
  • 网络geothermal heating
  1. 武警工程学院地热供热站房系统及运行

    System and Operation of Geothermal Heating Station for Engineering College of Armed Police Force

  2. 地热供热系统的结垢问题初探

    Discussion on the Problems about Encrustment in Geothermal Heating System

  3. 地热供热工程中的水源热泵调峰系统及其应用

    GSHP Peak-Adjust System of Geothermal District Heating Project and Its Application

  4. 低温地热供热系统的设计与质调节问题

    The design and supply temperature adjustment of geothermal district heating systems

  5. 在地热供热系统中,供热参数的选择是一个重要环节。

    It is necessary to select heating parameters in geothermal heating system .

  6. 地热供热系统腐蚀问题初探

    Discussion of the Problem about Corrosion in Geothermal Heating System

  7. 地热供热参数的优化

    Selection of heating parameters in the geothermal heating system

  8. 地热供热系统优化设计与应用软件结构

    The design optimization of a geothermal heating system based software computer simulation software

  9. 分析了地热供热站房运行过程中易出现的故障。

    Analyses the common faults in operation .

  10. 开发地热供热产业

    Geothermal heating industry to be developed

  11. 地热供热系统调峰期调节方式分析

    The Analysis of Different Ways of Regulation within the Peaking Period of the Geothermal Heating System

  12. 重点分析了间接式地热供热系统调峰负荷随环境温度的变化,以及所受末端散热器设计、地热水与循环水换热器设计运行参数的影响。

    Emphasizes the variation of peak load regulating with ambient temperature , the design of terminal heat radiators , and the design operating parameters of geothermal heat exchangers in indirect systems .

  13. 地热间接供热过程微机自动监控系统

    Computer monitor control system for the geothermal indirect heating processes

  14. 天津地热区域供热的效果评价

    Evaluation of Geothermal Energy District Heating Systems in Tianjin

  15. 地热间接供热系统的优化设计及运行方法研究

    Optimum design of indirect geothermal district heating systems

  16. 地热温室供热节能技术的研究

    Research on Geothermal Greenhouse Heating System

  17. 三普2地热站供热工程设计方案优化分析

    Prospecting Company No.3 Position No.2 Well Heat-supply Engineering Design Project Optimization Analysis Operation and maintenance of geothermal heating stations

  18. 地热能在供热供暖和医疗洗浴方面的应用

    Application of Geothermal Energy on Heating , Medical Care and Bathing

  19. 本文构建了地热温室复合供热系统模型,推导出模型能源配置的计算公式,通过经济性分析确定能源配置方式的优选顺序。

    Some formulas on energy configuration by the model are derived , and the priority sequence of energy configuration forms is determined by economic analysis .

  20. 地源热泵是一种利用浅层地热资源向建筑物供热、空调的装置。

    Ground source heat pump which utilizes shallow layer geothermal source is a kind of heating and air conditioning instrument for constructions .

  21. 该模型可以被简化、演化,能够广泛应用于地热温室和其它地热供热系统。

    The model can be simplified and evolved , that can be utilized broadly in geothermal greenhouses and other geothermal heating systems .

  22. 地热温室是采用地热为热源供热的一种温室,通过调查研究设计了一套地热温室的采暖系统。

    Environmental impact analysis for district heating by geothermy associated with high temperature water source heat pump ;

  23. 地热利用率的高低体现了地热温室供热系统的节能性、环保性和经济性。

    Geothermal utilization ratio ( GUR ) shows the levels of energy saving , environment protecting and economic efficiency in the geothermal greenhouse heating system .

  24. 当今社会,资源匮乏和环境污染问题日益严重,地热资源作为一种清洁的可再生能源,其发展具有一定的前景和优势,应用于地热供热方面的技术日趋成熟。

    In modern society , the problem of environment pollution and energy shortage is becoming increasingly serious . Geothermal resources , as a clean renewable energy sources , has more superiority and widely development perspective , whose application in the heating system is more mature .

  25. 本文构建了地热梯级利用模型,模型的能源配置形式、优化的运行控制策略方法及实现控制调节的措施,该模型可以被简化、演化,能够广泛应用于其它地热供热系统。

    The paper constructs geothermal cascade use models , the optimization design forms of energy operation , and the realization of the control regulation measures . The model can be simplified , evolved , and can be widely applied to the other geothermal heating system .