
  • 网络groundwater divide
  1. 水均衡分析法原理是根据岩溶系统径流反推补给面积,进而确定地下水分水岭的位置。

    The principle for water balance analysis is to reversely derive the area of water supply according to runoff amount in the karst system , further to determine the position of the groundwater divide .

  2. 关于白于山是否存在完全地下水分水岭的探讨

    Confirmation of Absolute Groundwater Divide in Baiyu Mountain

  3. 关于鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系地下水分水岭的探讨

    Research on the watershed of the groundwater of Cretaceous in Erdos Basin

  4. 而岩溶区域内的地下水分水岭非但不一定贫水,有的还可成为重要的水源地。

    In fact , the dividing area of ground water catchments in karst area isn 't necessarily deficient in water , on the other hand , some parts of dividing area are important water-source bases .