
  1. 除此之外,对综合物流中心用到的一些信息技术如条码技术和EDI技术进行了相应的应用研究。

    Furthermore , some technologies such as barcode and EDI are applied .

  2. 提出了综合物流中心内部布局的若干原则和方法;

    Give some principle of synthetic logistics center 's layout ;

  3. 综合物流中心型港口&跨国公司全球竞争的重要基地

    Comprehensive Logistic Central Port & Important Base for the Multinational Corporation Competition

  4. 我国区域性综合物流中心的建设分析

    Analysis on the Construction of Regional Synthetic Logistics Center in Our Country

  5. 西部地区建立综合物流中心初探

    The Discussion of Establishing an Integrated Logistics Base in the West of China

  6. 综合物流中心的总体规划方面。

    Design and plan synthetic logistics center on the aspects of location , layout and facility .

  7. 提出综合物流中心的发展方向为建设适应电子商务发展的以多种运输方式为依托,为多品种物资提供多种服务的现代化综合物流中心。

    In the future , the synthetic logistics center will become a modern logistics center operating at the concept of e-commerce that served for many kinds of cargo based on different transportation modes .

  8. 伴随着经济全球化和国际分工的深化,集装箱港口已经摆脱了简单的航运中转角色,正日益扩展到运输增值服务和国际综合物流中心领域。

    Along with economic globalization and the deepening international division of labor , container ports emerged from a simple shipping transit role , is increasingly extended to value-added services and international transportation integrated logistics center field .

  9. 现代物流理念的普及以及现代物流实践的要求,已促使港口抛弃以往单一的运输中转节点的定位,转而向集运输、工贸、金融、信息和多式联运为一体的综合物流中心的方向发展。

    The widespread of modern logistics conception and the requirement of modern logistics practice push the port give up the allocation of a pot of transportation to a colligation logistic centre which contains transportation , industrial trade , finance , information and multiple-transportation .

  10. 分析天津港集装箱运输态势,预测天津港必将成为外向连结国际、国内网络经济腹地的国际化区域综合物流中心。

    It is analyzed in the paper on the situation and development prospect of container transportation of Tianjin Port and is predicted that Tianjin Port will certainly become an internationalized regional complex cargo distribution centre in connection with international and domestic network economic hinterland .

  11. 使南宁NH物流园区建设成为广西多功能、层次高、辐射范围广和快速、便捷、高效的区域性综合商贸物流中心。

    That will make the HN logistic center become multi-function , high level , large scope and quick , convenient , efficient regional comprehensive commercial logistic center .

  12. 综合型物流中心功能设计和选址模型

    Function Design and Position Model of Integrated Logistics Center

  13. 成立一个有组织协调能力的综合物流指挥中心;

    Establishing a well organized comprehensive logistic headquarter ;

  14. 目前土特风味食品流通主要通过小商小贩的地域性流动、网上店铺、农产品批发市场和综合性物流中心等渠道实现,在一定程度上满足了土特风味食品的交易要求。

    The specialty food distributes mainly by small business firms , online shops , agricultural wholesale markets and integrated logistics center , which is , to a certain degree , meet the requirement of the specialty food trading .

  15. 港口作为交通运输业的重要组成部分,不仅是海运和陆运的交接点和综合物流的中心,更是当前我国工业活动重要基地和城市发展的增长点,对社会经济发展具有积极的促进效应。

    As the important component of transportation industry , port is not only the interface point and synthetical logistics centre of ocean shipping and land transportation , but also the flexible important base of the industry and the growth point of the city in our country currently .

  16. 基于模糊综合评价的物流中心选址研究

    On the Sitting of Logistics Center Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation

  17. 而航空物流园区是指以航空飞行器及机场地面配套物流设施为核心运输服务手段,为多家航空货代、综合物流企业和物流中心提供公共物流设施、物流信息服务及综合物流服务。

    Air logistics park provides the public logistic establishment , the logistic information service , and compositive logistic services , through the aircraft and ground handling facilities .

  18. 现代港口不再仅仅是水陆换装的枢纽,同时也是综合物流系统中重要的物流基础设施和综合物流中心的最佳选址。

    Port is not only the hub of loading and unloading from water to land or from land to water , but also the very important integrated basic logistics facility and the best location of the integrated physical distribution center .