
  1. 浅层地热利用新技术&地源热泵技术

    A new superficially geothermal technology & ground source heat pump technology

  2. 雄县地热利用的过去、现在和将来发展

    The Past , Present and Future of Geothermal Utilization in Xiong County

  3. 践履天人合一之东方古梦&林甸地热利用的价值学追求

    The Realization of the Ancient Eastern Dream of Combining Human with Nature

  4. 地热利用远程智能监测与管理系统的研究与开发

    Study on Long-range Intelligent Supervision and Management System of Geothermal Utilization and Its Development

  5. 我国矿井热害现状及井下地热利用探讨

    The situation of heat hazard in mine in our country and the discussion of using geothermal energy

  6. 低焓地热利用技术是一套各子部分前后衔接紧密、整体性强的技术系统。

    Technology of low enthalpy Utilization is a series of technologies which join with each other tightly and form a whole part .

  7. 地热利用率的高低体现了地热温室供热系统的节能性、环保性和经济性。

    Geothermal utilization ratio ( GUR ) shows the levels of energy saving , environment protecting and economic efficiency in the geothermal greenhouse heating system .

  8. 上述两种地热利用模式都有自身的局限性,开采新的地热利用模式成为推广地热利用的必要途径。

    The two options above both have their own limitations , that exploiting a new sort of option has become necessary for popularizing the geothermal utilization .

  9. 研究建立了土壤中水溶性氟化物的分析方法,提出以土壤中水溶性氟化物为指标,评价地热利用后,尾水对土壤污染的程度。

    An analytical method for soluble fluorides in soil is established and soil pollution is evaluated after terrestrial heat utilization by using soluble fluorides as index .

  10. 首先调查华北油田地热利用现状和可用资源量,对地热利用进行可行性研究。

    Firstly , the geothermal resource utilization status and the available resource of HuaBei oil field were investigated , and a feasible study for geothermal energy utilization was conducted .

  11. 地热开发利用过程中的环境效应及环境保护

    Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact of Geothermal Development and Utilization

  12. 地热开发利用的环境质量评价

    Environmental quality impact assessment in geothermal development and utilization

  13. 地热能源利用现状及发展前景

    The utilization and development prospect of geothermal energy resource

  14. 腐蚀与结垢是地热开发利用中普遍存在的问题。

    Corrosion and scaling are the general problems in developing and using geothermal resource .

  15. 福建省地热能利用中腐蚀与防护的探讨

    Exploration on the Corrosion and Corrosion Control for Application of Geothermal Energy in Fujian Province

  16. 浅议地热开发利用中的环境影响及其防治措施

    On Environmental Impact in the Course of Development and Utilization of Geothermal Resources and Prevention Measures

  17. 散热器与水源热泵串联的低温地热梯级利用系统应用分析高频感应加热蒸镀设备

    Low temperature geothermal gradient utilization systems using serial mode of radiator and water source heat pump

  18. 地下热水回灌是处理地热开发利用中所引发的热储层压力降低和弃水污染环境等问题的有效方法。

    Geothermal water reinjection is an effective method to solve the problems caused by geothermal exploitation and utilization .

  19. 地热能利用地球内部的热而获取的动力。多数地热资源都存在于活火山活动地区。

    Geothermal energy : Power obtained by using heat from the Earth 's interior . Most geothermal resources are in regions of active volcanism .

  20. 利用单位热成本的概念分析比较了几种供热方式的经济性,分析了散热器与水源热泵串联运行低温地热梯级利用供暖改造方案的优越性。

    Analyses the advantages of using low temperature geothermal gradient utilization system with serial mode of radiator and water source heat pump for retrofitted projects .

  21. 在此过程中,岩土的热湿耦合传热特性直接影响到间歇的周期控制,进而影响到整个地热能利用系统的一体化控制。

    Ground-coupled heat transfer characteristics of heat and moisture affects the intermittent cycle control directly , thereby affecting the entire geothermal energy system integration control .

  22. 针对其中一个具体项目,建立实验系统,进行测试分析,总结出影响地热能源利用率的因素,包括地热水的回灌温度、进水量及进水温度;

    Secondly , an experiment system was established and testing analysis was carried out aiming at one project of the two , and summed up the factors affecting the utilization rate of energy .

  23. 但地热资源利用率最高为62.4%,地热尾水回灌率不到8%,是一种粗放的开发利用模式。

    There has been 269 geothermal wells in the end of 2005.The highest use rate of geothermal resources is 62.4 % and the re-injection rate of geothermal used water is less than 8 % .

  24. 以地热能利用技术为代表的新一代能源利用技术,以其运行费用经济、环保、可靠,得到了发展利用。

    As a representative of new resources utilization technologies , geothermal energy utilization technology has many traits , such as economical operation cost , environment-protected and reliability , so the technology is developed and utilized .

  25. 本文主要针对应用地热梯级利用系统主要构件如板式换热器、水源热泵机组、地板辐射采暖、散热器及输配系统分别建模分析其热力模型及特性。

    Models were established for the plate heat exchanger , water source heat pump units , radiant floor heating , radiators and water pump system , then their thermal model and characteristics were investigated , meanwhile .

  26. 本文展望了我省地热开发利用前景,对实现地热产业化所具备的有利条件作了阐述,提出了发展地热产业的建议。

    The exploitation and application of geothermal resources in our province are prospected , the favorable conditions of realization of geothermal industry are expounded and the advice of development of geothermal industry are put forward in this paper .

  27. 本文构建了地热梯级利用模型,模型的能源配置形式、优化的运行控制策略方法及实现控制调节的措施,该模型可以被简化、演化,能够广泛应用于其它地热供热系统。

    The paper constructs geothermal cascade use models , the optimization design forms of energy operation , and the realization of the control regulation measures . The model can be simplified , evolved , and can be widely applied to the other geothermal heating system .

  28. 胜利油田地热资源综合利用项目介绍

    The Comprehensive Exploitation of the Geothermal Resources in Shengli Oil Field

  29. 地热农业综合利用研究

    Study on the Comprehensive Utilization of Geothermal Energy to Agricultural Production

  30. 江苏浅层低温位地热资源开发利用前景

    Exploitation prospect of shallow and low temperature geoheat resources in Jiangsu Province