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  1. 最近进入该产业的公司包括地产开发商恒大(Evergrande)、金融集团中国泛海(ChinaOceanwide)、以及中国最大的民营果汁生产商汇源(Huiyuan)。

    Recent entrants include Evergrande , a property developer , China Oceanwide , a finance group , and Huiyuan , China 's largest private juice maker .

  2. 希兰差遣他的臣仆,将船只和熟悉泛海的仆人送到所罗门那里。

    And Hiram sent him ships commanded by his own officers , men who knew the sea .

  3. 希兰差遣他的仆人,就是熟悉泛海的船家,与所罗门的仆人一同坐船航海。

    And Hiram sent in the navy his servants , shipmen that had knowledge of the sea , with the servants of Solomon .

  4. 迦巴勒的老者和聪明人都在你中间作补缝的。一切泛海的船只和水手都在你中间经营交易的事。

    The ancients of Gebal and the wise men thereof were in thee thy calkers : all the ships of the sea with their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise .

  5. 这里恍若一座室内游泳池:在乡村式柜台的背后,赫然是三个大水池,池水泛着海绿色,上面分别架着一块木板。

    Behind the rustic counter are three large pools of sea-green water , a wooden plank straddling each .

  6. 泛开江&梁平海槽及勘探有利相带地震预测

    Kaijiang-Liangping Pan-trough and seismic prediction of favorable facies belt