
  1. 梦中化城的永恒魅力&鲁迅、汪曾祺童年视角小说创作的梦境探讨

    The Eternal Charm of Illusion Paradise & An Analysis of Childhood Novels from Dream by Lu Xun and Wang Zeng-qi

  2. 所以,鲁迅在作品中之所以会采用童年视角,一方面是为了逃避冷酷的现实。

    Therefore , the reason why Lu Xun employs " Childhood Perspective " in his works is to escape from the cruel reality .

  3. 鲁迅童年视角作品都运用了第一人称我,从而使叙述者、行动者和聚焦者由我集于一身。

    Firstly , there are two kinds of perspectives in Lu Xun 's works , that is to say , Childhood Perspective and Adult Perspective .

  4. 论当代小说中的童年回忆叙事及其视角转换

    Narrative of Childhood Memories in Contemporary Chinese Novels and its Shift of Perspectives

  5. 第一部分主要从鲁迅、汪曾祺童年生活心理积淀和以后的生活经历来分析他们采用童年视角的原因。

    In the first part , I want to analyze the reason why they employ " Childhood Perspective " based on childhood psychological sediments and life experiences in future .