
  1. 节地节投资节油70%彻底不堵车城市新模式

    New Mode of City Without Road Congestion & Saving 70 % of Land , Capital and Energy

  2. 结论:MSCs在体内能成骨,MSCs/BCB能有效地修复节段性骨缺损。

    Conclusion : MSCs can form bone in vivo and MSCs / BCB can repair segmental defects .

  3. 结果经大体观察、组织学及X线检查发现,术后第8周自体微小颗粒骨复合bFGF能更有效地修复节段性骨缺损,对照组无骨愈合迹象。

    Results By gross , histopathological and X-rayed examinations , the effects indicated that the group of b-FGF and autogenous micro grain bone repaired bone defect more effectually at 8 weeks rather than that in control group .

  4. 抓好节能、节水、节地、节材工作。

    We will save energy , water , land and materials .

  5. 节能节地节水节材绿色建筑打造健康和谐生活

    Economizing on Energy , Land , Water and Material Green Building Contributes to the Healthy and Harmonious Life

  6. 水稻地上节位根对生育后期的影响

    Studies on the effect of rice nodal roots over the ground on late growth of rice by ~ ( 32 ) p and 14C

  7. 此外,还可以大大提高材料利用率,有效地节能节材,并且可以改善生产条件,减少各种污染源。

    In addition , it can consumedly increase material utilization , economize on energy and material , improve produces condition and reduce every kind of contaminative source .

  8. 分别针对节能、节水、节材、节地、节矿、循环经济提出了相应的对策建议,从而有利于矿区进一步节约资源,建设资源节约型煤炭企业。

    These strategies points at energy conservation , water conservation , raw material conservation , land conservation , mining resources conservation and recycled economy respectively , so as to conserve resources further more and to establish an energy conservation industry .

  9. 论文试图通过研究,探求居住区节约型种植设计的合理性和必要性;从节水、节能、节地、节材等方面对资源进行合理有效利用的可行性;分析节约型种植设计的实施策略和设计方法。

    This paper attempts to study the reasonableness and necessity of economical planting design in residential district . From different aspects of resources-saving exploring the feasibility of rational and effective use . And analysising the implementation strategy and design method of economical planting design in residential district .

  10. 与DIFS相比较,半硬性固定和SINO坚强固定系统明显地限制了节段的运动。

    Compared with the DIFS , the simi-rigid and rigid fixator significantly limited the bridged segmental motion .

  11. 结论:PCI术后存活节段IBS参数比室壁运动恢复快,故可更早地了解异常节段局部心功能恢复情况,为临床选择合理的治疗方案提供重要依据。

    Conclusion : The recovery of IBS parameters in viable myocardium after PCI was faster than those of wall motion . Thus , the recovery of regional myocardial function could be known earlier so that the important evidence is provided with selecting reasonable treating solution in clinic .

  12. 滨海盐碱地大棚番茄节肥技术的研究

    The Research of Saving Fertilizer Technology for Coastal Saline-alkali Soil Large Tomato

  13. 因此你的抗体错误地把基底节当成链球菌来攻击。

    So the antibodies mistake the basal ganglia for strep and attack .

  14. 友好地不拘礼节地提及成长中的女子。

    A friendly informal reference to a grown woman .

  15. 结论保留终板的颈前路植骨融合术能较好地保持融合节段高度,并有效防止融合节段前方塌陷。

    Conclusion The endplate-remained anterior cervical fusion may effectively maintain the height of intervertebral space .

  16. 你可以完全放心地跳过本节,需要的时候可以再次阅读。

    You can safely skip this section and come back later when you need it .

  17. 在我的经验看来,在这些旅行中,首席执行官们更乐意令人烦恼地不拘礼节。

    In my experience , chief executives tend to be worryingly casual on these trips .

  18. 彼得指出,神要将祂的灵浇灌全地(17节);

    Peter said God would pour out his Spirit on all the world ( v.17 ) .

  19. 渐渐地,母亲节变得非常流行,送礼活动日趋增加。

    Slowly and gradually the Mother 's day became very popular and gift giving activity increased .

  20. 我们相信,彼得是出于真诚地说出37节所记的那句话,可是,他却不晓得自己的软弱。

    He meant every word he said ( v.37 ) but he didn 't know his own weaknesses .

  21. 卡片似乎不那么重要了。而且我理所当然地认为情人节总是会有这样一份礼物。

    The cards seemed less important , and I took for granted the valentine that would always be there .

  22. 高层建筑的适地性与节地性策略及方法研究是论文重点。

    Research on adaptability and saving on site of high-rise building tactics and method it studies to be thesis focal point right .

  23. 我们很难想象一个课堂教学技能水平差的教师可以成功地上一节高效,生动、引人入胜的课。

    We can hardly imagine a teacher who is bad at teaching skills can give an effective , interesting and successful lesson .

  24. 水井装饰节是一个用植物图片来装饰水井、泉水或者其他水源地的艺术节。

    Well dressing is the art of decorating ( dressing ) wells , springs or other water sources with pictures made of growing things .

  25. 这不是一个节假日,但许多美国人,特别是美国各地的青少年,都会快乐地过这个节。

    It is not a holiday , but it is quietly and mischievously observed by many Americans , especially the young people all over the country .

  26. 最终,教堂成功地将农神节的欢乐、灯和礼物都转移到基督教节日圣诞节。

    Eventually , the church was successful in removing the merriment ( 5 ), lights and gifts from Saturnalia and transferring them to the celebration of a Christian Christmas .

  27. 本研究获得的稀土为主的微量元素涂料可有效地消除热节部位的石墨畸变,确保铸件的组织均一;

    The trace element coating found in this research can effectively eliminate the shape distortion of the graphite in the heat joints , ensuring the structure uniformity of the casting .

  28. 提出了薄壁筒体卧置状态自重变形量的计算公式,可以较准确地知道筒节自重对筒节圆度影响的程度。

    The formulas for calculating the amount of deadweight deformation of cylindrical shell with small thickness in horizontal condition are given , which is helpful to find out the effects of deadweight on the roundness accurately .

  29. 里面有2500间房,城市房间可以远眺滨海湾区,包括新落成的滨海湾金融中心,而在晴天时,你可远距离地看到乌节路。

    Inside , of the2,500 rooms , the City rooms overlook the Marina Bay area including the newly-built Marina Bay Financial Center , and on a clear day , Orchard Road can be spied at a distance .

  30. 以科技创新为动力,以制定相应的技术产业政策和经济社会发展政策为保障,促进住宅建设的节地节能节水节材。

    To promote the saving of land , energy , water and materials in housing construction , the scientific and technical innovations are to be taken as the driving force and relevant policies for technologies , industries , economy and society are to be formulated as the guarantee .