首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络As good as
不啻 [bù chì]
  • (1)

  • [not less than]∶不止;不只

  • 工程所需,不啻万金

  • 视百年、百数十年以前不啻增二十倍焉。--清.洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • (2)

  • [like]∶如同

  • 人民盼望解放军,不啻大旱之望云霓

  • 虽连城拱壁不啻也。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  • (3)

  • [as good as;but]∶不过

  • 比诸大江,不啻小支而已。--[英]赫胥黎著、严复译《天演论》

  1. 毕业税具体操作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。

    In practice a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare .

  2. 英国人坚持认为加薪不到5%不啻于一种羞辱。

    Britons persist in treating any pay rise of less than 5 % as a slap in the face .

  3. 琼斯的一番高见来得正是时候,对于俱乐部中许多相信好日子已经不远的人来说不啻于当头一棒。

    Jones 's wise words are a timely reality check for many at the club who believe the great days are just around the corner .

  4. 工程所需,不啻万金。

    The project requires a tremendous amount of money .

  5. 约翰·兰德格拉夫(JohnLandgraf)的评论不啻为一声惊雷。

    John Landgraf 's comments arrived like a thunderbolt .

  6. 从擅于利用互联网和品牌价值,到纪律严明、组织严密,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的2008年总统竞选活动,对于营销人员来说,不啻一堂实物教学课。

    From its mastery of the Internet and brand values to its relentless discipline and organisation , the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama was an object lesson to marketers .

  7. 人们希望,它甚至不会改变波士顿人对该市众多体育赛事的心情。这些赛事才是波士顿人真正关心的,红袜队(RedSox)的主场芬威球场(FenwayPark)不啻于该市的光明大教堂。

    not even , one hopes , the public 's state of mind at all the sporting events that constitute the city 's true calendar of devotion , with Fenway Park , where the Red Sox baseball team play , its cathedral of light .

  8. 谷歌首席执行官桑德尔•皮查伊(SundarPichai,见上图)表示,这不啻为谷歌的未来:一款智能代理,将被用于查找信息、交流并执行任意数量的日常任务。

    According to chief executive Sundar Pichai , this is nothing less than the future of Google : an intelligent agent that will be used to find information , communicate and carry out any number of everyday tasks .

  9. 在笔者看来,布莱克斯通此举不啻为创建了一门司法科学。

    In my opinion , Blackstone had built a Judicial Science .

  10. 这个结果对大型版权所有人及其政治盟友不啻当头棒喝,但很可能他们并未意识到:社交媒体已经强大到足以威胁他们的计划。

    Social media has become powerful enough to thwart their plans .

  11. 一些人认为,新协定不啻于宣告凯恩斯式的财政刺激为非法。

    Some likened the new pact to outlawing Keynesian-style fiscal stimulus .

  12. 而还要付钱则不啻为疯狂的行为。

    But to have to pay for it is madness .

  13. 金融危机不啻是对这两个假设的无情嘲笑。

    The financial crisis made a mockery of both assumptions .

  14. 这些失败对索恩来说不啻是一大挫折。

    These defeats came as a particular setback for thorne .

  15. 爱迪生所做的不啻于永远驱逐了黑暗

    What Edison does is nothing less than to banish the darkness .

  16. 但这种做法不啻为纸上谈兵。

    But that approach applies rather better in theory than in practice .

  17. 干净也罢脏也罢,这房间不啻是天堂。

    Dirty or clean , the room was paradise .

  18. 无神论不啻是希望的死亡,灵魂的自杀。

    Atheism is the death of hope , the suicide of the soul .

  19. 当然,对经理人本身来说,这一机制不啻是超级福音。

    Of course , this system is extremely good news for the managers themselves .

  20. 要是以为他会给那麽多报酬,不啻是痴人说梦!

    You must be in dream-land if you think he 'll pay that much !

  21. 他之逃亡不啻自认犯罪。

    His flight amounts to a confessionof guilt .

  22. 矫枉纠偏,不啻双重补赎。

    Nor double penance , to correct correction .

  23. 可是我却觉得这不啻一场灾难。

    But I think it 's a catastrophe .

  24. 把档案数字化然后通过限制访问浪费成果不啻自扳台脚。

    It is self-defeating to digitize the archives and waste the results by restricting access .

  25. 这个数字不啻一声惊雷。

    That number came as a shock .

  26. 这听起来不啻于挑衅。

    It sounds like a provocation .

  27. 如果和你同住一屋的人睡觉打呼噜,那么这漫漫长夜对你来说将不啻于一场噩梦。

    A snorer can be a nightmare , especially for the person who sleeps with one .

  28. 这不啻微观世界中一个初具雏形的国际等级体系:以英语为母语的人占尽风头。

    Here , in microcosm , was a nascent international hierarchy : native English - speakers rule .

  29. 你借钱给那个无赖,不啻把钱丢在海里。

    You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to that rascal .

  30. 对于那些需要更多消费者的运营商而言,这不啻为好消息。

    That comes as good news for the malls operators who could do with the extra customers .