
bù zhōng
  • Infidelity;disloyalty
不忠[bù zhōng]
  1. 对某些有不忠嫌疑的官员已经提起了诉讼。

    Charges had already been made against certain officials suspected of disloyalty .

  2. 这是不忠还是一次正确的职业选择?

    An act of disloyalty or simply a good career move ?

  3. 他被指控对政府不忠。

    He was accused of being disloyal to the government .

  4. 你对他是否有过不忠行为?

    Have you ever been unfaithful to him ?

  5. 她无法原谅他的不忠行为。

    She could not forgive his infidelities .

  6. 他发誓要报复对自己不忠、爱偷东西的妻子。

    He vowed to wreak vengeance on his unfaithful , thieving wife .

  7. 她不知道和哈里分开这么久,他是否曾对她不忠。

    She wondered if Harry had been unfaithful to her during this long separation

  8. 婚姻不忠会提升领导人可信度的暗示荒谬之极。

    The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader 's credibility is preposterous .

  9. 发觉菲利普对我不忠后,我又气愤又伤心。

    I 'd found Philippe was cheating on me and I was angry and hurt .

  10. 在和克里斯蒂娜共同生活的4年中,詹姆斯一直对她不忠。

    James had been unfaithful to Christine for the entire four years they 'd been together .

  11. 乔治对伴侣的不忠行为视而不见。

    George ignored his partner 's infidelities

  12. 我因他的不忠而与他离婚。

    I divorced him for infidelity .

  13. 布赖恩站在他姐姐这一边,他母亲就此指责他不忠。

    Brian sided with his sister , which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal .

  14. 他声称那里的妇女几乎有一半对自己的伴侣不忠。

    He claims that almost half of the women there cheat on their partners .

  15. 他的妻子不知道他一直对她不忠。

    His wife has no idea that he has been cheating on her all along .

  16. 她恬不知耻地承认自己一直对他不忠,这令他非常愤怒。

    He became furious at her brazen admission that she had been cheating on him .

  17. 尽管丈夫对她不忠,她还是决定要帮他。

    She decided to help her husband despite the fact that he had cheated on her .

  18. 据传他对他老婆不忠。

    It is rumoured that he cheats on his wife .

  19. 据传他对他老婆不忠

    It is rumored that he cheats on his wife .

  20. 不过,对于她那位28岁的NBA球星丈夫的不忠传闻她只字未提。

    However , there was no reference to the claims her28-year-old NBA star husband has been unfaithful .

  21. 在南欧,手势V表示你的老婆对你不忠。在别人脑袋后面做出这种手势,如同在说他的老婆对他不忠。

    Here the V sign means Your wife has been cheating on you or , when placed behind another 's head , His wife has been cheating on him .

  22. 在南欧,手势V表示“你的老婆对你不忠”。在别人脑袋后面做出这种手势,如同在说“他的老婆对他不忠”。

    Here the " V " sign means " Your wife has been cheating on you " or , when placed behind another 's head , " His wife has been cheating on him 。

  23. 试着把腿闭紧吧Blaircheat:欺骗她对Nate不忠,Nate知道吗?

    Try keeping your legs closed for a change , Blair . She cheated on Nate ? ! Does Nate know ?

  24. 一家高级的婚外交友网站IllicitEncounters对逾两千名男女进行了调查。三分之一的男性坦言,他们曾经在婚礼上趁着妻子或女友不在的时候发生过不忠行为。

    Dating site , Illicit Encounters with a third of men admitting that they have cheated on their partner at a wedding-when their other half wasn 't there .

  25. Iris爱上了一个即将结婚的男人,而大洋彼岸的另一头,Amanda则发现了男友的不忠。

    Iris is in love with a man who is about to marry another woman . Across the globe , Amanda realizes the man she lives with has been unfaithful .

  26. BBC记者金·吉特尔森采访了网站的成立人诺艾尔·毕德曼——他试图利用夫妻之间的不忠行为以及婚外情作为商机获取利润。

    BBC 's Kim Gittleson spoke with the website 's founder , Noel Biderman , who attempted to make a case for infidelity and using affairs as a business model .

  27. 如果你发现男朋友对你不忠,你可以走过去向他宣告:Gotcha!

    If you catch your boyfriend cheating on you , you can walk up and declare , Gotcha !

  28. 一位未透露姓名的消息来源告诉美国名人消息网TMZ,科比的妻子申请离婚,是因为她认为丈夫再次出轨不忠。

    Unnamed sources told celebrity news website TMZ that Vanessa Bryant was filing for divorce because she believed her husband had been unfaithful again .

  29. 03年的性侵案件后来因为原告拒绝出席作证而不了了之,但这位联盟前MVP承认对妻子不忠,与该女性以民事诉讼私下解决。

    The case was dropped when his accuser refused to testify , but the former league MVP admitted being unfaithful to his wife and settled a civil suit filed by the woman .

  30. 荷兰蒂尔堡大学(TilburgUniversity)2011年展开的一项研究称,不忠行为也能作为一种较大的经济和社会力量,为男性和女性带来信心和个人优势。

    A 2011 study at Tilburg University in the Netherlands , published in the journal Psychological Science , argues that infidelity is also a function of greater economic and social power , which creates confidence and personal leverage for both genders .