
  • 网络comprehensive high school;comprehensive school
  1. 综合高中课程模式的构建

    The construction of the modes of curriculum in comprehensive high school

  2. 教育转型视野中美国综合高中的生机与危机

    The Opportunity and Crisis of American Comprehensive High School from the Perspective of Educational Transformation

  3. 我国发展综合高中是顺应世界各国高中教育改革的趋势。

    Holding comprehensive high schools will become the trend in our country .

  4. 综合高中写作教学略谈

    Brief Discussion On Writing Teaching in Comprehensive Senior Middle School

  5. 与飞机赛跑的学校&记争创名校的成都飞机工业公司子弟中学我国试办综合高中的理论与实践探索

    Theory and Practice of Running Comprehensive High School in China

  6. 农村综合高中办学模式研究

    A Research on the Model of Rural Comprehensive High Schools

  7. 结合综合高中新型办学体制改革高等师范美术教育模式

    Reforming the teaching model of the fine arts in the Higher Normal Institute

  8. 在交互式英语课堂教学中培养综合高中学生英语学习兴趣

    Cultivating Learning Interest of Integrated Senior High School English Learners Through Interactive English Classroom

  9. 这些研究对我国综合高中课程的改革有重要借鉴意义。

    It is very useful for the curriculum reform of comprehensive high schools in China .

  10. 略论公平视域下美国综合高中理想与现实的悖论

    The Conflict Between Ideal and Reality of American Comprehensive High School from the Perspective of Equity

  11. 导向与回报:泰国高中职业教育状况研究我国综合高中发展探究

    Choice and Returns : Vocational Education in Thailand Research on the Development of Comprehensive High Schools in China

  12. 逐步取消综合高中,集中人力、物力、财力发展普通高中等。

    Gradually abolish complex high schools , and gather , man power , finances to develop common high schools .

  13. 普通教育与职业教育兼顾的综合高中在世界范围内得到迅速普及。

    Therefore , comprehensive middle schools that give bothordinary education and vocational education are spreading quickly all over the world .

  14. 国外综合高中特点与我国举办综合高中的前景

    The Characteristics of Comprehensive Middle Schools in Foreign Countries and the Developing Prospects of Running Comprehensive Middle Schools in Our Country

  15. 如德国经济发展到了一定程度,但综合高中在德国却只占极少部分比例。

    For example , the economy of German has get a certain degree , but its comprehensive high schools have a little proportion .

  16. 我国综合高中的发展过程中,遇到了许多问题,它的发展并没有像人们预想的那样一帆风顺,也并未达到所预期的效果。

    In the process of development , comprehensive high schools met many problems , its development did not be favoring like people preparing to think .

  17. 对如何看待综合高中在我国的发展,以及我国应以何种方式发展综合高中做出了新的阐述。

    In the text , I produce a new point about how to treat the development and with which way to develop comprehensive high schools .

  18. 综合高中必须打破单一的学科课程结构模式,使课程建构人格化、课程设置弹性化、课程类型多样化。

    Its curriculum structure must change from the subject-based modes to develop the curriculum flexibly , construct the curriculum humanly and make the curriculum modes diversified .

  19. 本文针对综合高中的学生特点和教学中的实际情况,对化学课堂的教学方式进行实践研究。

    Content : According to the characteristics of high school students and the actual situation of teaching , this paper aims to analyze the teaching methods in chemistry classes .

  20. 相信经过转型后的美国综合高中必将突破危机并适应社会和受教育者的多方面需要而迎来新的发展前景。

    We believe after this transformation , the comprehensive high school can break through the crisis , adapt to the needs of society and students and gain new future .

  21. 我国综合高中发展探究学术教育与职业教育的整合&兼谈对我国综合高中课程的思考

    Research on the Development of Comprehensive High Schools in China An Introduction to the Integration of Academic and Vocational Education : Another Reflections on the Comprehensive High Schools ' Curriculum of China

  22. 综合高中这种全新教育模式为学生学习提供了各种机遇,但同时综合班教学因其学生间的差异,按传统的统一规格去创造标准件的教育模式力不从心。

    Comprehensive High School , as a new model of education , provides great opportunity for students , whereas due to individuals ' difference , the traditional education model shows its apparent disadvantages .

  23. 笔者认为,在普通高中的学科课程外开展职业选修课程,能比较顺利地缓解此种分流培养模式的弊端,在不改变普高性质的基础上达到综合高中的培养目标。

    So , maybe we can have some vocational courses in general high school for students to select , then we can achieve the goal of the comprehensive high school without too many chan .

  24. 面对这种争论,人们对我国应不应该发展综合高中,应以何种态度及规模发展综合高中等一系列问题产生了疑问。

    Facing this kind of issue , people produce their doubts about if we should develop comprehensive high schools in our country , what attitude and scale should we have when develop comprehensive high schools ?

  25. 但20世纪50年代,由于苏联人造卫星上天事件以及美国国际竞争力降低的影响,美国公众曾经对综合高中的发展状况提出疑义,综合高中险些面临发展的困境。

    During the 1950s , because of the Russian Sputnik affair and a decline in the international competitiveness , Americans had ever objected to the comprehensive high school system and it was almost in trouble .

  26. 为了加强普通教育与职业教育的沟通,国家曾制定一系列相关政策积极引导综合高中在我国的发展。

    For reinforcing the communication between the ordinary education and the vocational education , our country has once drew up a series of policies for leading to the development of the comprehensive high schools in China .

  27. 在实践操作过程中,上述三个基本假设导致了极大的问题并遭遇到严峻的挑战和质疑,在这种状况下,综合高中的核心特征正在消亡。

    And during the operation process , these three hypotheses cause many problems and are encountering great challenge and criticism . Under such situation , the core features of the comprehensive high school are dying out .

  28. 综合高中确实遇到危机了吗?导致综合高中发展危机背后的因素和力量到底是什么?综合高中是否还存在发展的可能性?基于这些疑问,本研究主要从以下几部分展开。

    Does the comprehensive high school really fall into developmental crisis ? Which factors and forces cause to the developmental crisis of the comprehensive high school ? Does the comprehensive high school still have the possibilities of development ?

  29. 最后,对迁安试办综合高中进的个案进行研究,并将参与起草制订的相关教学管理文件附录在后,以便为其它学校试办综合高中提供可借鉴的经验。

    Lastly , the relevant teaching documents drafted in the case study in Qian ' an city , Hebei province , in which I participate , are provided , hoping to give reference for other schools intending to try comprehensive schools .

  30. 美国的职教课程体系包括基础教育中的生计教育课程、综合高中的职前技术教育课程、职业技术学校课程和从学校到工作的过渡计划课程。

    Curriculum system of America vocational education includes livelihood education course in basic education , technical education course of pre-occupation in comprehensive senior middle school , courses in vocational and technical schools and planning course in the transition from school to work .