
zōnɡ hé yù cè
  • integrated forecasting
  1. 中国木材市场供需系统的综合预测

    Integrated forecasting for the demand-and-supply system of Chinese timber market

  2. 该文提出一种灰色-神经网络综合预测模型。

    A grey neural network integrated forecasting model is proposed .

  3. 苏丹M盆地P油田退积型辫状三角洲沉积体系储集层综合预测

    Reservoir prediction of the retrogradation braided delta depositional system of P Oilfield in the M Basin , Sudan

  4. 一个基于BP神经网络和数据库的综合预测系统

    An Integrated Predictive System Based on BP ANN and Databases

  5. 基于Logistic模型及水驱曲线的一种综合预测模型

    A comprehensive model based on the logistic model and water driving curve method

  6. 从重、磁、化、遥如何综合预测和GIS新技术应用方面做了分析,提出了具体思路和预测方向。

    An predicted method and its concrete process are proposed after analyzing gravity , magnetism , geochemistry , remote sensing and GIS information synthetically .

  7. 高精度重力、地震综合预测油气藏(GONG)技术的应用实例

    Application example of GONG technique for comprehensive reservoir prediction using accurate gravimetric and seismic data

  8. 川西坳陷DY地区须家河组储层裂缝发育带综合预测

    Overall Prediction of Fracture Growing of Xujiahe Formation in DY Region Chuanxi Depression

  9. 一种基于SVR的综合预测方法及应用

    New Synthetic Prediction Method Based on SVR and Its Application

  10. 在对苏丹M盆地P油田退积型辫状三角洲沉积体系储集层预测中,总结出结合各种地球物理方法综合预测储集层的研究思路。

    A set of methods which will combine various geophysical technologies have been summed up through the reservoir prediction of the retrogradation braided delta depositional system of P Oilfield in the M Basin , Sudan .

  11. 针对此问题,在对软件可靠性模型和神经网络方法进行了深入研究的基础上,本文提出了一种基于BP神经网络的软件可靠性模型综合预测方法。

    On the deep research of the software reliability models and the neural network , the synthesis prediction method of the software reliability model based on the BP neural network is proposed in this paper .

  12. MDI是俄罗斯PANGEA公司的油气地质综合预测软件。

    MDI is an oil and gas geology integrated prediction software of company PANGEA of Russia .

  13. 本文在详细分析和论述了神经网络预测和地震多参数提取方法技术原理的基础上,应用BP神经网络预测技术实现了多个地质目标的综合预测。

    The article use BP neural network prediction technology has realized that the synthetical prediction of many geological objectives , on the basis of analyzing and expounding the principles the neural network and seismic multi-parameter extracting method .

  14. 方法:以氨基酸组成、疏水性和亲水性分析以及氨基酸替换和二级结构分析的结果为参考,以HLADR限制性预测方法为主,进行K17的辅助性T细胞表位综合预测。

    Methods : We predicted the epitopes by HLA-DR-restricted approach based on the amino acid composition , hydrophobicity , hydrophilicity , amino acid substitution and secondary structure analysis .

  15. 综上所述,在输入样本数较大、输入层维数较多的条件下,BP神经网络模型的综合预测性能要略优于RBF神经网络模型,BP神经网络更适合工厂技术人员对纱线质量的预测。

    In summary , comprehensive performances of BP neural network are slightly superior to that of RBF neural network under the case of large-scale input samples and high input dimensions . And BP neural network is more suitable for plant technicians to predict quality of yarns .

  16. 利用MDI油气地质综合预测软件对圈闭的含油气信息进行了预测,指出油气勘探目标。

    Then it has forecasted the oil and gas information bearing in traps by use of the MDI software for oil and gas geologic integrated forecast , and pointed out the oil and gas exploration target .

  17. 方法:应用计算机通过综合预测对间皮素(MSLN)进行B-细胞表位预测。

    METHODS : The B-cell epitopes of mesothelin ( MSLN ) were predicted by multi-parameter prediction method .

  18. 基于置信规则库(BRB)的推理方法,提出了一种基于BRB的故障预测模型,该模型能够利用多个特征量的半定量信息实现故障的综合预测。

    Based on the Belief rule-base inference methodology , this paper proposes a fault prediction model , and this model can realize comprehensive fault prediction , using multiple characteristic features of the half quantitative information .

  19. 综合预测能力最高的指标是抗ds-DNA抗体,其次为补体系统、sIL-2R、血沉、血常规、尿常规、疲乏感、黏膜溃疡、新发皮疹和脱发。

    Comprehensively the most valuable predictor of those parameters was anti-dsDNA antibody , followed by complement components , sIL-2R , erythrocyte sedimentation rate ( ESR ), complete blood count , urine analysis , fatigue , mucous membrane ulceration , new rashes and alopecia .

  20. 岩溶塌陷综合预测评价的理论与方法

    Comprehensive evaluation and prediction of karst collapse : theory and method

  21. 基于损失计算的水泵性能综合预测及分析

    Comprehensive Performance Prediction & Analysis of Pumps Based on Loss Calculation

  22. 电力系统短期负荷综合预测模型研究

    Study on Integrated Short Term Load Forecasting Model in Power System

  23. 卫技人员需求量的加权综合预测

    A Weighted Synthetical Forecast for the Demand of Health Technical Personnel

  24. 模型试验与数值模拟对尾矿坝稳定性综合预测

    Model test and numerical simulation of tailing dam safety forecasting

  25. 干线公路网交通量综合预测法研究

    Study on Comprehensive Method to Forecast Traffic Volumes in Arterial Highway Network

  26. 深基坑位移动态反演正算综合预测

    Synthetical prediction with dynamic Back-analysis and normal computation of deep excavation displacement

  27. 在役塔式起重机剩余寿命综合预测

    Comprehensive Prediction of the Residual Life for the Tower Crane in Service

  28. 一种基于数据融合和方法融合的时空综合预测算法

    An Integrated Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Approach Based on Data Fusion and Method Fusion

  29. 市场综合预测的改进及其在国际市场预测中的应用

    The Comprehensive Prediction of Improvement and Application on International Market

  30. 储集层平面综合预测方法技术及应用研究

    Study on the method of reservoir plane comprehensive prediction and its application