
  • 网络gravel pile;stone column;cement flyash gravel pile
  1. DC-3电脑控制系统在振冲碎石桩施工中的应用

    Application of DC-3 Computer Control System in Construction of Vibro-shock Stone Column

  2. 碎石桩质量检测新方法的工程应用

    Application of new method for inspecting the quality of stone column

  3. 用Vs波透射层析确定强夯挤淤碎石桩的形状与效果

    Determining shape and effectiveness of compacted gravel pile by using Vs ─ CT

  4. 浅谈水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG桩)加固地层方法

    Discussion on the method of Cement-Flyash-Gravel pile ( CFG ) reinforcement

  5. 挤密碎石桩与CFG桩复合地基技术的应用

    Application of Composite Subgrade Technique by Jamming Macadam Pile and CFG pile

  6. 应用碎石桩与CFG桩联合处理可液化地基方法研究

    Combination of Gravel Pile and CFG Pile in Dealing with Liquefied Foundation

  7. 水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG)施工工艺分析

    Construction technology of cement - flyash - gravel pile

  8. CFG桩与碎石桩组合桩复合地基在工程中的应用

    The engineering application of composite pile foundation with CFG pile and gravel pile

  9. CFG桩联合碎石桩组合型复合地基的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Combined Composite Foundation of CFG Pile Joined with Stone Pile

  10. CFG桩是水泥粉煤灰碎石桩的简称。

    CFG pile means Cement Flyash Grave pile .

  11. 在此基础上,用ANSYS软件建立了碎石桩复合地基的有限元数值模拟计算模型,进行了深入的计算分析。

    Based on the above work , the finite element numerical simulation model of the gravel-pile composite foundation is established by ANSYS software .

  12. CFG桩和碎石桩复合处理液化土层的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Combined Treatment with CFG Pile and Gravel Pile in Liquefying Formation

  13. 沉管挤密碎石桩和CFG桩复合地基承载力分析

    Bearing capacity analysis of composite foundation combined with pipe sinking gravel compaction pile and CFG pile

  14. 通过对17根碎石桩变形模量的研究发现,在施工质量得以保证的情况下,变形模量取值变化范围不大,对n的取值影响不大,对此我们给出碎石桩变形模量随荷载变化的关系模型。

    The research about the deformation modular of 17 gravel piles show that the variation rage of gravel pile deformation modular is little , so long as the construction quality is good .

  15. 地基处理技术中应用广泛、有所创新的有粉喷桩、水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG桩)、强夯等。

    Widely used and innovative ground treatment technology includes cement spraying piling , CFG piling and heavily rammed piling , etc.

  16. 在高速公路海相超软土地基处理中CFG桩(水泥-粉煤灰-碎石桩)的应用已越来越广泛[1~4]。

    Cement-flyash-gravel CFG , piles are found more and more application to soft clay ground improvement in expressway engineering in China .

  17. 对碎石桩、CFG桩组合型复合地基进行了检验及CFG桩的载荷试验。

    The gravel pile and CFG pile composite foundation is tested , and the load-bearing test of CFG pile is made .

  18. 文中介绍了CFG桩与碎石桩形成组合桩复合地基加固处理软土地基的工程实例。

    Example of soft ground treated and improved by composite pile and composite ground formed by CFG pile and crushed stone pile is presented .

  19. 阐述碎石桩加CFG桩复合地基的设计过程,在满足承载力、变形方面阐述了碎石桩加CFG桩复合地基的计算要点。

    The article recounts the calculation keys and design process of composite ground with gravel pile and CFG pile in load-bearing capacity and deformation .

  20. 而桩长较长、刚度较大的水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(简称CFG桩)的单桩承载力比单桩减小较多。

    However , the bearing capacity of CFG pile with long length and more stiffness is much smaller than that of the single CFG pile .

  21. 采用水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG桩)复合地基时,一般情况下和桩基相比可节约工程造价30%~50%。

    Under normal conditions , when using CFG pile composite ground , 30 % ~ 50 % construction cost can be saved compared with pile foundation .

  22. 本文介绍了某工程采用振动沉管工艺进行CFG桩与碎石桩联合处理软弱、液化地基的成功经验。

    The paper introduces the succeed experience of soft and liquefaction foundation treated by CFG pile and crushed stone pile by means of vibration pile sinking technology .

  23. 福建省泉州沿海大通道秀白段的软土地基处理采用了水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(简称CFG桩)技术,取得了良好的工程效果。

    Taking one section of Quanzhou highway as the case , it introduces the application of cement flyash gravel pile ( CFG ) technology to the soft ground construction .

  24. 算例表明,成桩后的混凝土芯砂石桩,其挤土效应产生的超孔隙水压力的消散,远快于常用的水泥粉煤灰碎石桩(CFG桩)。

    Results of calculation show that dissipation of excess pore water pressure due to squeezing effect of concrete-cored sand-gravel piles is faster than that of the ordinary CFG piles .

  25. 双灰低强度混凝土桩是继CFG桩之后在碎石桩基础上发展起来的又一新柱型。

    The double - ashes , low-strength concrete pile is a new type of pile which is developed on the basis of gravel pile after CFG pile was developed .

  26. 结合工程实例,介绍了在高地震区砂土液化地基土处理中,应用碎石桩、CFG桩组合型复合地基。

    The application of gravel pile and CFG pile composite foundation in foundation treatment of liquefaction of sand and soil in seismic area is introduced combined with engineering example .

  27. 根据沉管挤密碎石桩和CFG桩组合型地基的承载机理和特性,分析了该组合型复合地基承载力的计算方法。

    According to the bearing mechanics and characteristics of pipe sinking gravel compaction pile and CFG pile the bearing capacity calculation method of this combined composite foundation is analyzed .

  28. CFG桩是指在碎石桩基础上加进一些石屑,粉煤灰和少量水泥,加水拌和制成的一种具有一定粘结强度的桩。

    CFG pile is one kind of pile with bonding strength . It is formed on the base of gravel pile by appending some stone scraps , fine coal ash dumping and some little cement , then mixing with water .

  29. 论述了碎石桩的作用机理,结合工程实际进行了液化土中CFG桩与碎石桩复合地基设计,并与实验结果进行了比较分析。

    The function mechanism of gravel pile was described , the composite foundation with CFG pile and gravel pile in liquefying soil was designed in combination with project practice , and it was compared and analyzed with the experiment result .

  30. 根据Biot固结理论,采用有限单元法对简化为二维问题的碎石桩加固地基进行计算。在单元划分时,碎石桩作为竖向土层处理。

    Based on Biot 's consolidation theory , computations by FEM are made on the simplified two-dimensional problem of an improved ground with stone columns , which are treated as vertical soil strata in the element division .