
fánɡ wèi tīnɡ
  • Defense Agency
  1. 日本国会众议院投票通过把日本防卫厅提升为防卫省。

    Japan 's lower house of Parliament has voted to upgrade the country 's defense agency into a ministry .

  2. 日本国会参议院星期五批准的这项法案将把原来隶属于内阁府的防卫厅变成了一个有预算和政策制定权的省。

    The measure approved Friday by Japan 's upper house will transform the defense agency from an affiliate of the Cabinet Office to a policy-making ministry with a budget .

  3. 韩国国防部和日本防卫厅的官员都证实说,三级火箭看起来全部按照计划分离。

    South Korean and Japanese defense officials confirmed that all three stages of the rocket appear to have separated as scheduled .

  4. 这是安倍最近一次就此主题发表演讲。自去年上任以来,安倍一直倡导日本奉行更加自信的外交政策,并在最近将日本防卫厅升格为防卫省。

    The speech was the latest on a theme for Mr Abe , who has advocated a more assertive foreign policy for Japan since taking office last year and has upgraded the standing of Japan 's defence ministry .