
chōng lì
  • momentum;impulsion;impulsive force;impact force;thrust
冲力 [chōng lì]
  • (1) [impulsive force;momentum]

  • (2) 运动体的惯性冲击力

  • (3) 投掷或摆动物体的动力

  • 攻城锤猛击城墙的冲力

冲力[chōng lì]
  1. 仿真结果表明,当运载体速度一定时,在一定程度上增大推冲力,可缩短分离时间,减轻载荷与运载体之间相互作用的影响,可提高分离安全性。

    Simulation results show that when the launcher speed is given , a certain increase of thrust will shorten separation time , reduce interaction of load and launcher , and hence improve separation safety .

  2. 爆炸的冲力震碎了几栋楼房的玻璃窗。

    The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings

  3. 落水的冲力使水轮转动。

    The impulse of falling water turns the waterwheel .

  4. 非线性非完整系统在冲力作用时的Kane方程

    Kane Equations for Nonlinear Nonholonomic Systems under Impulsive Forces

  5. T-T势在短程区的推广对脉冲力绝对测量的研究

    T T POTENTIAL WAS EXTENDED TO SHORT DISTANCE Study on the Measurement of Short Distance Force Pulses

  6. Emotron公司说,VSA/VSC驱动器能够有效的开始和停止,减少了水的冲力和其他的损害的危险系数,这就缓解了对于昂贵的马达控制阀的需求。

    The VSA / VSC drives have efficient starts and stops , which eliminate the risk of water hammer and other damage , lessening the need for expensive motor-controlled valves , Emotron says .

  7. 柔性梁横向振动控制的轴向脉冲力法

    Transverse Vibration Control of Space Flexible Beam with Axial Impulse Force

  8. 汽车藉著本身的冲力滑下山。

    The car run down the hill under its own impetus .

  9. 简易制导迫弹脉冲力控制建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Simple Guided Mortar Using Impulse Thruster Control

  10. 现在我将要改变冲力的概念。

    Now I 'm going to change to the concept of impulse .

  11. 管件电磁成形是依靠磁脉冲力来实现的。

    Tube electromagnetic forming is realized by magnetic pulse force .

  12. 梯级式溢洪道上楔形块的下冲力计算

    Calculation of downthrust force on wedge-shaped blocks for stepped spillway

  13. 岩石滚下山坡时,冲力愈来愈大。

    As the rock rolled down , it gathered momentum .

  14. 关于冲力情况下的高斯最小约束原理

    On Gauss ' Principle of Least Constraint for Impulsive Motion

  15. 高的耐冲击性能抵抗海水冲力。

    High-Impulse version which gives increased resistance to brinelling is also available .

  16. 定点控制着陆还要求解决着陆时所产生的强大冲力问题。

    Controlled land landing also demanded some way to cushion touchdown impact .

  17. 姿控火箭发动机的力值较小,且为脉冲力。

    The thrust of attitude-control rocket engines is a small pulsed thrust .

  18. 强磁脉冲力作用下板材的断裂模式研究

    Reserch on rupture mode of sheet under intensive electromagnetic force

  19. 冲力使他扑倒在方向盘上。

    The impact smacks the man into the steering wheel .

  20. 卡车沿著陡峭的道路往下开时,冲力愈来愈大。

    The truck gained momentum as it rolled down the steep road .

  21. 动量当岩石沿着山坡滚下时,冲力便愈来愈大。

    As the rock rolled down the mountainside , it gathered momentum .

  22. 小行星以极其巨大的冲力撞上了大行星。

    The asteroid crashed into the p ; anet with explosive force .

  23. 爆炸的主要冲力是向下去的。

    The main force of the explosion was directed downwards .

  24. 动态标定用梯形脉冲力发生装置的研制

    Development of Trapezoidal Impulse Force Generator for Dynamic Calibration

  25. 碰撞物体以猛烈、直接的冲力相接触。

    To come together with violent , direct impact .

  26. 对脉冲力绝对测量的研究

    Study on the Measurement of Short Distance Force Pulses

  27. 革命的冲力造成水库的裂口,人民的主权便沿着裂口流出。

    Revolutionary agitations create fissures there , through which trickles the popular sovereignty .

  28. 对接机构方案样机轴向缓冲力仿真分析与试验验证

    Contact Force Simulation and Test Analysis of Docking Mechanism

  29. 在冲力作用下台球运动的力学分析

    An analysis of the motion of billiards under the action of impulsive force

  30. 捕手的护胸能减轻球的冲力。

    The catcher 's chest protector cushions the blow .