
  • 网络Fill layer;fill up layer;filler course
  1. 而采用粉末冶金(V,Cu)填充层,接头表面成形良好且力学性能亦可能满足要求。

    By using powder metallurgy ( V , Cu ) filler layer , surface of joints was good , and mechanical properties of joints could meet the requirements .

  2. 采用V填充层,焊缝中大量的钒基固溶体减小了接头的脆性,但V填充层熔点高,较难完全熔化。

    The addition of V filler metal reduced the brittleness of joints by increasing the amount of vanadium-based solid solution in the weld . But the melting point of V filler metal was so high that the fille metal was hard to melt completely .

  3. 在此基础上,分别对钛合金TA15与304不锈钢直接对焊和预置填充层钛/钢电子束焊接两种情况下的温度场与应力场进行了数值模拟。

    On this basis , respectively , the temperature fields and stress field of Ti / steel joint by using pre-middle layer and Ti / steel joint by electron beam welding directly are simulated .

  4. 采用专门测定此特殊结构的催化剂填充层的气膜和液膜传质系数关联式来计算反应段中的传质速率,用Onda的关联式计算精馏段和提馏段填充层中的传质速率。

    The mass transfer rate in the reaction section is calculated by using gas and liquid film mass transfer coefficients specially measured for this structure of catalyst bed and the mass transfer rates in the rectifying and stripping sections are calculated by using Onda 's correlation .

  5. 指示运行库搜索注册表并应用填充层策略。

    Indicates that the runtime searches the registry and applies shim policy .

  6. 圆柱容器内流经环形填充层流动的研究

    A Study on Flow Through Annular Packed-bed in Cylindrical Chamber

  7. 其设有若干过滤层及吸附层、填充层。

    The utility model comprises a plurality of filtering layers , adsorption layers , and packed layers .

  8. 分析了传热系数受蓄热球填充层中气流速度和材质的影响及烟气的排放温度与换向时间、蓄热体蓄热/放热能力的关系。

    The relation among exhaust gas temperature , exchange time and regeneration capacity of regenerator is analyzed .

  9. 结合二维小波变换方法与数学形态学方法对多层焊填充层焊道图像进行处理,实现对焊道边缘及坡口边缘的提取。

    Wavelet transform and mathematic morphology algorithms are used to process multi-pass seam image to get weld pass and groove 's edges .

  10. 它能形成一致和无缺陷的底部填充层,能有效降低由于硅芯片与基板之间的总体温度膨胀特性不匹配或外力造成的冲击。

    It provides a uniform and void free underfill layer , which gives excellent protection of printed circuit boards from soldering failure due to impact and thermal cycling .

  11. 对二者残余应力结果进行对比发现,添加填充层后应力峰值明显减小,且应力分布更为均匀。

    Compared the residual stress results , It can be found that the peak stress after adding the middle layer reduced significantly , and stress distribution is more uniform .

  12. 结果表明,在中心流道截面积沿轴向作适当变化的情况下,仅增加有限的压降损失,便可以明显地改善径向流经填充层的速度分布的不均匀性。

    The results show that under the proper change for sections of the central passage , the limited increase of pressure drop can evidently improve radial flow maldistributions in annular packed-beds .

  13. 通过模拟计算得出,影响地板表面散热量的主要参数有:供回水平均温度、排管间距、地表装饰层材料、加热管管径以及填充层厚度。

    The main parameters that influent the floor surface heat release include : the average supply and return temperature , row spacing , surface decoration materials , heating tube diameter and filling layer thickness .

  14. 采用切条法对预置同填充层的钛/钢接头纵向残余应力进行了测量,测量结果比计算结果偏小,但趋势保持一致。

    Pre-cutting method is used to measure longitudinal residual stress of Ti / steel joints added the middle layer . The measurement results is smaller than the simulation results , but the trend is consistent .

  15. 通过解除燃料干燥/热解与上述其它反应之间耦合的解耦气化技术,并使热解气体混合物通过半焦填充层,可以实现气化的低焦油化和高效率化。

    The decoupling gasification , which separates biomass drying / pyrolysis from other reactions , and conducts the pyrolysis gas passing through the char layer , can realize lower tar generation and higher gasification efficiency .

  16. 讨论在填充层水泥砂浆的导热系数发生改变时,地板辐射采暖的各种参数的变化情况,以及节能效果比较。

    Analyzed several parameters'changes of the low-temperature floor radiation heating mode when the thermal conductivity of cement mortar which in the filling layer was altered , and compared the results of energy saving when the thermal conductivity was changed before and after .

  17. 对二者的温度场结果进行了比较,发现添加填充层后,熔池的峰值温度明显降低,且两侧温度梯度亦明显减小,对接头性能有利。

    The two results of temperature field were compared and it can be found that after adding the middle layer , the peak temperature of molten pool is significantly low , and the temperature gradient of the two sides is also significantly reduced .

  18. 研究表明,结构型式、中心通道与环形通道面积比、填充层自身的阻力系数以及圆柱容器的长径比,对于流经填充层的径向流速沿轴向的分布都有影响。

    The results show that cylindrical chamber configurations , the area ratio of central pipe to outer annulus , the resistance coefficient of packed-bed and the ratio of height to diameter of the cylindrical chamber have considerable effect on the axial distribution of radial velocity of flow through annular packed-bed .

  19. 填充两层介质的矩型波导的色散特性

    Dispersion characteristics of waveguide filled with two dielectric slabs in E-Plane

  20. 所有传递问题的研究者都假定在填充床层中的气体为活塞流。

    All investigators in mass transfer assumed plug flow of gas in packed beds .

  21. 流体流过填充床层冷却之传热系数

    Cooling of fluids through packed beds

  22. 管中心填充两层多孔介质强化传热研究

    Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement by Filling Tube Inner Part with Two Layers of Porous Media

  23. 倾斜分层充填采煤法松散颗粒填充隔热层

    Rill cut and fill method

  24. 框架填充墙面层裂缝的原因分析与系统防治

    On the analysis of reasons for cracks on the surface layer of wall-filled frame and its system prevention

  25. 分析了填充床层的穿透体积,它是吸着剂容量的一个量度。

    The procedure uses frontal analysis to determine the breakthrough volume of the packed bed , which is a measure of the sorbent capacity .

  26. 松散颗粒填充隔热层为了降低充填成本,安庆铜矿尾砂胶结充填体在不同的高度采用了不同的灰砂比。

    To reduce the filling cost , various cement sand ratios are used at different heights for the tailings consolidated filling body in Anqing Copper Mine .

  27. 为了达到绿色节能建筑的标准,人们利用木塑复合材料制成木塑板型材,并在其中填充保温层,制成一种集结构维护和保温功能于一体的木塑自保温外墙板。

    In order to achieve green building standards for energy-saving , the wood-plastic boards were filled with insulation layer which had structural maintenance and insulation functions .

  28. 因为水分子可以填充进层与层之间的缝隙,氧化石墨烯的薄膜的体积可以填充到70%以上,湿度相应的增加到100%。

    Since water molecules could be intercalated into the galleries between the layers , the volume of the GO films would swell by more than 70 % with increasing humidity level to 100 % .

  29. 以节约空间的理念设计轴套轴结构实现两个转动轴的同心输出;通过构造两个封闭环并填充黄油层,实现动密封,成功解决了机器鱼在水下工作动力输出的难题。

    To save space concept design collar shaft structure realize two rotating shaft of one output ; By constructing the two sealing ring and fill them with butter layer , and realize the dynamic seals , success in solving the machine work underwater fish motive power output of difficult problems .

  30. SF-1填充PTFE表面层配方的摩擦特性研究

    The tribology Optimum Research of the PTFE formula of SF-1 surface layer