
  • 网络clastic reservoir;fragmental reservoir;detrital reservoir
  1. 塔里木盆地西南地区碎屑岩储集层特征与评价

    Characteristics and appraisal of clastic reservoir rocks in southwestern Tarim

  2. 乍得南部B盆地下白垩统碎屑岩储集层成岩演化及特征

    Diagenetic evolution and characteristics of Lower Cretaceous clastic reservoir of B Basin , South Chad

  3. 利用综合测井资料研究碎屑岩储集层的非均质性&以CH油田长6油层组为例

    Application of comprehensive logging information to research to research the non-uniform feature of oil / gas reservoirs in the Chang-6 oil layer of CH oil field

  4. 碎屑岩储集层孔隙结构的分类探讨

    Research on the classification of pore structure of clastic rock reservoirs

  5. 碎屑岩储集层孔隙的形成、演化和预测

    Origin and Evolution and Prediction of Porosity in Clastic Reservoir Rocks

  6. 塔河油田碎屑岩储集层泥浆侵入带的测井响应

    Well Logging Response from Filtrate-Invaded Zone in Clastic Reservoir in Tahe Oilfield

  7. 超压盆地中碎屑岩储集层的矿物岩石学特征

    Characters of petrology and mineralogy of reservoirs in overpressure basins

  8. 湖盆四扇碎屑岩储集层沉积模式

    Sedimentation model of clastic reservoirs of Lake Basin four fans

  9. 应用遗传神经网络研究碎屑岩储集层流动单元

    Flow Unit of the Clastic Rock Reservoir with ANN Technique on Genetic Algorithms

  10. 塔北隆起中、新生界陆相碎屑岩储集层特征及评价

    Characteristics and evaluation of Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic reservoirs in the Tabei Uplift

  11. 长庆致密碎屑岩储集层应力敏感性分析

    Stress sensitivity analysis of Changqing tight clastic reservoir

  12. 中国西北地区石炭系碎屑岩储集层研究

    The study on the clastics reservoir of the Carboniferous in the northwest of China

  13. 长石的溶蚀现象普遍存在于各类碎屑岩储集层中,其对储集层质量的影响尚存争议。

    The dissolved plagioclase is very common in clastic reservoirs , but there are some disputes about its impact on reservoir quality .

  14. 柴达木盆地北缘第三系碎屑岩储集层特征及评价川东北地区石炭系成岩作用及储集性

    Reservoir characters and evaluation of the Tertiary clastic sediments in the Northern Qaidam Basin , Northwest China Diagenesis and Reservoir Characterization Carboniferous Sediments in Northeastern Sichuan

  15. 综合分析柴达木盆地北缘地区35口井的钻井、测井及岩心资料,从沉积角度对该区第三系碎屑岩储集层进行分类及评价。

    Drilling , well logging and core data from 35 wells are utilized for reservoir character study of the Tertiary clastic sediments in the north Qaidam Basin , Northwest China .

  16. 岩盐矿物在本区碎屑岩储集层中大量存在是本次研究的重大发现之一。试验研究表明,溶解后可使渗透率提高20~40%。

    Firstly found of Salt mineral largely in clastic is one of the significant discovery , The experimentation study shows that permeability can be improved 20-40 percent if salt mineral is dissolved , therefore , Salt mineral is important in affusion exploitation .

  17. 我国碎屑岩天然气储集层分布广泛,其储集性能多属低孔低渗、特低孔特低渗,储集物性差;

    Clastic gas reservoir beds are widely spread in our country , most of them are characterized by low porosity , low permeability or ultra low porosity and ultra low permeability , inferior reservoir properties ;

  18. 巴楚凸起发育下寒武统、中-上奥陶统以及石炭系3套烃源岩,奥陶系碳酸盐岩、石炭系碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩3套储集层,5套区域性盖层。

    In Bachu arch , there were developments of three sets of hydrocarbon source rock-Lower Cambrian , Middle and Upper Ordovician and Carboniferous , three sets of reservoirs-Ordovician carbonate rock and Carboniferous carbonate rock and clastic rock and five sets of regional cap formations .

  19. 区内储集岩发育,石炭二叠系储集层以低孔隙度、低渗透率为特征,石炭系储集层主要为潮坪泻湖相沉积的碎屑岩,二叠系储集层为一套河流相粗碎屑岩;

    Reservoir is very developed in the area , Carboniferous and Permian reservoirs have the characteristic of low permeability and low porosity , Carboniferous reservoir mainly is clastic sedimentary of tidal-flat and lagoon , Permian reservoir is a set coarse clastic rocks of fluvial facies .