
  • 网络sand control;sand protection
  1. 矿场试验证实,SLCH防砂工艺能够较好地应用于疏松砂岩油藏水平井防砂,具有良好的推广应用前景。

    The field experiment proved that SLCH sand control technology is suitable to that in the horizontal wells of the loose sandstone reservoir , which has good application foreground .

  2. 锦州油田化学防砂技术综述

    A Review on Chemical Sand Control Methods Used in Jingzhou Oil Fields

  3. 苏丹P油田出砂规律与防砂时机

    Sanding rules and proper sanding control time of Sudan P Oilfield

  4. 适用于多层防砂的LH网络树脂覆膜砂室内研究

    Research of LH net resin covered sand used in multi-layers sand control

  5. 对泥质粉、细砂出砂层段采用PS防砂或酸化-抑砂剂处理;

    PS sand control or acidizing sand inhibitor treatment should be used for argillaceous , silty and fine sand producing interval ;

  6. 1996年应用PS地层防砂技术,螺杆泵、螺杆泵加电加热杆采油工艺,依靠油藏天然能量开采了该油藏,原油产量迅速上升。

    The reservoir natural energy made the oil production increase rapidly by using recovery technologies of PS sand control , screw pump and screw pump ?

  7. TBS防砂管在超稠油油井大修中的应用

    Application of TBS sand control screen in workover of super heavy oil well

  8. 防砂方法优选的B-P神经网络模型

    Optimum B-P Nerve Net Model for Sand Control

  9. 了解油藏出砂机理对有效控制出砂以及选择合理的防砂方法具有重要的指导意义通过室内岩心流动实验,研究了流体粘度以及pH值对出砂的影响。

    Understanding the mechanism of sand production is important to sand control . Through in - house core flow test , the effect of fluid viscosity and pH value on sand production has been studied .

  10. 在随后的LD油田的防砂设计中适度防砂完井技术得到了广泛的应用,增产效果明显,证明该项技术很值得在渤海湾推广使用。

    After that we have applied this technology in LD oilfield . The onsite good performance proves that the moderate sand control well-completion technology is worth to expanding in BOHAI Bay oilfield .

  11. 应用于防砂井涂敷砂的FSJ酚醛树脂胶粘剂

    FSJ Bakelite adhesive applied in coated sand for sand-Proof well

  12. TSOP防砂技术在胜利油田的应用

    Application of TSOP Sand Control Technology in the Shengli Oilfield

  13. 纤维的加入提高了防砂体的早期抗压强度(即固化12~24h时的抗压强度),作业占井周期由原来的关井4d缩短为2d;

    The added fibres strengthened the early compressive strength ( the com-pressive strength when curing for 12-24h ) , and operation period reduced from four days of shut in to two days .

  14. 试验表明,改性COPNA树脂可用作高温油井防砂材料和稠油热采防砂材料。

    The modified COPNA resin can be used as the sand control agent in the high temperature oil well .

  15. SPDS型丢手工具是为配合水平井机械防砂而研制的,是防砂管柱的关键工具之一。

    This paper introduced one of the key tools in sand control strings , model SPDS sand control releasing tool .

  16. 以防砂前油井流入动态(IPR)曲线为基础,考虑各种防砂措施在井底附近造成的附加阻力表皮,建立了一套基于IPR曲线的防砂井产能预测方法。

    Based on oil well IPR curve and the special consideration of the additional skin factors caused by sand control measures , a new productivity prediction model for sand control wells is developed .

  17. 应用自行开发的过螺杆泵电加热降粘技术和引进的可控式金属布防砂管TCP防砂技术,对旅大27-2和旅大32-2油田新近系稠油油藏进行了测试,取得了很好的效果。

    Further more , we also got very good effects in testing Neogene reservoirs in LD 27-2 and LD 32-2 fields where we applied a self-developed visbreaking technique of electric heating through screw pump and an introduced sand-control technique of composite metal cloth tube .

  18. 研究认为,LH网络覆膜砂具有较高的强度及渗透率,在一定压力和排量下有防止覆膜砂反吐的功能,可用一次防砂管柱实现多层防砂施工。

    Through research , the net covered sand has the following features : high permeability , preventing covered sand spit under certain pressure and displacement and realized multi layers sand control in one time sand control pipe .

  19. 适用于开发后期的CYL-1型液固两相防砂材料研制

    Preparation of Solidifying Sand Controlling Suspension CYL-1 for Use at Late Developmental Stage

  20. 针对东海平湖油田的特点,确定了该油田A3水平井合理的完井方法是:割缝衬管先期完井和金属纤维防砂筛管后期防砂。

    According to the properties of Pinghu oilfield in East China Sea , the well completion method of A3 horizontal well is determined as initial well completion by slotted liner and later sand control by metal fibre screen pipe .

  21. 确定了FD1与FD2两种防砂堵水剂配方,并对其性能进行了室内评价,确定了扩孔剂的类型与用量,考察了各种地层因素对防砂堵水剂性能的影响。

    Two prescriptions of sand control and water shutoff system technology were confirmed which named FD-1 and FD-2 , and lab testing of their performance was evaluated . The affection to the two agents with every formation factors was reviewed .

  22. 表面稠化酸是将稠化剂(PAM)、交联剂(GL-5)加到酸中配制而成,它具有缓速酸化和防砂作用。

    Surface viscous acid has been prepared by mixing thickening agent ( PAM ) and cross ? linking agent ( GL-5 ) with acid , which has the function of retarding reaction rate and sand prevention .

  23. 采用CYBS系列动筒式防砂卡抽油泵,在文南油田不同井况的4口井中进行了防砂卡抽泥浆工艺的生产试验。

    CYBS series anti sand travelling barrel rod pumps were used on4 wells in Wennan Oilfield to test their performance of sand control and slush pumping .

  24. 在新井、新层中由于地层未亏空,先期防砂均采用UP-1树脂防砂,在已生产层出砂后地层亏空的情况下采用涂料砂充填工艺,防砂效果较好。

    Because the formation is not in debt in a new reservoir , UP-1 resin is used in initial sand control . While the formation is deficit , the sand filling process by coating is an effective way .

  25. 由减压渣油生产石油沥青,以胜利100号高芳香烃的沥青为原料合成的改性COPNA-B树脂可做为油井防砂材料。

    Petroleum asphalt was produced from vacuum residue . The modified COPNA-B resin was synthesized using Sheng-li No.100 petroleum asphalt . The resin can be used as the sand control agent in the high temperature oil well and heavy oil thermal recovery .

  26. 该井水平段采用φ244.5mm套管完井,射孔后,下入整体式金属毡滤砂管、扶正器、封隔器构成的防砂管柱进行防砂,采用高真空隔热管注汽。

    φ 244 . 5 mm OD casing is run into the horizontal interval in the well . After perforation , integrated sand control string ( consisting of screen pipes , stabilizers and packers ) is run into the well . Steam is injected through highly-vacuum insulating pipe .

  27. 长柱塞式防砂抽油泵原理与应用

    Mechanism and application of long plunger sand control sucker rod pump

  28. 模糊神经网络技术及防砂方法优选系统软件

    Misty neural net technology and sand - proof guarding system software

  29. 高速水充填防砂技术的推广与应用

    The popularizations and applications of high-speed hydraulic pack sand prevention technology

  30. 土工合成材料在滨州港导流防砂堤中的应用

    Application of Geotechnic Synthetic Material for Flow leading Silt prevention Dike