
  • 网络Comprehensive income;consolidated revenue
  1. 2009年,我国旅游接待人数约为19亿人次,国内旅游综合收入实现1万亿元。

    In 2009 , the number of tourist reception up to 19 million passengers , domestic revenues from tourism close to 1 trillion .

  2. 在研究设计上,根据资产组合选择理论,综合收入、物价和利率等因素,建立协整回归模型考察我国居民的储蓄收入弹性,并与美国的情况进行简单的比较。

    According to the Asset Portfolio Theory and considering of income , price and interest , we set up the cointegration model to recover the income elasticity of savings of our residents and compare it with that of American .

  3. 这位团购网站业界的领头羊使用了一种叫做“调整后综合营业收入”(adjustedCSOI)的会计方式来记量公司利润,但没有把它的在线营销支出包含在内。

    The leading daily deals site is using an unusual measure , adjusted consolidated segment operating income ( or adjusted csoi ) , to measure profits without including its online marketing expenses .

  4. 相比而言,生产性专项补贴政策的总体效果优于综合性收入补贴政策。

    The effect made by productive special subsidies is better than that made by comprehensive income subsidies .

  5. 具体来说,第4章选择分税制改革以来省级辖区的财政数据,综合运用收入分配文献发展出的基尼系数分解方法,系统探究我国地区间财力差距的形成机制。

    Specifically , Chapter 4 selects financial data of provincial areas after the reform of tax system , uses the Gini coefficient decomposition method , find out the formation mechanism of the regional fiscal gap .

  6. 但到目前为止,针对平行航班的这种现象,如何综合制定其收入管理动态定价策略,以实现总收入最大化的问题研究很少。

    But so far , there are just a few researches concerning this kind of phenomenon of the parallel flights and how synthesize to draw up its dynamic pricing strategy for revenue management to maximize the revenue .

  7. 金融危机的另一个后果就是私有部门的综合财务盈余(收入与开支相抵之后的余额占gdp之比)出现大幅增长。

    Yet another legacy of the crisis has been a huge rise in the consolidated financial surplus of the private sector ( balance between income and spending , as shares of GDP ) .

  8. 某大型综合性医院门诊收入的经济学分析

    Economic analysis on out-patient clinic income in a big comprehensive hospital

  9. 这些账户包括了综合流量账户、收入与资本账户和混合的国民账户。

    These accounts includes Summary flow accounts , income and capital accounts , and hybrid national accounts .

  10. 三个反映农民收入不确定性的指标综合反映出农民收入的不确定性是成上升趋势的。

    The three indexes of uncertainty synthetically reflect that the uncertainty of peasant 's income becomes ascendant .

  11. 圣皮埃尔在过去12个月的总收入为1200万美元,这使他成为综合格斗界里收入最高的人。

    St-Pierre 's total income of $ 12 million over the last 12 months makes him the top earner in MMA .

  12. 其一,综合提出测度居民收入分布变迁的相对分布方法,完整阐述其经济含义。

    First , this paper puts forward the relative distribution methods measuring the changes of income distribution and expounds its economic meanings perfectly .

  13. 通过对1990年8750户及1992年2203户7省市城市居民膳食结构的动态综合分析,指出收入总体水平在增加,而极差在拉大;

    From 1990 to 1992 income of urban population in 7 provinces in China increased , and the variation of income in the 7 provinces also increased .

  14. 而年均最大收益法或最大内含报酬率法则综合考虑成本、收入和资金三因素来确定固定资产经济寿命,使企业获得最大收益,是最佳方法。

    However , the method of the annual maximum income or the interior reward rate , which is connected with the three aspects of cost , income and capital to confirm the economic span of fixed assets and makes the enterprises get the maximum profit , is the best method .