
chén lì
  • dust particle
尘粒[chén lì]
  1. 研究了4种天然及4种人工硅酸盐尘粒与人体的正常细菌大肠埃希菌及表皮葡萄球菌相互作用的机制。

    The mechanism of interaction of four kinds of natural and four kinds of artificial silicate dust particle with the human body normal bacteria escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis was studied .

  2. 化学组成间断性使得木星区内侧固态可吸积物质的面密度比小行星区的平均值大,使尘粒沉降所需时间和小行星区相差不多。

    The discontinuity in chemical constitution makes the projected surface density of solid condensate in the inner portion of the Jupiter region bigger than the mean value in the asteroid region , and the time taken for dust particle to precipitate becomes comparable to that in the asteroid region .

  3. 空气中有尘粒。

    There are particles of dust in the air .

  4. 尘粒引起人支气管肺淋巴结巨噬细胞的凋亡和bcl-2表达

    Apoptosis and bcl-2 expression of dust-laden macrophages of human bronchopulmonary lymph nodes

  5. 我们首次测量了4颗行星际尘粒(IDPs)中的~6Li/~7Li,~(10)B/~(11)B。

    We first measured 6Li / 7Li , 10B / 11B in four interplanetary dust particles ( IDPs ) .

  6. 分解尘粒和碳粒活跃的巨噬细胞,bcl2表达特别明显。

    Bcl-2 was expressed strongly in the active macrophages decomposing dust particles or carbon particles .

  7. 用Warthin-Starry特殊染色方法显示吞噬细胞内尘粒的研究

    Study on the method for demonstrating dust granules in phagocytes with Warthin-Starry special staining

  8. BSL-3实验室内尘粒浓度与菌粒浓度的检测分析

    Test and Analysis of Atomy Particulate and Bacterial Concentration in BSL-3 Lab

  9. TEM及AEM分别观察检测到A、B两组尘粒大小、形态、密度及元素成分均有不同,除外了细菌及其他细胞内含物。

    The size , shape , density and chemical elements of the dust granules of group A were different from those of group B under TEM and AEM , excluding bacteria and other intracellular contents .

  10. 本文运用EQS近似法,对高压除尘过程进行了定量描述,从而建立了尘粒荷电、收尘的数学模型以及除尘系统模型。

    Using EQS method , this paper declares the process of the high votage static-electrical dust-removing , and the mathematical model of eletric-charge-dust-absorbing system .

  11. 参照国内外滤料过滤性能测试的相关标准,设计了滤料过滤性能冷态实验台,配套Grimm环境尘粒监测仪等仪器。

    The testing device for filter performances of filter media under normal temperature is designed , after referring to domestic and international testing standards for filter performance of filter media . The testing device adopts Grimm Environmental Dust Monitor instrument .

  12. 采用WY1型冲击式尘粒分级仪测量各尘源排放粉尘的粉尘粒径分级组成和除尘器的粒径分级除尘效率。

    WY1 In stake Cascade Impacted was used to measure the particle size classification of dusts and the fractional collecting efficiencies of dust collectors .

  13. 结论尘粒沉积引起人支气管肺淋巴结巨噬细胞的凋亡和凋亡抑制基因bcl2高表达,尘细胞凋亡与成人支气管肺淋巴结的结构变化有关。

    Conclusion Deposition of dust particles induces apoptosis and overexpression of antiapoptotic gene bcl-2 of macrophages in human bronchopulmonary lymph nodes . Structural changes of the bronchopulmonary lymph nodes in adult may relate to apoptosis of dust-laden macrophages .

  14. 透射电镜(TEM)及分析型电镜(AEM)观察测定吞噬细胞内尘粒的超微结构及其元素成分。

    The ultrastructure and chemical component of the dust granules in the pulmonary phagocytes ( dust cells ) of group A ( 3 cases ) and group B ( 3 cases ) were observed and analyzed by transmission electron microscope ( TEM ) and analytic electron microscope ( AEM ) .

  15. 结果表明,造成BaP损失的主要原因是尘粒表面对BaP的强烈吸附和蒸汽状态BaP同NO2在通过滤膜表面对发生了化学反应。

    It was found that the loss of BaP was mainly due to the strong adsorption on dust surface and the reaction between BaP and NO2 . The reaction would take place when BaP vapour was passed together with NO2 through the surface of filter at high temperatures .

  16. 本研究通过改进等速采样装置对气体进行采样,使用一种基于光散射原理的激光测粒仪器,对钢铁行业中的两种副产气体BFG和LDG中尘粒的尺寸及其分布进行测量。

    The study sampled the gas by improved isokinetic sampling equipment . At the same time , a laser instrument based on light scattering theory is used to measure the size and distribution of the particles in BFG and LDG in steel industry .

  17. 不同冲击形式下煤样产尘粒径分布规律研究

    Research on Dust Size Distribution of Coal Impacted with Different Forms

  18. 狮子座流星是由坦普尔·塔特尔彗星释放的微小尘粒构成。

    The Leonids are minute dust particles shed by Comet Tempel-Tuttle .

  19. 平衡尘粒模型用于旋风分离器分级效率的计算

    Equilibrium model of dust particles for calculating grade efficiency of cyclone

  20. 重力作用下尘粒运动的数值解法

    A Numerical Solving Process for Particle Motion under Gravity Action

  21. 荷电雾滴表面带电尘粒捕集的数值分析。

    Numerical analysis of charged particle collection on charged droplets .

  22. 利用高空科学气球收集宇宙尘粒

    Collection of cosmic dust with high altitude - balloon in the stratosphere

  23. 空间尘埃等离子体中尘粒电荷的相关涨落对尘埃磁声波的影响

    Influence of charge fluctuation on dust Magnetoacoustic wave in space dust plasma

  24. 直径更小的雾化水粒能有效捕集尘粒。

    Finer atomized water drips can effectively catch dust grains .

  25. 在尘粒内装设处理器,是节省电力的另一种途径。

    The onboard processor offers other ways to save power .

  26. 11颗行星际尘粒中的锂、硼同位素丰度分析

    An analysis of Li and B isotope abundance in eleven interplanetary dust particles

  27. 旋风分离器平衡尘粒模型

    An Equilibrium Model of Dust Particles in Cyclone Separators

  28. 高温吸收剂喷射对尘粒性质的影响

    Effects of high-temperature sorbent injection on particulate properties

  29. 亚微米尘粒电凝并的分形研究

    Fractal Study on Electrical Agglomeration of Submicron Dust

  30. 旋流雾化水膜除尘器内尘粒运动特性及分离效率

    Moving characteristics and separating efficiency of particles in rotary atomized water film dust collector