建筑物基础冲刷深度的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Structure Foundation Scouring Depth