
  • 网络Observing the environment;viewing conditions
  1. 另一方面,颜色是刺激物、视觉系统以及照明与观察条件(如照明光源、观察环境、观察几何条件等)综合作用的结果。

    On the other hand , color is the synthesized result of stimulus , human vision system , illuminating and viewing conditions as illuminant , viewing environment and geometry .

  2. 目的观察环境内分泌干扰物壬基酚(nonylphenol,NP)对大鼠腺垂体细胞增殖的影响。

    Objective To know the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals , nonylphenol , on proliferation of rat anterior pituitary cells .

  3. ICC色彩校正中的颜色匹配为同色异谱匹配,即在特定观察环境下相匹配的颜色,在改变光照后往往颜色失配。

    ICC color calibration tends to result in metameric color matching . The matched color in particular view condition will mismatch when the view condition is changed .

  4. 目的:观察环境温度对深度烧伤创面液化的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of environmental temperature on liquefaction of deep burn wound .

  5. 他们爬到山顶以开阔观察环境的视野。

    They climbed to the top of the mountain to have a wider view of the surroundings .

  6. 这需要说话人不断追踪周围的变化,跟我们开车时时刻观察环境变化的道理一样。

    It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving .

  7. 目的:观察环境温度对实验犬麻醉期间中心体温的影响。

    Objective To observe the influence of ambient temperature to the central body temperature of experimental dogs in the period of narcosis .

  8. 近距离地观察环境有可能发现访谈对象没有提到的任务线索。

    Observe the environment closely : It is likely to be crawling with clues about tasks the interviewee might not have mentioned .

  9. 观察环境污染物和动物某些易染疾病的遗传基因之间相互作用的方式也对于人类健康有益处。

    Looking at the way environmental pollutants might interact with genetics in animal breeds susceptible to certain diseases may benefit human health as well .

  10. 本文试从文明和文化的角度来观察环境法的产生和略述其发展。

    The author tries to explore the origin , brief account on development of environmental law according to its background of civilization and culture .

  11. 传统色彩再现技术不能实现变观察环境下物体颜色真实再现,无法克服同色异谱现象。

    Traditional color reproduction technologies cannot achieve the faithful reproduction of the object color , and it is unable to eliminate the phenomenon of metamerism .

  12. 尽管环境监控已进行了一个多世纪,但是直到最近人们才认识到长期观察环境因素的价值。

    The value of long-term observation of environmental factors has only been recognized relatively recently although some monitoring of the environmental factors have been in existence for over a century .

  13. 环境节点可以根据设定,周期性的或触发性的通过特殊的感知信道向传感器节点发送信息,从而模拟真实环境下传感器节点感知到所观察环境或对象变化时网络相应产生的行为改变。

    The environment node can send messages to the sensor nodes by the special sensing channel periodically or triggered to simulate the behavior when the monitored environment or target changed .

  14. 接着用由低到高不同剂量的γ射线辐照水稻种子,并以盐胁迫为代表观察环境不利因子对辐射剂量-效应曲线形状的影响。

    Rice seeds were irradiated by γ ray at different dose , and the effect of NaCl stress , on behalf of adverse enviromental factors , on the shape of radiation dose-response curve was investigated .

  15. 对这位懂一点耐力的77岁画家来说,悠然的散步远远好于跑步,这不仅因为你能观察环境,而且还因为它更有利于你的胫骨。

    To the painter , who at 77 knows something about stamina , a gentle stroll is far better than running not only because you look at things but also because it is kinder on your shins .

  16. 人类能够观察环境认识环境,同时还能适应环境或控制改变环境来迎合自身的需求,正是这样的能力使人类区别于其他动物,同时确保了他们的存活。

    Human beings have distinguished themselves from other animals , and in doing so ensured their survival , by the ability to observe and understand their environment and then either to adapt to that environment or to control and adapt it to their own needs .

  17. 在电视节目中,我们可以近距离观察天然环境里的动物。

    We can see animals close up in their natural home in TV programs .

  18. 目的:观察膜环境高温对下丘脑神经元延迟整流性K+通道(Ik)电压依赖性的影响。

    AIM : To observe the effects of high temperature on voltage - dependence of delayed rectifier K + channel ( Ik ) in hypothalamus neurons .

  19. 目的观察口腔环境多种因素对口腔链球菌(Streptococcusoralis,S.oralis)H2O2产生速率的影响。方法采用微量板法测定S。

    Objective To investigate the influence of a broad range of environmental conditions on initial rates of hydrogen peroxide produced by Streptococcus oralis ( S. oralis ) .

  20. 目的观察湿热环境下大鼠浅Ⅱ度烫伤创面即刻施行冷疗后心率(HR)及平均动脉压(MAP)的改变,并评价冷疗敷料的降温效果。

    Objective To observe the changes of heart rate ( HR ) and mean arterial pressure ( MAP ) after immediate cooling therapy ( ICT ) in rats with superficial second-degree scald burn in hot and humid environment , and assess the effect of the cooling dressing materials .

  21. 我们观察四周环境,随其变化而适当地调整。

    We observed around and adjusted ourselves in the light of change .

  22. 目的观察多种环境因素改变对心肌缺血家兔血液流变学的效应。

    Objective To observe the effect of environmental factors change on the hemorheology of the rabbit with myocardial ischemia .

  23. 已经应用到军事观察、环境观测、交通维护、健康监护等许多领域。

    It has been used in military operations , environment observing , transport maintenance , healthy guard and so on .

  24. 目的:观察社会环境压力对中国树鼩血液学和骨髓象指标的影响及利血平的干预作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe effect of confinement and vibration stress on indexes of hematology and myelogram in Chinese tree shrews .

  25. 目的观察航海环境应激紧张程度因素对舰艇官兵生化参数及其免疫功能的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of different degree of stress on the biochemical parameters and immune function of sailors in warships .

  26. 认知地图是有关大规模环境的知识表示,建立在较长时间的观察与环境信息积累基础上。

    A cognitive map is the body of knowledge of a large-scale environment that is acquired by integrating observations gathered over time .

  27. 前言:目的:观察湿润环境对中厚皮片供皮区创面愈合的促进作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of promoting the healing of wounds in medium thickness skin graft donor site in moist environment .

  28. 方法以查阅病历、访谈和实地观察跌倒环境获取资料,回顾分析1995~2004年在住院期间发生跌倒的老年人共40例。

    Methods 40 senile inpatients who occurred tumble in 1995 ~ 2004 were investigated respectively by reading medical records , interview and on-the-spot observation .

  29. 利用红外热像技术观察不同环境气温对人体头颈部皮温的影响红外热像仪对组织吸收微波及微波辐射器特性的研究

    Effect of Environment Temperature on the Head-necd-skin Temperature by IR Thermography Observation on property of microwave to tissues heating and microwave radiator with infrared thermography

  30. 在遭受任何攻击前,就要早早地有真正的自卫意识:注意自己的行为、注意观察周围环境、警觉潜在袭击者可能采取的攻击策略。

    Awareness True self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact : awareness of yourself , your surroundings , and your potential attacker 's likely strategies .