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  • Glenoid;jar;a broad-mouthed receptacle for holding liquid
  • 〔~兰盆会〕每逢农历七月十五日(中元节)佛教徒为超度祖先亡灵所举行的仪式。

  • 一种盛液体的器皿:水~。痰~。漱口~儿。


(盛液体的敞口器具) a broad-mouthed receptacle for holding liquid; jar:

  • 痰盂



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 盂丙

    Yu Bing

  1. 目的总结分析盂肱关节不稳在CT关节造影上的表现。

    Objective To evaluate the manifestations of glenohumeral instability on CT arthrography .

  2. 肩胛盂骨性解剖结构的三维CT测量及分析

    Measurement and analysis of glenoid bony anatomy by use of three-dimensional computed tomography

  3. MRI测量肩胛盂斜倾角的价值探讨

    To Explore Value of Measuring Scapula Glenoid Inclination Angle with MRI

  4. 多层螺旋CT最大强度投影测量肩胛盂斜倾角的价值

    Value of maximum intensity projection of multi slice spiral CT in measuring scapula glenoid inclination angle

  5. 目的:探讨MRI测量肩胛盂斜倾角的价值。

    Objective : To assess the value of measuring the scapula glenoid inclination angle with MRI .

  6. 结论:MR多平面成像及良好的软组织分辨率,能详细显示肩关节周围的软组织结构,对肩关节外伤中的肩袖撕裂、盂唇损伤的诊断,有较高的应用价值。

    Conclusion : MRI is a good modality in the diagnosis of rotator cuff tears and glenoid labrum ruptures of shoulder trauma .

  7. 方法16例经关节镜手术检查证实病例,对盂唇撕裂,关节囊撕脱,关节盂骨折等在CT关节造影上表现特点进行总结分析。

    Methods 16 cases of glenohumeral instability were examined both by CT arthrography and arthroscopy and to analyze the manifestations on CT arthrography .

  8. 今藏于中国历史博物馆的大盂鼎(theGreatDingforYu)是中国青铜器时代的代表性作品之一。

    A representative example is the Great Ding for Yu , which is now preserved in the Museum of Chinese History .

  9. 同时,肩关节MR造影还正确诊断了所有的多肌腱撕裂、合并的盂唇异常及肱二头肌长头腱异常。

    Meanwhile , MR arthrography revealed all multi tendon tear and all abnormalities of the labrum and the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle before arthroscopy .

  10. 越来越多的证据表明上盂唇(SLAP)病变是引起肩关节疼痛和不稳定的一个重要原因。

    SLAP lesions are becoming identified more commonly as a source of pain and instability of the shoulder .

  11. 在肩关节横断面CT或MRI扫描图像上,按照Friedman的标准测量关节盂的后倾角及肱骨头向后脱位的比率。

    The retroversion of the glenoid ( glenoscapular angle ) and the ratio of humeral head posterior subluxation were measured on the CT or MRI images according to the method described by Friedman .

  12. 5例合并肱二头肌长头腱复合体(SLAP)病损,采用肩关节镜下盂唇损伤处清创术,术后患肩零度位牵引;

    The injured glenoid labrum of five SLAP cases were treated with debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then the affected shoulder was immobilized by zero-degree traction .

  13. 目的明确肩关节造影MR对肩关节前方盂唇病变的诊断价值,并比较中立位肩关节造影MR和外展外旋(abductionandexternalrotation,ABER)造影MR的价值。

    Objective To determine the diagnostic value of shoulder MR arthrography in revealing the injuries of anterior glenoid labrum , and to compare MR arthrography with arm in neutral position with MR arthrography with arm in abduction and external rotation ( ABER ) position .

  14. 3例合并Bankart病损,行肩关节镜下盂唇损伤处清创术后,通过有限切口进行改良的Bristow手术。

    The injured glenoid labrum of three Bankart cases also underwent debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then treated with improved Bristow operation through limited incision .

  15. 结果创伤性肩关节后方不稳定MRA影像表现分为三型:Ⅰ型为后侧关节囊轻度分离,没有移位,伴盂唇损伤;Ⅱ型为不完全撕裂,囊性变;

    Results The MRA images of traumatic posterior shoulder instability were classified into 3 types : type ⅰ: separation without displacement , type ⅱ: incomplete avulsion and cystic lesion , type ⅲ: complete avulsion and enlarged posterior pouch and loss of contour .

  16. 本期《中华创伤骨科杂志》是以关节内骨折为主要内容的重点刊,涉及下肢的胫骨平台骨折、髌骨骨折、Pilon骨折、跟骨骨折及上肢的肩胛盂骨折、桡骨远端骨折的手术治疗。

    This issue features papers concerning intra articular fractures that covers surgical managements of fractures of tibial plateau at lower limbs , patella , calcaneus , glenoid cavity at upper limbs , Pilon fracture and Barton fracture .

  17. 一个金盂,重10舍客勒,盛满了香;

    One gold dish weighing ten shekels , filled with incense ;

  18. 肩关节盂唇损伤的关节镜诊断和治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of glenoid labrum injury of the shoulder with arthroscopy

  19. 上臂主动和被动抬高过程中盂-肱关系的动态观察

    Relative motion of glenohumeral joint during active and passive elevation of arm

  20. 上臂抬高过程中的盂-肱在体运动模式分析

    Motion pattern analysis of the humerus and glenoid structure during arm elevation

  21. 结论超声是诊断盂唇损伤的一种有价值的检查方法。

    Conclusion Ultrasonography was useful in diagnosis of labial lesion .

  22. 我由盂一位朋友推荐而抿滤这本书。

    I bought this magazine on the recommendation of friend .

  23. 颞盂入路及其在颈静脉球体瘤切除术中的应用

    Glenoid fossa approach for removal of glomus jugulare tumor

  24. 切开修补关节囊盂唇治疗肩关节前方不稳定

    Open repair of Bankart lesion in the treatment of anterior instability of shoulder

  25. 带线锚钉固定前盂唇可靠,操作简便。

    Fixation with the suture anchor is reliable and makes the operation simple .

  26. 肾开放性手术中肾(盂)输尿管导管的应用

    The application of renal ureter catheter in the renal ( pelvis ) operations

  27. 髋关节镜下髋臼盂唇撕裂的诊断与治疗

    Use of hip arthroscopy for acetabular labrum tear

  28. 肩胛颈、肩胛盂骨折的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of scapular neck and glenoid fracture

  29. 黄铜药筒盂坯的液态模锻

    Liquid Forging for Cup of Brass Cartridge Case

  30. 超声诊断肩关节盂唇损伤的价值

    Ultrasonographic Value in Assessment of Glenoid Labial Lesion
