
  • 网络Defensive Player;fielder
  1. 试着问看看2016-17赛季NBA年度最佳防守球员德拉蒙德-格林。

    Just ask 2016-17 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Draymond Green .

  2. 这位41岁的前NBA最佳防守球员说,他会和家庭商量此事,不排除可能性。

    The41-year former NBA Defensive Player of the Year said it 's something he will take up with his family and didn 't rule it out .

  3. 他们有些很好的防守球员,但是谁难道不会漏过LedleyKing?

    They 've got some good defenders , but who wouldn 't miss Ledley King ?

  4. 莱昂纳德在过去的两个赛季里一直被称为NBA最佳防守球员,但是今晚他的进攻表现的比他的防守更为强大。

    Leonard , who has been named the NBA 's Defensive Player of the Year each of the past two seasons , characteristically downplayed his big offensive night .

  5. 两次成为NBA最佳防守球员,在2016-17赛季,伦纳德场均25.5分,5.8个篮板,3.5个助攻,1.8个抢断。

    A two-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year , Leonard averaged 25.5 points , 5.8 rebounds , 3.5 assists and 1.8 steals per game during the 2016-17 NBA season .

  6. 戈贝尔上赛季NBA最佳阵容中锋以及年度最佳防守球员的领跑者,有着联盟中最密不透风的防守之一,戈贝尔绝对是全明星强有力的竞争者。

    An All-NBA center and runner-up for Defensive Player of the Year last season , Gobert is a strong candidate as the anchor of one of the league 's stingiest defenses .

  7. 如果他这赛季能进入NBA最佳阵容或是最佳防守球员,格林将成为“够资格的老兵自由球员”,换句话说,可以签顶薪。

    If he makes an All-NBA team or wins Defensive Player of the Year this season , Green will be eligible for the designated veteran extension - a.k.a. , the supermax .

  8. 他是历史上最伟大的防守球员,曾7次入选NBA最佳防守阵容,其中有5次进入了第一队。

    He is one of the greatest defensive guards of all time as he has made the All NBA defensive team seven times , with five of the selections being first team selections .

  9. 在场上,周琦具有7.2尺的高度和三分射程,周琦曾是CBA的顶级防守球员。但是过于瘦弱的身材是他必须尽早解决的问题。

    On the court , the 7-foot-2 Zhou has 3-point range and was an elite defender in China , but his slight frame will be an obstacle he must overcome early on .

  10. 进攻端,森林狼可以让唐斯落入低位,变身成哥斯拉,也可以迫使防守球员去包夹维金斯,从而最大化卢比奥、巴loc和米尔萨普的作用。

    Unleashing Godzilla in the post , forcing defenders to double off Wiggins , Rubio , Butler , and Millsap could play into Minnesota 's hands .

  11. 是用他打,我在球场上,他们叫我以儿子做裆下开球。我知道我得做点什么,TampaBay的防守球员正在逐渐逼近。

    I 'm on this field , and they , they hike me the baby ... And I , I know I 've gotta do something because the Tampa Bay defence is coming right at me .

  12. 自由人也称自由防守球员(Libero),是指专职的后排防守队员,主要承担接发球和防守任务。

    The Libero defensive player ( also called free Libero ), it is to point to full-time rear defender , mainly responsible for receiving and defense mission .

  13. 卡哇伊·伦纳德从一个糟糕的射手变成了联盟中最致命的得分手之一,而且连续几年同时获得年度最佳防守球员和MVP的提名。

    Kawhi Leonard went from being a terrible shooter to one of the deadliest scorers in the league , as well as a perennial candidate to win both the Defensive Player of the Year and the MVP .

  14. 密西西比队第四秒,从他以菜鸟身份踏入球场的那一刻起,就是联盟(NFL)最好的防守球员,他将改变我们对橄榄球的认识,我们从另外角度在看一遍。

    Four mississippi . Lawrence Taylor is the best defensive player in the NFL | Lawrence Taylor , and has been from the time he stepped onto the field as a . He will also change the game of football as we know it ... and we 'll look at it with the one more time .

  15. 轻而易举成为洛杉矶球队中最好的外线防守球员。

    Easily the best perimeter defender on the Los Angeles roster .

  16. 云格也透露了他对拉齐奥防守球员奥多的喜欢。

    Wenger also revealed he is keen on Lazio defender Oddo .

  17. 他还赢得了两次最佳防守球员的称号。

    He also won two defensive player of the year awards .

  18. 位于锋线之后的防守球员。

    The defensive football players who line up behind the linemen .

  19. 尤文图斯正联系着这个赛季结束后合同到期的本非卡防守球员路易松。

    Juventus are lining up an end-of-season deal for Benfica defender Luisao .

  20. 从2009年到2011年三次获得最佳防守球员;

    a three-time Defensive Player of the Year from 2009-11 ;

  21. 他是全队最好的防守球员。

    He is the best defensive player on the team .

  22. 做假动作通过做假动作蒙蔽或智胜防守球员。

    To deceive or outmaneuver a defender by a feint .

  23. 在接近后卫线的位置的防守球员。

    A defensive football player who takes a position close behind the linemen .

  24. 当防守球员被晃到了一边,向反方向起跳。

    When your defender leans that way , take off in the opposite direction .

  25. 或者一个防守球员的风格怎么完美的比喻了美国排外主义的局限。

    or how a defender 's style is the perfect metaphor for the limits of American exceptionalism .

  26. 欧文一直被认为是个单打能力超强的得分球员,但并不是一名优秀的组织者,或是坚如磐石的防守球员。

    he was known as an isolation player , not really a playmaker or a competent defender .

  27. 但是这对于防守球员来说却不是美妙的时光,防守球员基本都被忽视了。

    But if it was a banner day for the protectors , the protected were largely ignored .

  28. 年度最佳防守球员

    Defensive Player of the Year

  29. 防守球员不允许干扰对方球员的运动,除非对方为持球者。

    Defensive players are not allowed to interfere with an opponent 's movements unless the player is holding the ball .

  30. 这意味着我更多的攻击防守球员的身后得到更多的一对一的机会。

    It means I get behind the defenders a lot more and find myself in a lot more one-on-one situations .