
chén āi luò dìnɡ
  • 熟语Everything is settled.
尘埃落定 [chén āi luò dìng]
  • 比喻事情经过许多变化,终于有了结果;或经过一阵混乱后将结果确定下来。

  1. 他们离婚一事在这周末尘埃落定。

    Their divorce became final this weekend

  2. PVC食品保鲜膜专项检查尘埃落定

    PVC food film Special test

  3. 在专利归属尘埃落定之前,研究人员仍在继续探索Crispr-Cas9技术。不过,最近杜德纳博士开始注意到,有研究者开始利用这一技术修饰人类胚胎细胞DNA的报告。

    While contending with the patents , Dr. Doudna began hearing reports that researchers were trying to use Crispr-Cas9 to make inheritable DNA changes in embryos .

  4. AdvancedFormat磁盘的当前样式以及其他新驱动类型可能很快就会尘埃落定。

    That said , chances are that the dust will settle on the current style of Advanced Format disk , as well as other new drive types , relatively quickly .

  5. 我认为SOA之战已经尘埃落定,该是时候让EA来考虑在实现服务之后的下一步工作了。

    I think the SOA wars are settling down , and it 's time for the EA to consider the next step after service enablement .

  6. (GoogleBuzz一案在2011年5月已尘埃落定,但Facebook一案直到今年6月才提交法庭,而且现在仍在受到不同意见者的挑战。)

    ( while the Google Buzz settlement was approved in May 2011 , the sponsored stories settlement was just proposed in June , and is still being challenged by dissenters . )

  7. 随着手机3G牌照的正式颁发以及电信业重组的尘埃落定,手机多媒体的传播在3G技术的支撑下开始真正全面走向市场。

    With the official issuance of 3G mobile phone licenses and the reconstruction of telecommunications industry , mobile phone multi-media communication starts to march towards the market with the support of 3G technology .

  8. 随着电信行业重组、3G牌照发放工作的尘埃落定,数据增值业务驶入了快速发展的高速路,从而带动移动通信产业迎来了第二个春天。

    With the telecommunications industry restructuring and 3G licences issued the dust settles , work data into a rapid development of value-added services , thus promote the highway mobile communication industry in the spring .

  9. 桑德斯的签约能否尘埃落定仍是未知数(译者注:官方已报导签约),据多家媒体报导称他身材严重走样,毕竟如你所知,这哥们从2014年12月以来就再也没打过一场NBA比赛。

    Sanders may or may not pan out . Various reports mention that he 's out of shape . Which , yeah , the guy hasn 't played in an NBA game since December 2014 .

  10. 愤怒终将平息,当尘埃落定的时候,我们将会聚焦于:维系AIG是否有助于防止骤然的经济低迷演化成长期的颓势不振?

    The outrage will pass , and when it does , we 're going to have to focus on whether keeping AIG afloat is preventing a sharp recession from becoming a prolonged one .

  11. 她认为在最终尘埃落定前,还会出现更多类似PhoneDog状告克拉维茨这样的官司。

    She expects many more lawsuits like the phonedog case before the dust finally settles .

  12. 电子商务近年来在我国呈爆发式增长,电子商务发展至今,平台级的博弈已经尘埃落定,而网上品牌的B2C之路才刚刚开始。

    In recent years electronic commerce in our country explosively grows . To this period , the platform level game of electronic commerce has ended , and B2C road of online brand is only just beginning .

  13. 不过中国平安总经理任汇川(AlexRen)表示,汇丰的退出已经尘埃落定,这些担忧已成为明日黄花,公司正在集中精力拓展银行和资产管理业务。

    But with the dust settled on HSBC 's exit , Ping An 's president , Alex Ren , says those worries are behind the company , which is now focused on expanding its role in banking and asset management .

  14. 到全球广播公司新闻台(NBCNews)首席外交事务记者安德莉亚?米切尔(AndreaMitchell)身穿黑色豹纹风衣、在晚间新闻播报叙利亚危机时,整个时尚潮流算是尘埃落定:动物斑纹装登上了头条新闻。

    By the time Andrea Mitchell , NBC News " chief foreign affairs correspondent , wore a black leopard print trench while delivering her nightly report on the Syrian crisis the trend was official : animal spots are big news .

  15. 历时两年的下一代高清DVD行业标准之争似乎将于本周尘埃落定,此前东芝(Toshiba)发出了迄今最强烈的信号,暗示将退出其HD-DVD业务。

    The two-year battle over which technology will become the industry standard for the next generation of high-definition DVDs looks set to finally end this week after Toshiba gave the strongest sign yet it would exit its HD-DVD business .

  16. 据称加拿大司法机关在量刑时参考了FBI分析员罗伊·哈兹伍德的一篇题为《性虐待中顺从的受害者》的报告。然而,一切尘埃落定之后,卡拉公开承认了自己的全部罪行。

    In assessing her culpability , Canadian investigators were reportedly influenced by a paper , written by Roy Hazelwood , an F.B.I. profiler , called " Compliant Victims of the Sexual Sadist . " It was only after Homolka 's deal was in place that she provided a fuller confession ,

  17. 不过,各种迹象表明,Dropbox已获得足够的动力和“逃逸速度”,将在云领域尘埃落定时胜出,成为少数真正的赢家之一。

    But all signs point to the fact that the company has enough general support and escape velocity to become one of the few real winners in the cloud once the dust settles , which cartoon dinosaur or not , is some serious business .

  18. 由两大奢侈品电商Yoox与Net-a-Porter(NAP)“天造地设”的合并大戏尘埃落定,但有一点美中不足:就在发布会开始前几个小时,Net-a-Porter创始人娜塔莉氠斯内(NatalieMassenet)却突然宣布辞职。

    Described as " the perfect fit , " the combination of luxury online retailers Yoox and Net-a-Porter was finalised on Thursday - but with one imperfection : the sudden decision by Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet to resign just hours earlier on Wednesday night .

  19. 最近几年,城内涌现出的大批餐馆与俱乐部让这个城市的转型尘埃落定。引领转变的是飞速发展的红灯区,比如MaxieEisen这样地方,白天是个熟食餐馆,晚上就成了地下酒吧,它展现的性感也并非不登大雅之堂。

    A recent boom of restaurants and clubs , though , makes the case for permanent placement . Leading the city 's transformation is its fast-evolving red light district , where spots like Maxie Eisen , a deli-style cafe by day and a speakeasy-inspired bar by night , offer a sexiness that isn 't unseemly .

  20. 你不能等到所有事情都尘埃落定,因为这一刻不会到来。

    You cant wait till things settle down as they wont .

  21. 尘埃落定总是会造就成就感。

    The state of completion always creates a sense of achievement .

  22. 我想我还是等到尘埃落定了再说吧。

    I think I 'll just wait until the dust settles .

  23. 《尘埃落定》中的民间原型解读

    Explanations of the Folk Archetype in the Novel The Falling Dust

  24. 2006年将是乳业格局尘埃落定,行业洗牌,从高速成长期进入成熟期的拐点。

    The year of2006 will be the inflexion of the dairy industry .

  25. 然而在某些方面,电视业正尘埃落定。

    Yet in some ways the business is settling down .

  26. 当一切尘埃落定,婚礼的钟声将为某人响起。

    And when the dust settled , wedding bells rang for someone .

  27. 但俄罗斯官员表示一切都将在2月7日尘埃落定。

    But Russian officials say everything will be set on February 7 .

  28. 不过,随着尘埃落定,我们还是看到了一些赢家。

    As the dust settled , however , there were some winners .

  29. 所以在你购买之前,先等待尘埃落定吧。

    So before you buy , wait for the dust to settle .

  30. 不我不知道是否一切尘埃落定

    No , I don 't know if anything 's been settled .