
suì shí zǐ
  • gravel;macadam
  1. 我们唯一能去的地方是一辆豪华轿车的后车厢,这车泊在碎石子路上。

    There 's nowhere to go but the back of an open limousine parked on the gravel .

  2. 道路被铺上碎石子,然后再铺以沥青。

    The road was metalled , then asphalt was laid .

  3. 小孩坐在石头上正打算从鞋里取碎石子,这时他看见一个陌生人朝着他走来。

    The boy sat down on a stone to take a pebble out of his shoe when he saw a stranger approaching him .

  4. 不错。老人呐呐地说。一片声呐喊,又是阵头雨似的碎石子和泥块从她们背后飞出来,落在车上。

    " Yes ," stammered the old man . Angry shouts went up and a hail of stones and clods came flying over from the back of the crowd , this time hitting the car .