
  • 网络magnetosphere
  1. 行星X在内太阳系中,位于地球和太阳之间,并使地球的磁气圈变形。

    Planet X is in the inner solar system , standing between the Earth and Sun , and warping the Earth 's magnetosphere .

  2. 要是行星X将其北极从地球一侧移向太空,会和地球的磁气圈并排而立吗?

    Is Planet X pointing its N Pole off into space to the side of Earth , assuming a side-by-side alignment with Earth 's magnetosphere ?

  3. 行星X正在扭曲地球的磁气圈,不时地使地球南极逃遁,或者用一阵磁子猛烈轰击地球。

    Planet X is twisting the Earth 's magnetosphere , absconding with its S Pole on occasion , or blasting the Earth with a hose of magnetons .

  4. 这在磁气圈的读数上反映了出来;

    This was reflected in the magnetosphere readings .

  5. 但幸运的是,太阳风的大部分粒子都被地球磁气圈拒之门外。

    Luckily for living beings , the Earth 's magnetosphere deflects most of these particles away from us .

  6. 最近的地震,地球板块所受的压力与磁气圈的扭曲有关联吗?

    Is there a relationship between recent quakes or signs of stress on the Earth plates and the twisting of the magnetosphere ?

  7. 在这种情况下指南针将在大约几个月之内没有一点用处,因为地球的磁气圈需要时间来重建。

    The compass will be no help in this matter for perhaps months as the Earth 's magnetosphere will take some time to re-establish .

  8. 三个空间技术5号卫星(每个尺寸都不大于一台普通的电视机)将帮助科学家研究地球磁气圈的磁场。

    The three ST5 satellites , each no bigger than an average TV set , will help scientists to study magnetic fields in earth 's magnetosphere .

  9. 它们在地核内发电机流以及流动在电离层、辐射带和地球磁气圈内电流的影响下产生移动。

    They move under the influence of the dynamo currents in the Earth 's core , as well as electric currents flowing in the ionosphere , the radiation belts and the Earth 's magnetosphere .