
  • 网络Greening rate;Ratio Of green space;Green Space Percentage
  1. 绿地率与居民对整体环境、绿地面积的满意度呈非线性相关关系;

    Greening rate is in nonlinear co-relation with the overall environ - ment and the satisfaction with the green area .

  2. 绿地率、绿化覆盖率、绿视率指标各有衡量道路绿化水平的侧重点,应综合运用。

    The greening rate , percentage of greenery coverage , green looking rate can measure the level of urban road green space from different angles , we should use them compositely . 2 .

  3. 单位产水量占地0.08m2/m3,清水池调节容积占设计规模9.49%,绿地率35.56%。

    According to the design , the specific land occupation lays on 0.08 m2 / m3 of output water , the regulating capacity of the clear tank will be 9.49 % of the capacity and the afforesting area of the waterworks is 35 . 56 % .

  4. 建筑环境绿化还为提高城市绿地率提供了发展空间;

    Building greening provides more developing space for heightening green ratio of the city .

  5. 山东省小城镇园林绿化树种与绿地率研究

    Study on Greening Plants and Rate of Green Land of Small Towns in Shandong

  6. 评价结果显示建成区绿化覆盖率与绿地率增速递减。

    Evaluation results showed that the growth speed of urban area green coverage rate and green rate was decline .

  7. 关于北京城市住宅开发建设现状中位置、价格、绿地率与规模等因素的研究与调查

    The Current Situation of the Development of Beijing City Residential Buildings about Distribution , Price , Ratio of Green Space and Scale

  8. 重庆森林工程实施以来,重庆建成区绿化覆盖面积与绿地率有了大幅提高,且超前完成规划任务。

    Since the implementation of Chongqing forest project , urban green coverage area and green rate had improved substantially and went ahead of the planning .

  9. 56%的绿地率,沿袭巴厘岛园林风情,演绎出热带滨海休闲、漫、康的生活氛围。

    Greenland rate of56 % , bring you Bali 's garden sentiments , and the tropic costal area 's easy , romantic , healthy life environment .

  10. 城市住区常具有人口密度高、建筑容积率高、绿地率低等特点,往往存在人均户外活动面积不足等情况。

    City residence have the characteristic of high density of population , high building plot ratio and low green rate , the situation insufficient in area of per capita outdoor sports .

  11. 对我国城市广场建设形势、质量评价、规模、绿地率、吸引力以及发展趋向等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the issues of the urban square construction in terms of its situation , quality evaluation , size , ratio of green space and attractiveness as well as development trend .

  12. 对绿化率、绿地率、绿视率的概念进行分析比较,指出其异同,并说明三者在衡量居住小区绿化质量中的不同作用。

    This paper analyses the concept of these three words , points out the difference between them , and makes out the different function of them in measuring the green quality of a residential quarters .

  13. 例如武汉截止去年建成区绿化覆盖率为37.42%,绿地率32.1%,人均公园绿地9.21平方米。

    As of last year , for example , Wuhan has built-up area of green coverage to 37.42 percent , the rate of 32.1 percent green space , public park 9.21 square meters per capita .

  14. 过高的建筑密度和建筑高度对居住环境的采光、通风等产生不利的影响,同时,居住小区的绿地率也会减少。

    High building density and building height of the living environment of lighting , ventilation , and so have a negative impact , at the same time , the residential quarters of the green rate will be reduced .

  15. 绿地率是评价城市绿地空间二维平面状况的指标;绿化覆盖率是评价道路绿化植物体覆盖范围的指标。绿视率是评价人对环境感知方面的指标。

    Greening rate is an indicator to evaluate the status of two-dimensional plane of urban green space , Percentage of greenery coverage is the indicator to evaluate the coverage scope of road plant , Green looking rate is an indicator depending on the environmental awareness of people .

  16. 对不同太阳高度角和太阳方位角下建筑外表面太阳辐射吸收情况及其增热效应进行了探讨,提出了加入建筑物外表面面积的新型城市绿地率计算公式。

    The solar radiation absorption quantity for the building exterior surface under different sun elevation an - gle and sun azimuth and its heat effects are discussed . A new formula for the calculation of urban green land rate is given , which involved the exterior surface of buildings .

  17. 示范区现状绿地覆盖率大,但是城市森林结构不符合可持续发展方向,需要改善城市森林结构,优化林地的生态效益。

    Demonstration have great green coverage . But urban forest structure does not meet the direction of sustainable development .

  18. 南京市的城市森林绿地覆盖率至少要达到45%,面积为29.322×10~4ha才可以满足城市环境生态功能的正常运转。

    The percent 45 ( equal area 29.322 X 104 ha ) of the urban forest and green space cover rate is proper for Nanjing .

  19. 除维也纳外,各城市居民区绿地覆盖率介于以上两功能区之间,但往往低于城市整体水平。

    Except for Vienna , PLAND value of residential area is between the two mentioned areas above and is always lower than the whole city level .

  20. 基于居民环境态度实证研究可知:人均公共绿地与绿地率对居住满意度的影响最大;

    It is known through the demonstration study on the residents ' environmental attitude that the per capita public green space and the greening rate have the greatest influence on the satisfaction of the residents with their residence .

  21. 研究期间绿地景观的变化率为1735.80%,年均变化率192.87%。

    The rate of greenbelt increase is 1735.80 % in the period of research , and its annual increase rate reaches 192.87 % .

  22. 绿地的土壤含水率明显高于裸土的土壤含水率,受绿地植被配置和高程设置影响较为显著。

    The soil water content of green space is much higher than that of uncovered soil , and the main influencing factors are vegetation arrangement and elevation arrangement .

  23. 在此基础上,对十一五全国城市园林绿化发展,在人均公共绿地面积,建成区绿地率,建成区绿化覆盖率,园林绿化建设投资等方面进行预测。

    And on basis of this , it makes predictions on the urban landscape development plan , per capita public green space area , green space ratio in constructed areas , green coverage in constructed areas , investment in landscape construction etc.

  24. 台江区由于是老城区,绿地破坏和挤占现象严重,绿地覆盖率、人均绿地面积和绿地率都很低,分别只有20.2%、4.15㎡和14.5%。

    Taijiang as the old city , green space destruction and misuse is serious , with very low green space coverage fraction ratio , the average per person green space area and the green space ratio , about 20.2 % , 4.15 ㎡, 14.5 % .

  25. 建成区绿地覆盖面积为2156853平方米,建成区绿地覆盖率为16.5%。

    9 % ; The green land coverage in the finished area is 2156853 square meters , forest coverage rate of finished area is 16 . 5 % .

  26. 通过对常德园林现状按照绿地类型进行分类统计得出,到2007年底,常德市城市建成区绿地率已经达到35%。

    Reach , arrive at the end of 2007 by the fact that current situation classifies and counts to Chang De City gardens according to that the greenbelt type is in progress , the Chang De City city establishes area greenbelt rates already reaching 35 % .

  27. 并进行图像的监督分类、绿地的提取,由此得出重庆市都市区的绿地状况特征:城市总体绿地率低,绿地分布不均,长江两岸的覆盖率低。

    The greenland characteristics of Chongqing city are concluded as low greenland rate of city on the whole , unbalanced greenland distribution , low forest coverage on both sides of Changjiang river .

  28. 结果显明乌鲁木齐绿地景观多样性低,绿地布局不合理、不均匀,绿地廊道密度低,绿地覆盖率和人均公共绿地面积小。

    The results show that the landscape diversity index is low , and the distribution of vegetation is unreasonable and uneven . In addition , the line corridor density is not high , the percentage of vegetation coverage and the area of public garden for each person is small .