
  1. 从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。

    We used to go sailing on the lake in summer .

  2. 重点讲解:从前的夏天,我们经常泛舟湖上。

    We us ed to go sailing on the lake in summer .

  3. 凌波荡桨,泛舟湖上,其乐无穷。

    Undulator oar , boating on the lake , Fun for all at .

  4. 那男孩已长大成人,不再有那么多时间泛舟湖上。

    The boy , who is now a man , no longer find much time for idle drifting .

  5. 泛舟日内瓦湖上同样令人愉快。

    Cruises on Lake Geneva is also enjoyable .

  6. Mecklenburgian湖区的一个傍晚,泛舟于Zotzensee湖上。

    Windeck castle ruin , near Buhl . Canoe at sunset on Lake Zotzensee , Mecklenburgian Lake District .