
  • 网络comprehensive park
  1. 大城市综合公园使用状况评价研究

    The Post Occupancy Evaluation Research on Comprehensive Park of Large Cities

  2. 对综合公园儿童活动区场地设计的研析

    Site Design of Children 's Activity Area in Comprehensive Park

  3. 基于周边环境变迁的综合公园整合设计

    Integration Design of Urban Comprehensive Parks Base on the Changing Surroundings

  4. 本着因地制宜,传承文化的设计理念,设计株洲攸县灵龟峰综合公园。

    The design of Linggui Feng park in youxian , zhuzhou is based on the concepts of " proper measures to local conditions " and cultural continuity .

  5. 不同综合公园乔木和灌木的物种多样性各自表现出不同的变化情况。

    The largest number of families , genera , and species are Zhonghua Park and Chongqing Flower Park . 3 . The arbor and shrubs species diversity in different showed different changes .

  6. 城市综合公园是人居环境的重要组成部分,在综合公园景观建设理论日渐成熟的今天,其评价理论与方法的研究尚处在起步阶段。

    Urban comprehensive parks are important components of human settlement environment . Today the theory on landscape construction of the Comprehensive Park is maturing but on the evaluation is still in beginning stages .

  7. 实地调查了石家庄市综合公园的树种配置情况,分析了综合公园的植物配置特征,表现为对中国古典园林植物配置模式的继承和对西方园林先进思想的吸收。

    On-site inspection Shijiazhuang City comprehensive park of tree kind disposition circumstance , analysis comprehensive park of plant disposition characteristic , performance for to China classic park plant disposition inherit of mode with to west park forerunner thought of absorb .

  8. 三大综合公园的景观评价结果与实际相符,证明基于模糊评判理论的综合公园景观评价方法是科学可行的,为城市综合公园的景观评价工作提供了一种思路和方法。

    The result was consistent with the actual , which proves the science of method of landscape evaluation for the urban Comprehensive Park based on the theory of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation . All of these provide approaches and methods for landscape evaluation of urban Comprehensive Park .

  9. 关于城市综合性公园地域特色塑造的研究

    The research regarding shape regional characteristics of urban comprehensive park

  10. 论城市综合性公园恢复改造中文化的延续

    Continuation of culture in reconstruction of city 's colligating park

  11. 提出适宜老年人的综合性公园绿地建设的原则及要点。

    Elderly suitable park green building principles and key points .

  12. 城市综合性公园中的生态风景林营造&以河津市九龙公园为例

    Constructing of Ecological Landscape Forests in Urban Comprehensive Parks

  13. 石家庄市综合性公园绿地绿化树种配置研究

    Research on the Trees Disposition of Green Lands of Comprehensive Parks in Shijiazhuang City

  14. 城市综合性公园改造若干问题初探

    Primate Explore for Reconstruction of Urban Compositive Parks

  15. 哈尔滨市适宜老年人的综合性公园绿地建设研究

    The Research about the Synthesis Green Area Development That is Suitable for Harbin 's Elder People

  16. 佛山中山公园,位于佛山市东北部汾江河畔,是一个综合性公园。

    Zhongshan Park located at the bank of Fenjiang River , northeast of Foshan City , is a comprehensive park .

  17. 城市综合性公园日间营地的适应性研究&以北京朝阳公园为例

    An Adaptive Study on the Daytime Camping Site in the Urban Comprehensive Park & Taking Chaoyang Park in Beijing as An Example

  18. 城市山体公园以立体绿化的空间形式及综合性公园的功能设施一同向人们展现了城市中不可多得的山体绿化环境。

    City Mountain park show people the rare mountain in the green environment in three-dimensional form and function of park facilities integrated .

  19. 目前我国部分城市综合性公园的老化状况日渐严重,已无法适应和满足城市现代生活的基本要求。

    Nowadays , certain urban compositive parks are too old to adapt the change and meet the basic need of modern urban lives .

  20. 城市综合性公园是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,是人们精神文明生活的重要载体。

    Urban compositive parks are the most important part in the urban green system . It is an important carrier for citizens'spiritual lives .

  21. 所谓湖泊型城市水体公园,是指依托城市较大型湖泊水体,以水体景观和水上活动为特色的综合性公园。

    City water park of lake type that is relying on the large lakes built . It is characterized by landscape of water and water sports .

  22. 因此,本文以综合性公园功能变迁为切入点,来揭示中国现代城市公园发展的内在规律和秩序。

    Therefore , this paper is point of penetration with the function feature changes of comprehensive park to reveal Chinese modern city park development inner law and order .

  23. 他将迪士尼打造成旅游胜地,其建立在佛罗里达的迪士尼综合主题公园至今仍被很多人称作快乐的天堂。

    He built Disneyland as a tourist destination and laid down plans for a Florida-based theme park that many around the globe consider " the happiest place on earth . "

  24. 德州新湖公园,是德州主要的城市综合性公园之一,是市民活动、娱乐和休闲健身的重要场所。

    Dezhou Xin Hu Park is one of the main comprehensive urban public parks in De Zhou City . It 's an important place for sports and recreational activities of citizens .

  25. 当然,综合性公园的功能之所以随着时间的推移而实现自我完善的过程,主要是历史上的政治、经济、文化等条件的变化与消长,为其提供了转折和兴衰的契机。

    Certainly the function of Comprehensive Park realized self-perfect process along with time because the changes of politics , economy and cultural in history offered turn and opportunity of ups and downs for it .

  26. 本文在对城市公园餐饮服务设施进行全面调查的基础上,采用理论与餐饮实例相结合进行研究的方法,对城市综合性公园的餐饮服务设施建筑及其周边环境进行了系统的研究。

    Based on a general investigation on the restaurant service facilities in the urban Parks , with the research and example research method , I made a systematized research on the buildings and their surroundings .

  27. 简要介绍了柳林县南山生态园区规划方案,旨在探索小城镇综合性公园规划设计应如何与当地历史文化相结合。

    This paper introduces the design concept of LiuLin County south mountain ecological garden , and aim at exploring how to combine local history and culture with the planning and design of Comprehensive Park of small town .

  28. 其中作为城市公园较早出现的类型,综合性公园以其规模大,内容多,建设周期长,已经成为中国现代城市公园中最具代表性的类型。

    As the type that appeared earlier , there are large scales , much content , long construction period in the comprehensive park , they have already become the most representative type in the modern city park of China .

  29. 本文根据不同时期综合性公园的功能倾向性,将现代城市综合性公园的发展分为丈化休息公园阶段、农场生产化公园阶段、综合服务化公园阶段和休闲娱乐化公园阶段。

    According to the Functional Tendentiousness of Synthesis Park at the Different Time , This Paper Divided the Development of Synthesis Park into the Culturing rest Time , Farming Produce Time , Trading Pleasure Time and Recreation at Leisure Time .

  30. 呼和浩特市综合性城市公园树种与植物群落研究

    Studies on Trees and Plant Communities of the Synthetic Urban Park in Hohhot