
  • 网络Trans-Asian Railway;pan-Asian Railway;pan-asia railway;TAR
  1. 建设泛亚铁路网的协议从1960年代起就开始酝酿了,但是由于战争以及意识形态冲突而被搁置。

    The agreement to form a Trans-Asian Railway Network has been in the works since the 1960s , but was held up by wars and ideological conflict .

  2. 但她也表示,相对于耗费数十年的时间才签署了建设泛亚铁路网的协议,上述问题只需几年便可解决。

    But she held out hope they would only need a matter of years to sort out the problems , rather than the decades it took to agree to form the Trans-Asian Railway .

  3. 泛亚铁路建设方案研究

    Research on the Construction Plan of Pan-Asia Railway

  4. 泛亚铁路资本运作方式探索

    Prob to the Pan-Asia Railway Capital Running Style

  5. 泛亚铁路有东线、西线、中线三种方案,每种方案的国际资本构成将会各不相同;

    The pan-Asia railway project includes three plans : east 、 west and middle plan . The international capital compositions of the plans should be different each other .

  6. 推动泛亚铁路、亚洲公路网等交通路网建设,开展能源合作,推进十大重点领域的务实合作。

    We should press ahead with the construction of the Kunming-Singapore Railway and the Asia highway network , launch energy cooperation and advance result-oriented cooperation in the ten priority areas .

  7. 基于泛亚铁路计划和中泰铁路计划,本文阐述了东南亚铁路网的现状及其发展设想。

    Based on the Pan Asian railway planning and the China Thailand railway planning , the paper expounds the present situation and the developing concept of the railway network in Southeast Asia .

  8. 而泛亚铁路东南段中国云南段则把中国和新加坡、马来西亚、泰国等东南亚国家联系起来,将对该地区的稳定与发展起到促进作用。

    Meanwhile , the China YunNan part of China of the Trans-Asian Railway will link China with the participating countries in Southeast Asia such as Singapore , Malaysia , Thailand and so on . It will enhance the stability and development of the region .

  9. 中国和澳大利亚工程师将动工修建泛亚铁路最后一段。这条铁路贯穿新加坡,马来西亚,泰国,最后到达中国。

    China , Australia to Build Final Leg of Asian Railway Chinese and Australian engineers are gearing up to build the final stretch of track in the Trans-Asian Railway , which will link Singapore , Malaysia and Thailand with Vietnam and China through Cambodia .

  10. 在泛亚铁路东线建设进程加快的大背景下,滇越铁路面临着部分路段即将改扩建以及新线建成之后如何经营管理原有铁路、如何保护开发原滇越铁路历史文化资源的问题。

    With the quickened steps of the construction of the east section of the Pan-Asian Railroad , there appear such problems as the reconstruction of some sections of Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad and its management as well as the historical and cultural protection of Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad .